Standing Up in Tandem

"Erynew told me this morning, before she left…"

Starting out lightly, casually words parted away through his lips being moved by jaws that opened, along with breath of air coming out of his rima oris – the cool air he breathed just a moment ago when silence that of a tranquility was being carried along gently through such air… such breeze in such a place… floating between a soothing flow of a calming river below, and cloudy skies above,

"…it turns out that Shining Worms can also be used this way. She said they can be some sort of root that can soak up water and radiate heat."

This little boy who happened to be in the same position as the only interlocutor of his in midair… half-lying down and staring the same cloudy skies; he spoke as he smiled, trying to crack the appeasing silence… Giza who was about to build up the atmosphere,