CH3.2: Obligation (PU)

Trigger Warning: Rape, Physical Abuse and Forced Oral Sex

Shujin yanked at the collar of Jaehwan's shirt, reeling him in as if he were a fish that took his rod's bait. "Look at you. All dressed up like that. Did you expect me?"He asked as he tickled him under the chin. Jaehwan shook his head and tried to hide his flushed face. "Well, it's the uniform you assigned us. And no Master, I didn't expect you to come,".

Crimson cheeks contrasted Jaehwan's ivory pale skin and Shujin let his hands wander, unbuttoning the top button of his uniform. "I'm glad that you're behaving modestly even when I'm not around you. But, you're already mine to begin with. That scar around your neck is proof of my ownership,". Of course, Yamato went hiding in the backroom the minute he saw his boss getting all touchy and feely with the manager.

Hands settled themselves on Jaehwan's waist tracing down to his hips before they pressed him hard. Seeing him seethe in pain immediately alerted Shujin that Jaehwan had done something behind his back.

Angry, he pulled off his belt and whipped Jaehwan with it. "I guess I was wrong,". Groans could be heard from Jaehwan and he soothed his chest region where Shujin hit him. "I thought that you'd be more sensible than that. You've already broken one of the rules, haven't you?".

Huh? Jaehwan didn't understand what he was talking about. "W-What rules? I've kept up with all of them, Master,". Shakily trying to explain himself, he grinded his teeth through the pain. "I've sent you pictures of the clothes I wear everyday. I abide by my curfew. I've been calling you every week. What have I missed, Master?".

As if Jaehwan trying to ask him more questions made him rage even more, he folded the belt and glared him down. "You've been sexually active with that new boyfriend of yours. You can't even try to hide it,". It seemed like he wanted to lecture Jaehwan's ears off. "I don't give a fuck if he's your boyfriend or your fiancé or your husband. If I haven't met him, you're not allowed to behave inappropriately with him. That's your fault,".

Ducking his head in shame, Jaehwan was ready to be hit again. "I-I'm sorry, Master. I didn't know such a rule existed. Perhaps I forgot,". Striking him with the belt again, Shujin's eyes narrowed. "Perhaps? Then again, you're not the brightest. In that case, perhaps I should try to beat the stupid out of you,".

Tucking the folded belt in his pocket, Shujin set the "opened" sign to "closed". His anger only seemed to grow with time. "Angel, it's your fault that I'm in such a rotten mood,". Nothing could have possibly made his mood any better.

Yanking Jaehwan by the crown of his head, he dragged him to the bathroom, chucking him into one of the stalls. Snapping the belt violently, Shujin was ready to shed Jaehwan's blood.

"When you misbehave like that, did you really expect to be let off the hook without a punishment? How stupid of you,".




Unbeknownst to the situation in the café, Aki popped by for his usual visit. It was odd because the sign had been set to "closed" but it wasn't really their break time yet. Still, he pushed the door open and called out to His partner. "Hey, Jae?"

No reply. He looked around the café and noticed an apron that was thrown on the floor. Jaehwan's name tag was also in the pile and seeing that made the colour drain from his face. "Jaehwan?!"He yelled and checked all over the premises, even the backroom but he just found another employee asleep on the floor.

The last resort he had was the bathroom. He could hear some faint breathing in one of the cubicles. Curious and desperate, he threw open one of the doors.

His boyfriend lay there, his clothes ripped off him, his hair disheveled, his body stiff and welted and his face was tear-stained. "A-Aki...."He groaned in pain and put his arms around him at once. Aki couldn't even believe that this was the same person he saw off to work in the morning.

First the shock hit him. But after that faded away, all that was left in its place was anger.

"Who the fuck did this to you?! Are you badly hurt?!"He thundered, kneeling so that he could inspect his body. Jaehwan's face didn't have an ounce of emotion to them, very unlike him.

"M-My Master's angry with me because I engaged with you s-sexually before he got to meet you. S-So he raped me and beat me up with his b-belt,"He wheezed, his eyes glassing up. Aki's blood was boiling.

