For Your Mind Only – Ego of Obstruction

Deafening sound as it was capable of resonating. Blaring sound as though capable of blowing away the surrounding air inside this cramped space, of dark and dimly lit by poorly source of light of flambeau came from each four of this corner inside this cramped room, of square layout in size, somewhat cold and damp inside, hence this suffocating smell could be felt… yet this voice gave up not to utter such a deafening sound, echoing throughout the black brick wall sounded so desperate – however the isolation, and the aloof surrounding only made it so muffled and distant,

"I told ya, I know nothin' about it! Hundreds of times over…!"

It was seen a strong-looking man with a white steel frame tying both of his muscular hands behind his back… sitting uncomfortably above the solid stone of cold darken floor thus straining his neck to look up towards a figure before him,