Asinine Sin: Ritualizing Act of a Séance

"Is he dead?"

One simple toneless voice of a woman was then heard, and for sure it was a coherent follow-up inquiry was being asked right away when one saw that which seemed to be an unmoved—unfidgeting—body of a man that was half buried by the snow; looking lifeless with his mouth was gaping open, and eyes were staring straight ahead with a dreadful stare could still be sensed from what supposed to be a dead stare,

Such a look that was full of dread lingered as the body itself littered the once smooth as silk white surface of piles of snow with such a seemingly lifeless body of a man whose most of skin turned already ethereal blue and swollen red, no doubt such was from the prolonged exposure to the chill of snow squalls that were occurring just now; happened a little while ago before this woman approached slowly who was once seeming uninterested to drag herself across the field that was plain and was uncluttered by deep piles of snow,