Bounty and Irony – Caricature of Carnage

"So, what exactly is Iešana Festival?"

Standing from the far sideline; in fact, very few of them chose to watch and enjoy the festival from the far sideline, and one of whom was being so curious for it was her first time to be in here and watching too. Her lemon-yellow eyes simply couldn't leave a vast scene in front, where the ten children wearing the same idea of clothing—all looking creamy white, perhaps as a part of the festival tradition—now already filled their place, lining up on what looked like a starting line… about to charge and wallop a horde of almost a thousand people with each holding that bloody-looking shaft of wheat,

Quite a sight, especially for the witch-disguised devil being the first festivalgoer of such a festival which she had no idea about… its first impression alone couldn't make up for her inquisitive nature,

"You can't possibly expect ten children to go up against a thousand adults, can you?"