CH 8.1 - Festival Perils (PA)

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault

It has been six days since our pair returned from Shibuya. Nagisa was chuffed that he got to receive his award and spend some time with Yuto. But he had been busy with something else too. His school's festival to celebrate 50 years of the school being in operation. They only had a week to prepare though. It would be a boisterous celebration of course. But it was also crowded and if he knew anything, Yuto hated crowds.

Still, he wanted him to be around. He had to convince him somehow. He returned home much later than usual as he was in his classroom to help plan games and decorate. He was happy to do his job as a teacher but he did miss having dinner with Yuto. Nagisa's thoughts were racing through his mind as he painted the cardboard carefully. 'This class...this is where I gave Yuto his first kiss. God, I even made out with him passionately here! Yikes! I'm such a shameless perverted old dog!!'.

The students knew that their homeroom teacher was a hard worker but he wasn't really obligated to help them. 'I wonder if I'll get to do more with Yuto. I want to go further with him. But really..I shouldn't pressure the kid,'. He pouted as he thought of that with a troubled expression. 'No! No! I won't do it here!! He's right when he said I can't teach normally if I do anything dirty to him in this class!!I'll fucking lose it!'. He slumped on the table and the students laughed. "Sensei, if you're thinking about your boyfriend, just go home,". He looked at the girl who said that and smiled. "Nakanishi-chan, I do miss him but I'll take my time,". That was when the class erupted.

"Sensei do bring him over! We want to see him!".

"He sounds like a great guy sensei! Do let us talk with him!".

"Sensei!! You always talk about him! We want to talk to him too!".

"We want to see Kirishima-san!!"The children chorused and Nagisa felt hopeless. He put the paintbrush down and sighed. It was impossible. "Kirishima-kun gets anxious easily. I don't think it's a good idea,". The students squinted at their homeroom teacher and huddled together whispering. Nagisa was confused but he got back to painting a wonky cardboard tree.

Menma spoke up on behalf of the students and smiled at him. "Sensei, we'll try our best to make our class a proper environment for Kirishima-san. Please bring him over. We won't shout or scream and we'll give you two privacy when you wish,". Nagisa wanted to turn them down so badly. But if excited children were willing to tone it down for Yuto, he really couldn't say no. "I'll ask him about it,". The students thumped Menma on the back and rejoiced while Nagisa felt like he had made a mistake.

Like he always did, Yuto waited up for Nagisa. He laid on the sofa, holding Nagisa's shirt to his nose. The door opened and Yuto sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Okaeri, Nagi." Nagisa set his bag down and took off his coat before he sat down next to Yuto. He pulled the boy to sit on his lap, pecking him on the forehead. "Tadaima, Yuto,". The boy looked tired but he seemed grateful that Nagisa had arrived home safely. "Nagi, how much longer will it be until you come home early again?"Yuto huffed as he leaned against his boyfriend's chest. "Until the school festival ends, Yuto,"He replied and held the boy close to him.

"Oh, I see,".

All Nagisa could hear was disappointment. Nevertheless, he still remembered to ask Yuto if he wanted to go to the festival. "Yuto, do you want to go to the festival with me? I know that I'm the homeroom teacher so I have to go but I think it'll be better for me to have you around,". Yuto was hesitant to respond. "Nagi, there are crowds, there are people—"He groaned but Nagisa pinned him to the futon and kissed him. The man's arms held the boy's hips as he sealed his pretty lips with a kiss. "Mh..Old dog! I was talking! Don't cut me off like that!"Yuto scolded him as he pulled away and curled up in a ball. Nagisa petted his back gently. "I'm sorry Yuto, but please~ Think of it as a date with me. You'd love that right? I know you want to spend more time with me,".

Turning away when he heard that, his face was flushed. Nagisa could sniff out the truth like a pro. "Yuto, please~~,"Nagisa whined and whined persistently until Yuto got annoyed. "Whatever you want, old dog! Don't bring it up again!"He barked but immediately shrunk back into Nagisa's protective arms. While Nagisa rested on the sofa, Yuto snuggled up to him, his thoughts at work.

