The Belle Waking in the Midst of Misgiving

There was a voice; like echoing in the dark of an unconscious mind, the voice was a faint murmur,

"M-madam?! Are you okay? What happened?"

Gradually so, the voice—clearly that of a man—raised in loudness as the wariness began to accent in his voice… that, or this unconscious mind began to awaken with every shake being given to the shoulder,

"Madam? Please wake up, madam!"

Beginning to become more frequent, and increasing in intensity—the shake on the shoulder disturbed this unconscious mind that had been lulled apparently into a deep sleep. It became unbearable as it forced these eyes to lazily raise their eyelids, exposing them to the blinding light that came invading without warning,

"Ah… you've opened your eyes at last. I was beginning to worry."