A Girl Worth 75,000 Dollars

"I was just kidding," Marino said with a smile. "But you know, I was always serious about considering you as part of our family? I hope you can receive us sincerely," he added.

"Marino, I..." Eva lowered her head, feeling ashamed of herself. 

From a young age, she was accustomed to living independently, alone on the streets, even though she had difficulties. Until one day, when she was found and finally taken by the social service to an orphanage, she also experienced difficulties in adapting to the point where she had to live shifting from one orphanage to another.

It was only when she was placed in one of the orphanages of the Valerie Foundation that Eva felt she had finally found her home. Even though deep inside, she was such a quiet child, she could felt that she felt at home by staying there.

Eva, who was not too sociable, preferred to be friends with books than to befriended by children at her age.