'Old dog. He wants to bring me to a place with crowds. With other people present. Yet, I can't help but want to make him happy. Even though I've never been to a festival, if me coming along makes him happy, I shouldn't be so selfish right?'.

He rested his head against Nagisa's shoulder. The man cupped his cheek and kissed him on the lips sweetly. "Yuto, I love you so much~~"He cooed affectionately and rubbed his head. The boy became submissive at the praising and doting on that he was getting more and more accustomed to day by day.

At last, it was the last day of preparations. Nagisa returned home, feeling fulfilled. Yuto was cooking dinner when he opened the front door. "Tadaima, Yuto! I'm home early today!"He chirped and threw off his coat, running into the kitchen. Yuto looked up from the frying pan and greeted him. "Okaeri, Nagi. We're having fried rice tonight,". He stirred the rice in the pan as Nagisa bent over and wrapped his arms around Yuto's waist, pecking him on the cheek.

"Thank you for always cooking tasty and healthy meals for me~". Yuto glanced at him and continued cooking. "I've been doing this for four years anyway. How else am I going to repay you for letting me live with you?". Nagisa's expression softened and he ruffled Yuto's messy blonde locks playfully. "We're already dating. You don't need to do much more than keep me company,"Nagisa smiled and let go of him.

They ate a delicious dinner together and Nagisa wanted to help Yuto choose what to wear to the festival tomorrow. "Wear something dark tomorrow. I want your blond hair to stand out,"He chuckled and pulled out a dark green hoodie.

"This should do fine,".

His eyes pierced the hoodie. Then he eyed Nagisa. His partner sighed and slipped the hoodie on, making Yuto nod in approval. "You know what I want,". Nagisa smiled and pet him on the head. "Of course I do. Are you wearing sweatpants tomorrow?". Yuto shrugged and sat on his bed.

"I don't want anyone looking at my body,".

"Neither do I! It's only for me to see!".

Plopping himself on Yuto's bed, Nagisa pulled him into a hug, kissing his neck. "You're mine. You belong to me,". Yuto pouted and put his arms around Nagisa's neck. "Yeah, we already know that Nagi. But you're always so unbearably possessive of me,".

How could he have guessed? Nagisa began sweating nervously. "It's only natural to be possessive of your partner!! Plus, I'm your first boyfriend! Of course I'd be even more greedy with you,". Yuto squinted at him and whispered in his ear. "You don't have to be possessive over me when I've always been yours,".

What a tease. His words were innocent, no doubt about it but the way he said them sounded so seductive. He picked Yuto up and buried his head in his neck. "Ha...since when have you smelled this good? It makes a man like me happy,"He huffed, taking a huge whiff of his boyfriend's scent, content. "N-Nagi..I'm sorry that I'm not ready yet.."He whined as the man slipped his hands up his hoodie, his cold hands brushing against his warm skin.

"Hush. That's why I've been holding back. Once I start getting intimate with you, I'm afraid that you'd feel pressured to go beyond your limits,". Yuto patted his back and writhed from the slight pain that he felt in his neck. "Just...a little longer...I'll prepare myself for it..."He whimpered softly. Nagisa was leaving hickeys all over his neck and chest and it made Yuto just a tad bit anxious that someone would notice how battered he was.

Strong arms wrapped themselves around Yuto's delicate waist. The man planted a kiss on Yuto's soft cheek, a smile bridging across his lips. "Let that desire come naturally, my baby. I'm just being a selfish old man right now. Don't heed any attention to my antics,"He chuckled and kissed him on the forehead preciously.

"I still have a lot to ease you into before we can even get to that level. But definitely not tonight. We have a full day tomorrow,"Nagisa spoke softly in his low voice that was absolutely soothing to his partner. Yuto smiled to himself, hugging Nagisa's waist, retreating his crimson face into his boyfriend's chest.

'I'd do anything to make this man happy..'.