All he could see was red. He cleaned Jaehwan up before pulling off his coat, covering him with it. "I'm taking you home, there's no way in hell you're going to continue working in this state,". Picking Jaehwan up, he carried him like a princess.

"A-Aki, y-you don't have to..."Jaehwan whimpered and clung onto him, absolutely weak. Aki hushed him and pecked him on the head tenderly. "Don't speak".

There was already someone waiting for them in Jaehwan's home. The man himself sat in the armchair and made sure he was visible when he heard the door click. "Okaeri,"He said in a low, threatening voice. Aki looked up to see the man smirking at him.

Nothing was friendly about him. The man had clean cut features and soulless black eyes, perhaps a reflection of who he truly was. He laughed to himself. "So you must be Nakanishi-kun, the boy who's been meddling with my Angel,"The man jeered at him and looked at Jaehwan, smirking.

"How could you do something like this to him?!"Aki growled and Jaehwan covered his mouth with his hand. "I'm his Master, I'm sure you've heard. I can do anything I want to him. But don't you worry, he should be used to it by now,"The man grinned evilly and rested a hand on his chin. "I'm surprised that you even managed to find him. That drug I slipped into him should have done its magic."

Heat began surging from Jaehwan's body and that was when Aki realised just how hot he felt. Even his face felt hot. He dashed upstairs to nurse him before he'd sit down to a conversation with such a crafty man. He ran back downstairs and sunk onto the pouf opposite the armchair the man was sitting on. "I'll just be very clear with my intentions,"The man began and spat out his words gruffly.

"I want you to break up with him,".

Aki's ears buzzed when he heard that. 'Break up with Jaehwan? But, we had only just started going out!'. Aki opened his mouth to ask why and the man frowned at him. "You see, I didn't allow such an angel to have a taste of freedom so he could go around dating sordid wolves like you,". Aki felt his heart sink as the man went along, invalidating his feelings with thorny words. "Your relationship with Jaehwan is straining the relationship I have with him. It's a nuisance,".

You see, Aki wasn't aware of the conditions that Jaehwan was told to obey. So if he complied under the pressure, he'd basically be forcing Jaehwan to go back to his Master. He finally found the chance to speak up. "Sir, I understand that you love him very much. But, so do I. He's the light of my life and I wish to be with him for as long as I am allowed to be,".

The man laughed at him and scoffed. "Yeah, you love him so much you come back home past midnight for a whole week. If you're toying with him, just break it off already,". Aki bit his lips and bowed his head. "I'm so sorry for returning home to him late for the past week, Sir. But I've been planning for our one month's anniversary and I wanted it to be beautiful for him,". The man looked puzzled.

"What were you planning? You just wanted sex right? That's all sordid wolves like you could ever want,"The older male grumbled and Aki pulled out his phone and showed him the photos he took of the beach that night. "I've been lighting it up for a week and the evening after work is the only spare time I have,". The man looked at the photos.

He examined Aki's determined puppy-like face before Aki continued talking. "Sir, I know I may not seem reliable to you. I may not be the type you want for Jaehwan. But I want you to trust in me that I'll always be there to take care of him and to make him happy,".

That was enough. The man huffed, irritated as he stood up. He undid his belt, pulled his pants down and rubbed his length in front of the male. "If you're really set on going out with my Angel, you have two choices. Suck my dick for the whole month or break up with him for good,".

Internally retching, Aki was torn. He really didn't want to be played and humiliated by this man but really, what choice did he have? He loved Jaehwan so much and he wanted to be able to keep him by his side. The man wore a smug face and waited for a response from Aki.

With that, Aki reluctantly got onto his knees and his mouth closed around the man's shaft.


Rinsing his mouth for the umpteenth time, Aki kept choking while doing so. He felt so disgusted and humiliated. Being manipulated into something as gross as that made him shudder. He treated Jaehwan's welts again and gave him a drink of water before he let him sleep. Aki felt like he did the right thing but he still was outright disgusted with the man. He didn't know what to tell Jaehwan but he knew that as long as he complied for the month, he would be allowed to continue dating him.

