That Day When the Caring Sun Was Shining

The uncaring rain; bedarkened and weeping. The thick clouds; those who were hiding behind the gloom of the night. Shadow of the overcast skies overburdened with boundless water on top of her head; such was cast by the light of countless Stars who shyly hid themselves, and were uncaring as well. Not only did it pour shadow, pouring water as well it was, and uncaring as well it was… the rain that was incessant, it snapped and crackled, showing a terrifying vision of her new reality that seemingly inexorable its forthcoming badluck which invulnerable to the flattery and gentle cajoling of hers, even if she begged for it to stop, it simply would not listen, for her voice was no more fruitful after all, letting out even the slightest tone her voice was incapable of… because of being dampened by this uncaring rain,