CH 2.1 - Heartstopping (PA)

"Good morning, Nagi,"Yuto whispered as he rolled into Nagisa's arms on the bed and kissed him on the cheek. Nagisa groaned and opened his eyes before smiling and hugging his waist. "Morning, Yuto. Let's get up,". Nagisa sat up and cricked his neck. "Ah shit, I'm getting older,". Yuto rubbed the sleep from his eyes eyes before he carefully massaged Nagisa's neck with his small hands. "You've been working too hard lately. All worried and everything. I wish you had a break,". The older man just smiled at Yuto and brushed away his hands gently. "I'll be fine. We need to get up and have breakfast. Have you got any classes today?". The boy nodded as he stretched his arms and clung onto Nagisa's body. "Bring me with the bathroom,".

"My sleepy koala bear, of course,". As he set Yuto down on the toilet seat, Akira video called him to which he obviously answered. "Shinji-kun, is Yuto-kun doing alright?". They sounded really sleepy but from the look on their face, they probably pulled an all nighter. "He's doing better. But Tomo-san, not to be rude, you look awful,". Akira yawned and pinned up their hair to the back of their head. "Yeah, I didn't sleep at all. I had more work to do,". Nagisa cooed and continued to chat with them while he put on his contact lenses. "Mhm, I guess you should sleep, Tomo-san. I'll talk to you later,". Akira just yawned in reply and Nagisa cut the cord. "Nagi, what do you want for breakfast?"Yuto asked while he rubbed his eyes. He looked at Nagisa's bare face and his cheeks innocently turned red. Nagisa noticed how red his face was and laughed. "Well, anything you make is delicious. But give me your phone first,".

Yuto just quietly slid his boyfriend his phone with no questions while he left the bathroom to get changed. Nagisa downloaded that GPS app that Hitomi gave him to Yuto's phone. It would link up to the watch she gave him earlier and would show his location much more accurately. Nagisa would also be able to see where Yuto was. This was all for his safety as Ruri was still on the loose and the police haven't been able to locate her again. Nagisa was a little antsy, sending Yuto to school and all but he knew that if anything were to happen, he would be able to locate Yuto. Right?

By the time he arrived downstairs, Yuto had already cooked and packed lunch for him and breakfast for both of them. 'He's such a whiz. It would really be a shame if I didn't have him in my life'. Yuto looked up and smiled tiredly at him. The bags under his eyes were growing and he had visible dark rings to show for. "Don't you think you should be the one getting some rest?,". The boy shook his head and handed Nagisa his lunch box, stifling a yawn. "Let's get moving. I don't want you to be late, Nagi,".

Nagisa was worried about Yuto. Again, everything seemed "fine". But what if he became ill like before? He shouldn't be allowed to overexert himself. Not at all.

Nagisa made sure he took the longer way to Yuto's school so that he could sneak in an extra few minutes for him to sleep. 'Did school used to be so stressful? He's practically suffering'. Nagisa really wanted to opt out of sending Yuto to school but that would risk being put on blast by him. Once he parked at the front gates, he shook the boy's shoulders gently. "Yuto, you're already here,". The boy opened his eyes sleepily and Nagisa squeezed his cheeks firmly. "Come on, wake up my little sleepyhead. You have a full day of classes today,". Yuto batted his hand away and sighed, grabbing his schoolbag under his seat. He rubbed his eyes yet again and Nagisa pecked him on the forehead. "You can sleep for as long as you want after classes. I'll buy dinner for us so you don't have to cook,".

Yuto just nodded and got out of the car. "Thank you Nagi. I'll see you later in the evening,". Just as he began walking away, Nagisa lowered the window and yelled to him. "Wait! Yuto! You forgot to take your phone with you!". The boy turned back and gingerly took his phone from the man. "You're so sleepy. Are you sure you can go to classes today? I could always text your professor that you'd be resting at home,". Yuto shook his head adamantly, determined to get to class. "I already said that I'm okay.."He sighed and covered his mouth with his hand to muffle a yawn. Nagisa shrugged and pat his head gently. "Yeah yeah..If you have break time today, go take a nap,". Yuto just nodded sleepily as a reply.

As soon as he got to class, he turned in his project to Asahina who noticed how lethargic he was. "Kirishima-kun, after today's lesson, follow me to my office. I have something for you,". Yuto blinked in his direction sleepily and scratched his head. He really felt like a dead mannequin on the inside. Jaehwan shook his head and bundled up his jacket for Yuto to let him rest his head on it. "Kirishima, I think it's best for you to sleep for the rest of the lesson. I'll take notes for you,". Yuto shook his head. He really wanted to stay awake so he could learn properly. But eventually, he felt his eyes closing, fatigue engulfing his body.

Asahina was no idiot. He could tell that Yuto was surviving on an hour of sleep a day. When Yuto got to his office, Asahina told him to lie down and sleep. "Get some rest, Kirishima-kun. Seriously, how could you think an hour of sleep would be enough to suffice you for a four hour long lecture?". Yuto rubbed his eyes exhaustedly, looking at Asahina through watery eyes. Shinobu was making a cup of hot tea for Yuto in the back. "I know how hard you work on your projects and lessons but you shouldn't be neglecting your health. Look at you. The rings under your eyes just get even darker every time we meet,". Yuto nodded, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

Shinobu handed Yuto the cup of tea and sighed. "Really, Kei, I don't remember slaving away at college like he does,".