His partner regained his consciousness after a while. Aki was sitting on the edge of the bed, still feeling ashamed with himself. "Aki, what happened?"He grunted and the male gave him a look of concern. "You were drugged right? Do you feel better?"He asked as he approached him and Jaehwan held his head. "Dizzy. My legs feel numb,"He groaned and Aki embraced him warmly.

"There, there, you'll be alright,". Jaehwan looked at him in the eyes abruptly. "Did my Master say anything to you?". Aki looked away and nodded hesitantly. He held his hands gently and sighed like his heart was breaking.

"He wanted me to break up with you,".

Break up? After one month? Aki squeezed his hands tightly. "Of course, I'm not breaking up with you. I couldn't do that,".

Hardly anything he said was discernible to Jaehwan. 'Break up. B r e a k u p'. It screamed in his mind.

He drew Aki's gaze, his skin was flushed and he went pale with fear. That was one of the last things he had ever wanted to hear. "Jaehwan!"He shouted and the other male snapped back to reality. "I'm not breaking up with you,"Aki said firmly and Jaehwan hugged him, crying. "I was so scared when you said that,".

Looking at him, Aki held him close. If only he had the heart to tell Jaehwan what he had to do in order to not be forced to break up with him. He felt like that would break his heart even further into tiny bits and pieces. "No, I'd never even dream of it,"Aki whispered and pecked his lips gently.




Wrapping up his coaching session for the day, Aki was hard at work. He taught the children how to shoot hoops properly and get it right almost every time. The kids loved him of course. He was a bright and energetic coach. They always asked him for tips to improve their ways around the basketball court.

Just as he was rounding things off, a student told him that a man was looking for him. Aki felt his blood go cold and as if it couldn't get any better, Jaehwan's Master waltzed into the court. He looked at Aki and arched an eyebrow. "It's time, Nakanishi-kun. Unless, you're no longer interested in my Angel,".

Abruptly halting the class, Aki fumingly followed him to the empty science lab. "You bastard, at least let me teach in peace!"He yelled in anger. "Come on, don't look so sour about it. If you enjoy sucking on dick, mine shouldn't be any different,"The man smirked and undid the buckle of his belt. Aki looked really reluctant and he wore such a disgusted expression.

"Aki, you really don't want to date my precious, do you? I could always just pack him up and take him home and have him all to myself,"He threatened. Aki grumbled but he got down on his knees and the man slid his length into his mouth. "Come on, at least look a little lewd for me,"The man grunted as he took a hold of Aki's chin. The other male merely stared at him with a straight face, his expression pure disgust. "As if I'd be turned on by being forced into oral sex,"He spat.

Violent, Shujin rammed it down his throat and Aki gagged. He pulled away, choking and coughing. "You bastard. Let me finish this stupid task in peace so I can go home to Jaehwan,"He growled. "The task isn't finished until I cum,"Jaehwan's Master smirked and grabbed Aki's head, forcing it back down his throat. "So keep at it,".

After the man released, Aki spat it out. "Disgusting piece of shit,"He cursed and the man tutted. "Tsk tsk tsk, the task wouldn't be completed if you don't lick it up,". Aki was mortified. The man gave him a look and Aki groaned as he lapped it back up. He had tears in his eyes because he despised this. Even though it had only been a week of it, he was still very much disgusted by it.

The man laughed at his tears and licked them. "You're actually kind of cute when you cry. You're more of a bottom than I thought,". Aki slapped his hand away and got up. "I'm done here! Fuck off!"He roared and picked up his sports bag and darted home. He felt so disgusting.

When he arrived home, he dashed into the bathroom and scalded himself with hot water."I want to burn this disgusting feeling off of my skin,"He cried and sat down in the shower. He rinsed his mouth and he still felt disgusting and awful. He was in so much mental torture.

