Dust of Golden Gust

"All red… and bloody murky. I can't see nothing,"

All red and bloody murky, exactly like the witch just stated so… whose lemon-yellow eyes, even when they pair were looking around, couldn't see anything but the same color as her surroundings becoming bloody murky red. Her right and left, her up and below—by floating high didn't give her much of an advantage anymore. Once it was a crystal-clear sight… seeing below her was a crystal-clear with that bloody occurrence, and above her was once the hanging clear blue skies which were the only things higher than her current foothold inside this floating sphere of water whose pure color was only there to magnify most of the bloody red shade of the misty surroundings, ensuing the lemon-eyed witch being unable to see beyond the water sphere she created…

…fortunately however, whatever this kind of magic she created, was able to protect anyone within it from the hazard that chaperoned the existence of the Red Mist,