The scene at Keisetsu Middle and High School was lively. The students had their own booths and games. They sold snacks. The masses were intrigued by such a loud festival and all of this made Yuto even more nervous. Nagisa had been struggling to get him out of the car for almost half an hour now. The boy holed himself in the front seat and was absolutely reluctant to get out. The more noise he heard, the worse he felt. When he went to the amusement park with Nagisa before, it was a weekday so there weren't so many people.

But this? He practically didn't want to be seen. Nagisa was very patient with Yuto and at last bent down and held out his hand. "Yuto, you can hold my hand if it makes you less nervous. I'm ready to fight anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable,". Yuto looked up to see Nagisa's warm smile. At last, his heart was moved and he took his hand gently, immediately being pulled into an embrace. "There's a good boy. Let's go to my classroom,"The man chuckled in a low whisper and pecked him on the forehead. He locked the car and began escorting his precious prince to his classroom.

His students were busy playing with their own games and using the photo booth machine. They noticed Nagisa coming up to their class with a small figure beside him and were actually surprised that he came with the infamous "Kirishima-san". As promised, they didn't cheer or scream or shout. They just bowed to both of them one at a time respectfully and greeted them. "Welcome to our class Shinji-sensei and Kirishima-san,"The monitor chirped and handed them something to drink.

Nagisa thanked her and discreetly held Yuto's trembling hand, although he seemed to be calming down. Yuto sipped on the cold tea and looked around the classroom. 'As expected, everything's brighter and noisier than I would have liked. I think I really made Nagi worry though. Maybe I shouldn't have come,'. The students started talking to Yuto and that was when he found out how ridiculously awkward he was with kids.

However, when they kept asking him about family and his childhood and everything else personal, he just couldn't answer. "Nagi, I need to find the toilet,". He stood up in a hurry. Nagisa was about to follow him when one of his students called to him to help reset the photo machine. He looked at Yuto nervously and shouted. "Come back soon! Call me if you're lost!". While he tore out the used film paper, he just had this sinking feeling in his heart that something would happen to Yuto.

Darting into the open, Yuto tried to find a bathroom. He seriously needed to puke. The crowd made him feel even more queasy and he was desperate. He covered his mouth and grunted as he tried to find the toilet. He ran, feeling dizzy even if he stood still. He was so sick that he didn't even notice a man was on his tail.

One of Nagisa's students, Asuna, noticed the man tailing Yuto. While the man was trying to usher Yuto elsewhere, something suspicious fell out of his pocket. She innocently picked it up and stashed it away in her pocket to give to Nagisa later. Although, she decided not to say anything because her brother had advised her to not be a busybody. Still she felt a little unnerved and continued following her brother around the school. An hour or two had passed and Nagisa was getting worried. What could Yuto possibly be doing?




"I thought a kid like you would be easier to handle, but looks like you're just trouble!". Yuto glared at the man. There was a pool of his vomit next to him on the ground. His wrists and ankles were bound, making him defenceless. "W-What did you do to me, you bastard?". His face was flushed and he had a hard time trying to breathe. The man leaned down and took a hold of his chin, lifting it so he could see his marked neck. "Arara, so Nagisa gave you these? That asshole is such a pervert".

The grating voice of the man just irritated Yuto further. He felt hot, he didn't know where he was and he was tied up in this stuffy room with a man he barely knew. He wanted to strike the man, as one would. Yet, his muscles felt weak. Almost paralysed. Why couldn't he move? Why was his mind foggy? "D-Don't talk shit about him, bastard,"He croaked, his head spinning.

Takaba grinned smugly at the boy, kneeling on the floor so that he could examine his face. "You were giving me such a hard time earlier. If you'd have behaved, I wouldn't have had to use Rohypnol on you,". His hand slipped down Yuto's pants and underwear, grinning as he felt whatever he was hoping to have felt. "Oh, so you are a virgin. That's delightful,". The boy huffed and tried to shield his face with his hands.

He knew that he didn't want this. Yet why couldn't he bring himself to say it? The man felt up him even more, glad that the drug was effective on taming the boy. "Your body likes this huh? Look at you, you're already wet down here,". He pulled his hand out and smirked at his hand. "You know, virgins are especially a prize to be won. They're just so delicate, you know. Their first time has got to be so special right?". Nothing he was saying was going into Yuto's head.

