Faith Is Expressing Itself…

"Took me longer than I expected. Can't believe it's been over thirty minutes since I left searching for the child's missing shoe that led me into another trap of another bothersome problem. Hopefully though, the child won't ask much about it, since she's quite a sharp one…"

Soliloquy; it was a series of converse connoting the preoccupied mind of hers pondering a certain occurrence that happened about thirty minutes ago or so before she returned to wander about the crowded road full of passersby—returned to the Hub, a busy little town in the midst of arranging the upcoming festival. Didn't seem to be canceled apparently; all seemed to return to normal following the unexpected assault by an unknown apparition earlier this morning,

"…by the way this ambiance, feels like it's getting busier here than before. Th-there's no way the festival has already begun, has it?"