Ventriloquized by Conspicuous Closure

Strands of slight wavy hair, of unusually colored hair, light green tinted, and short in length for a woman standard... reaching only the base of her thin neck, however was capable of hanging down even touching slightly the gleaming white surface of the round table before herself, for apparently the thin shoulder and lean back of hers she already bent enough while resting still on her seat.

The prominent sitting posture: short and round chin lied down on the round table, accurately accentuating the lazy side of hers; she showed it at last, also became one of her favorite to relish seemingly this busy time---according to her own merit at best---that had been progressing forward quite far from that elusive prelude, and now seeming went deeper as it seemed so, and began to seem too tedious as it was apparently... simply not because of losing interest in the discussed matter, instead she sensed something else other than this time consuming conversation.