Based on how unresponsive he was, Takaba guessed that he wasn't even listening to him. 'That drug must really be working overtime on him'. He lifted up the boy's hoodie, whistling gleefully. Scars and bruises of all sorts littered his chest and torso. "Every man on this Earth, even your precious Shinji, loves virgins. They're just so pure,". He kissed the boy's stomach and smirked. "It's a pity that you're a boy. If you were a girl, I would have put my baby in you by now. It's a shame,".

Half crying, half trying to stay conscious, Yuto blinked through his teary eyes. "P-Please stop. I d-don't want this,". The man pushed Yuto's bangs aside and thumped him hard on the forehead, jolting him. "Relax. This is a free trial so that you know what you're doing when you try it out with your boyfriend. You want to please him, don't you?". Yuto nodded, still unable to make out his surroundings. He was frightened and scared for his life. He couldn't move and he couldn't even see properly.

Everything was falling into place. Takaba was trying to capitalise on Yuto's weakness; Nagisa.

He knew that someone as young and naïve as Yuto would want to be able to please his partner. He could use this manipulative tactic to his advantage. His hands settled themselves around the waistband of Yuto's pants. "Let's see what this slutty body has to offer hm?".

"A slim body littered with disgusting traces of abuse, pink nipples oozing with sex appeal yet your only redeeming quality is a cute face. I'm surprised you're still a virgin. Or are you?".

Yuto froze. What? What did he mean? Was there something he just wasn't aware of?

"W-What do you mean?".

Evilly, Takaba grinned at the boy. "Did you know that when you get wet, you lose your virginity?".

That made Yuto's blood run cold.

"I-It can't be...". Takaba laughed and slapped Yuto hard. "Slut. A fucking slut. Losing your virginity so stupidly to a man you don't even know,". Yuto's chest began to feel tight. How could he betray Nagisa like this? What would Nagisa say about this? Tears dribbled down his face and he began sobbing to himself. "N-No..,". Takaba pulled Yuto's underwear down and spanked him roughly. "I wouldn't worry if I were you. There's nothing special about you anyway,"He jeered.

The man caressed him in between his legs and sat on him. "I got to take your virginity today. It felt amazing. But I wonder what Shinji would do if he found out that you were no longer a virgin?". Takaba was zeroing in on his face again. "He'd probably break up with you, knowing him. He hates having his possessions tampered with,".

While looking at Yuto's body, he was satisfied. He didn't expect Yuto to be so gullible. 'Does he really think that getting wet could mean losing your virginity? How stupid'. He undid his belt and huffed, pulling it off. "I don't care that you're a boy. Since your virginity has been taken, nobody will want you anyway,". He yanked the crown of Yuto's head roughly as he stared at the sky through the window. "I'm quite pleased to be your first man, pretty boy,".




Evening was approaching and Nagisa still hadn't gotten a call from Yuto. He was about to get up and look for him when Asuna popped into class. "Sensei,"She began and bowed her head. "I'm sorry for being a busybody but...." The fact that she trailed off made him worry even more. "I saw a man following your boyfriend to the old office. Here's a sachet of pills that slipped from his pocket. I don't mean to speculate, but it looks different from usual over-the-counter medicine,". She handed Nagisa the packet and upon reading the name, he was gobsmacked.

Rohypnol. A lethal date rape drug.

Feeling anger he had never developed before boiling on the inside of him, he hared all the way to the old office block.

Yuto's right cheek was covered in scratches from being slapped and there was a welt on his forehead. The man touched him so inappropriately without his consent and he felt disgusted. In fact, he felt even more disgusted with himself. At this moment, he hated himself even more. He hated his body. He hated everything to do with himself.

'Nagi deserves so much better than this..'.

Nothing satisfied Takaba more other than the fact that he managed to convince Yuto that he was stupid enough to lose his virginity like that. "You're a stupid slut, don't you think? How could you have betrayed your boyfriend like that?". He leaned in and smirked, even more satisfied that he could gobble up Yuto's innocence before Nagisa would.