Of course, Jaehwan heard him crying and knocked the bathroom door gently. "Aki, are you okay? What's wrong?". Aki didn't hear him and Jaehwan just barged in. "You'll burn yourself like that! It's too hot!"He gasped as he noticed steam escaping the room. He switched off the shower and briskly dried Aki. "Come on, it's late now. We should be in bed,". Aki felt like bits of his heart were being smashed with a hammer very slowly.

He hugged Jaehwan tightly, not noticing how startled his partner was. "Jaehwan, I love you. Please never stop loving me,". Jaehwan blushed but he hugged him back. "That's a little sudden. But I'll never stop loving you if you do the same with me,"He smiled.

Aki had no intention of letting such a precious boy from his loving embrace. He honestly wouldn't be able to bear the pain and misery that would come with it.


The next morning, they had a lecture to go to with Dr Asahina and then a lecture with Professor Sanada. Aki got up and dressed himself. He was still quiet and he didn't complain about going for a lecture with Dr Asahina so Jaehwan thought that he wasn't being himself.

"Oh yeah, for the Honour's test that you kids took a couple months ago, the results are in!"Dr Asahina announced and the students were intent on listening in. "We have two S grades and plenty of A grades! Well done!". The students buzzed around the class. An S grade? And two of them? Those were hard to get even with extra credit. "First off, the S graders, Kirishima Yuto and Nakanishi Aki! Congratulations!"The professor cheered.

Both of them went to collect their results slips but neither of them looked ecstatic. "Come on you two! You guys obtained S grades! Be proud of yourself,". Yuto looked even more tired than usual and Aki didn't possess that bright spirit he usually had when he was happy. Basically, the S grades were awarded to the zombies.

Even with his beefed up S grade, Aki didn't seem to have brightened up. Jaehwan could not really figure out why he's been so troubled, and he didn't know how to cheer him up so he gently pecked him on the cheek and held his hand throughout Professor Sanada's class.

Later, Aki told Jaehwan that he needed to attend to something at school and that he wouldn't be home until late in the evening and he understood. Aki grumbled to himself as he marched to the boy's gym locker. The man was already waiting there. "I was starting to think you'd rather dump Jaehwan,".

"Hurry up and get over with it!"Aki screamed in anger and then he just burst into tears. The man was taken aback. "You don't think this is fair? That you get to date my precious and I get good dick sucking whenever I want it?". "You think I want to suck your pathetic excuse of a dick every day of my fucking life?!" Aki roared and cried even harder. "Just fucking push it in! I don't even care if I choke and vomit blood! Do it!".

His tears were wiped away by Shujin. "Nakanishi-kun, don't cry like that,"He smirked and Aki slapped his hand away roughly. "You sick motherfucker! I fucking hate you for making me feel so disgusting!". The man sighed in annoyance and loosened Aki's belt . "Okay then, this time, I'm doing it for you. You'd better appreciate it,".

Aki's eyes had gotten wider. He felt the sick feeling crawling back except it was worse. He felt the man's mouth taking him whole and he forced himself to shut up. He felt even more disgusting. It was like he wanted to sever his dick off. "Hm? I'm not going to stop if I don't hear any noises from you,". Aki wanted to get up and kick him but he was being held down. He opened his mouth a little bit but he had his fists clenched so hard he wanted to break the man's jaw if he landed a blow.

When the man observed how obstinate Aki was, he only grew more violent."Fine, I'll cut your time short if you allow me to do something." Aki opened his eyes and before he knew it, something foreign was being forced into him. His eyes were wide and he screamed in pain and was completely frozen on the bench. He panted and his body began shaking. Then, a camera was shoved in his person.

"I want to see the look on Jaehwan's face when he sees his boyfriend being gobbled up by another man. And there will not be any leftovers after such a meal".

Aki was afraid.

_φ(・ω・ Author's Note

Writing this chapter made me feel very uncomfortable. How did you feel while reading this chapter? Voting is also appreciated! Thank you for reading this chapter of A Heart To Heal! ♡