Two Minds, Two Aims… True Act

Eventually the snow calmed down, not that the whiteout would last everlasting after all… the groaning, and whimpering, and whining… all would eventually be calmed down; despite its monotonous shade was caviling still through a glaring breeze of this tamed blizzard… a snow was falling no longer… hence its roar was nothing so deafening-all-ears and blinding-all-eyes any longer that were present around him… nothing such to bring the chill down to his spine before eventually to the man's thin and bony shanks that showed through his dark trousers; despite the dark trench coat he was wearing wasn't the typical winter outfit to warm the man's thin torso with a tall stature, little body fat, and little muscles that supposed to bring comfort in such an extreme cold environ with its shivering calories… although that wouldn't be too palpable, but at least there was it… there was his indifferent self to such a climate,