'I don't want this! I don't! I don't! This feels so disgusting!'.

Takaba groped his chest and butt. "Why don't you just go out with me instead? Me and Nagisa, we're the same. We're both mature men and we have our ways in bed,". Yuto bit his lip, reluctant to say anything. "Come on, don't be so tough about it. I'm already giving you such unimaginable pleasure,". Takaba smirked and fondled Yuto in between his legs.

'I...hate this. My gentle Nagi is different from you!'.

"Once I harden up this sucker, you'll be wet all over. You'd start begging for more soon,". Yuto shook his head, clenching his hands into a fist. He didn't want any of this. He opened his mouth to try screaming but nothing was coming out. He was losing himself as the drug was starting to kick in and dull every last bit of his senses. Takaba clamped his mouth shut with his hand. Forcefully opening Yuto's legs, he unzipped his pants. "You really know how to turn me on, you whiny slut,".

Just as he was about to violate him, the window next to them smashed open. Nagisa hurled himself inside and lashed out at Takaba like a ferocious beast. Yuto just stared at him, shaking. 'Nagi's never been so rough before...'.

Landing a punch, Nagisa violently shook Takaba. He bashed his head against the wall and roared at him. "You piece of shit! You think it's fun to rape a minor you motherfucker?!". Takaba was bleeding from the head and he grinned at Nagisa, seeing how angry he was. "Relax, I didn't even get to insert into him yet,". Anger just clouded Nagisa's rationality. Nagisa picked up a shard of glass from the window and started cutting him all over.

Then, he kicked him in the gut repeatedly and aimed several blows to the back of his neck. Takaba was almost unconscious. No one had any idea that Nagisa was actually an extremely vengeful, violent and scary person deep down inside. Yuto whimpered at Nagisa, his heart racing. "N-Nagi, stop it...". Upon hearing his beloved pet name, he stopped and turned to Yuto, who was bound in the corner, almost buck naked. He shoved Takaba's limp body to the ground, hurtling the packet of pills at him and hugged Yuto tightly.

"Yuto...."He whispered and the boy blinked at him, blank. "Stay with me! You've been drugged right? I'll take you home. Come,". Yuto shook his head, bursting into tears. "I-I don't deserve to go home,". Nagisa hurriedly freed him from his constraints and bundled him up with his coat, carrying him bridal style. "I shouldn't be hearing something like that from you. Sh...". Yuto glanced up at Nagisa's face, and then his hands.

Red blisters and cuts split the surface of his skin from all those glass shards. He looked down and weakly put his arm around Nagisa's neck, feeling guilty about something that wasn't his fault.




Yuto still hadn't stopped crying even when they had reached home. "I-I disappointed you,". He sobbed, refusing to look at Nagisa who was trying to examine him for any injuries. "Baby, don't say that. None of this is your fault. Nobody would ever ask for this to happen to them,". Nagisa pushed Yuto's bangs away and spotted the red welt on his forehead, his eyes dimming. "Did he hit you here?". Yuto nodded, trying to catch his breath.

"Drink your water. I don't know how long the effects of the drugs take to wear off but please don't beat yourself up over something that's not your fault,". The boy wept and wept as if his heart was breaking.

Something else must have happened. "Baby, please calm down. You'll wear yourself out like this,"Nagisa pleaded, petting Yuto's back gently. "If I tell't love me anymore,"The boy faltered, looking up through glassy eyes. Nagisa hugged him close, stroking his head to comfort him. "I'll love you no matter what. Please tell me what he did to you,". Yuto covered his face with his hands, wailing. "I lost my virginity to him,".

That one statement horrified Nagisa. "Wait, are you meaning to say that he raped you?!". Yuto shook his head frantically. "N-No, but I lost my virginity to him,". Nagisa was puzzled. It just didn't make any sense. Yuto had begun blubbering even more. "W-we should break up. I'm not...a virgin anymore,"He sobbed, his tears dampening Nagisa's coat. The man huffed and held Yuto by the shoulders firmly.

"Yuto, did he rape you?".

Wiping his tears away as best as he could, Yuto looked him in the eye and shook his head. "He told me...that if I get wet, I lose my virginity,". Nagisa listened and felt relief crash on his shoulders as he ruffled his partner's hair gently and slumped forward. He was relieved that it was just a blatant lie to scare Yuto instead of something even more traumatic happening while he wasn't there to protect Yuto. "Baby, if he had never penetrated you, you don't lose your virginity. It's okay, you still have your virginity,". Yuto hiccuped and kept wiping his tears. "I-I still have it?".

Heaving another sigh of relief, Nagisa nodded, pecking Yuto on the forehead. "Even if you weren't a virgin, how could I ever bear to love you any less? You're my everything,". He rocked Yuto from side to side, tutting him. "You know, one's virginity shouldn't be glorified and objectified. It's a toxic and sexist mindset. I already told you that I'd still love you no matter what happened to you,". Yuto squeezed him, crying in his loving arms.

" body feels hot. It hurts and I'm scared..."He whimpered. The man held him close, feeling the fiery heat from his partner's body. "I'll hold you. Just calm down. You'll be okay. He's with the authorities, you'll never see him again,".

It felt like an eternity but the drug finally wore off. Yuto looked up to Nagisa's face and then to the window and then around the room. It seemed that Nagisa had moved them to the bed. He scrambled out of bed and ran to get the first aid kit in the living room. He carefully cleaned Nagisa's cuts and wounds, sticking plasters to the cuts around his fingers. While he treated Nagisa's wounds, he just kept thinking about what had happened yesterday.

'Nagi has never been angry around me or his family. He's never hit me. He was always good and gentle with me. But yesterday, I saw the scary side of him that the people he loved were not supposed to see'.

His partner's large hand caressed his face. "Baby? What are you doing?"He mumbled as he felt Yuto stick another plaster on one of his fingers. "Treating you. You got injured trying to save me yesterday,". Nagisa looked at how battered his left hand was and sighed. He punched the glass window so that he could climb into that abandoned room. Yuto's distressed crying just rang in his ears and he covered his eyes with his other hand, feeling tears dance on the edge of his eyes.

He wasn't really a crier but remembering how horrific that incident was, especially to someone like Yuto, it just broke his heart. Yuto could tell that he was upset and hugged him. He knew that Nagisa was bottling all of his emotions up to be strong for his sake.

'I'll protect you with my life, Yuto-kun'.

Delicate like a little lamb, Yuto petted his back. "Don't be sad, Nagi,". The boy took his partner's hand and kissed it tenderly. He wasn't too familiar with giving affection, but he knew that it was something Nagisa needed in the moment . Yuto ruffled the man's hair and kissed him on the tip of his nose. "I'm okay Nagi. I'm safe when I'm with you. You don't have to cry over this,".

There was just something so loving about the tone Yuto had behind his voice. It was something Nagisa used to think his previous partners had. But the lightness and the way Yuto spoke to him at this moment, this was all he needed. He rested his head against Yuto's small shoulder, being engulfed in such tender love and the morning sunlight.

Ever since he dabbled in trying to establish a romantic relationship, he had always tried his hardest to control his possessiveness over his partners. Unfortunately, he's naturally unbearably overprotective and possessive with most of his previous partners that they didn't stick around for long. His precious Yuto's a different case though. He is incredibly naïve and inexperienced with the world, it made it easy for white lies or anyone at all to influence him.

From that moment on, it was like a switch had flipped. He knew that he was on track to becoming overly possessive over Yuto, but he didn't want to suppress that urge anymore. Yuto is his and forever will be; He'd make sure of it.

His arms wrapped themselves around Yuto's waist, soothing himself with such a familiar and calming sensation. He was worried that one day he could no longer feel such an enthralling way anymore.

One day, Yuto would become afraid of him and would want to leave him too.

_φ(・ω・ Author's Note

Every time I write a chapter like this, my stomach hurts. I'm sorry if I have accidentally inflicted any tummy aches. Voting is appreciated! Thank you for reading this chapter of A Heart To Heal! ♡