"Well, I've been through worse. Med school is..a whole other level. But I'd prefer if Kirishima-kun didn't cross that bridge now. Especially since he's so young," Asahina replied and watched Yuto sip the tea quietly before he put the cup down and lied down, as instructed. "What about my other lessons?"He asked as he pulled the pillow from behind him and hugged it close to his chest. "Don't you worry about it. Sanada-sama said he's willing to record it for you and email you the extra notes,".

Yuto stifled another yawn before he felt his eyes closing. It was raining really heavily as well, setting the perfect mood for nap time. "Kei, we should let him sleep. You can lecture him about sleep deprivation later,"Shinobu whispered and motioned for Asahina to come to the back with him. Asahina just nodded cheekily and both of them allowed the sleepy boy to nap in peace to the sound of the rain.




Yuto stared at his phone blankly. Apparently his last class with Mr. Ohara had been cancelled. He decided that he'd wait outside the school for Nagisa, it was only another hour. He was still groggy and tired. He clutched onto the strap of his schoolbag, fiddling with the end of it idly. He was exhausted to the point he didn't even notice a rusty old jalopy pull up beside him.

An arm yanked him into the car roughly, making him drop his phone in surprise. He screamed but was silenced with a finger to his lip. That's when his blood froze. His eyes darted around. He recognised this feeling.

"Now then, I'm taking you home,"Came the woman's voice, her tone sickly sweet as if it were dripping in syrup. Yuto recognised her voice. His worst nightmare. "O-Oka-san...."He stammered, forcing himself to look at her. "Yes, darling? You don't have to be so scared. I'm bringing you home,". Ruri smiled and gently pet his shoulder. "Relax..relax...Sit back. I'll be sending you home,". Yuto shakily put on his seat belt and tightened it to it's maximum limit. "A-Aren't you going to wear yours, Oka-san?". Ruri look at her seatbelt and scoffed. "That thing isn't reliable anyway. There's no point wearing it,".

She squinted at how tightly Yuto put his on and sighed. "You won't be able to breathe like this. Take it off,". Yuto shook his head frantically, looking for his phone so he could text Nagisa before he realised that he had made a grave mistake.

He had dropped it. If anything were to happen to him, Nagisa wouldn't know.

He felt like something awful was about to happen to him.




"Alright. Okay. I'll come pick him up later then,". Misako looked up from her desk as she watched Nagisa answer his phone. Nagisa killed the call and sighed, putting his phone down as he sorted out his papers. "Something happened Shinji?"She asked, tapping her pen on the desk to the tune of the song stuck in her head. "Nah,"Nagisa smiled and shoved a handful of papers into a separate box. "It's just that Yuto's professor called me to say that he's been asleep in his office. He told me to pick him up as soon as possible so that he could rest at home,". Misako nodded and put the pen down, adjusting her posture. "He hasn't been sleeping well huh?". Nagisa shook his head and took off his glasses so he could clean them.

"The poor thing has only been sleeping for an hour a day. Even with me helping out with his work, he still doesn't get enough sleep. It's worrying,". Misako shook her head. "That's no good. You should make him sleep earlier. His health is being flushed down the drain,". Nagisa shrugged as he cleaned the fingerprints and dust from his spectacles. "He probably wouldn't allow it. He's headstrong, Ueda. Of course he'll listen to me but he'll want to take some matters into his own hands,". Misako sighed and shut her book, slipping it under her desk. "I guess you're right. He might even be more independent than you,". Nagisa laughed nervously before he checked the tracking app on his phone. 'Huh? He's waiting outside? Okay then...'. There was a red dot flashing near the entrance of the school.

Nagisa hummed and stood up, taking his laptop bag with him. "Okay Ueda, I have to go now. Yuto's waiting for me outside the school,". Misako seemed surprised that he was leaving so early. "Aren't you going to call him? Let him know that you're coming over,". Nagisa shook his head, a cheeky grin on his face. "No, no. I'm going to surprise him. He won't expect me to come so early,". Misako rolled her eyes and pulled out the phone in her pocket. "If you insist. Drive safely,". Nagisa nodded and waved goodbye to her before he was on the way to Yunomitsu to pick Yuto up.

It was rather odd though. When he pulled over, the entrance was empty. Nobody was there, except the security guard but he was in his booth. Nagisa stepped out of the car and noticed something shiny on the ground. He picked it up and gasped.

'Is this....Yuto's phone?'.

He flipped it over to see the phone case and rubbed the nape of his neck, groaning. There it was. A clear case with a polaroid photo. The polaroid photo of him pecking Yuto on the forehead while he sat on Nagisa's lap. They took it together at the carnival last year.

Gripping the phone tightly, he bit his lip. His eyes shifted around nervously. He looked at the tracking app in disbelief.

'Where was Yuto?'.




Yuto was scared for his life. He lowered the window, trying to calm down. He felt like he couldn't breathe anymore. He held his head in his hands. He had gotten himself into this for being so stupid and dropping his phone. Ruri grinned smugly at him and pet his head tenderly when they were at a red light. "It's okay darling...Get some sleep if you have a headache,". Yuto slapped her hand away, feeling his chest get tighter.

Something was going to happen to him. But just then he remembered that he wore the watch that Nagisa gave him, he just didn't turn it on. Maybe—-?

Ruri slammed her foot into the gas pedal. She was speeding towards the ditch, hoping that the impact would take both of their lives. Frantically, Yuto turned on the watch and pressed all of the buttons he could. 'One of them has to notify Nagi! Please, please, please! I beg of you!'.

The car was racing towards the ditch. Yuto tightened his seatbelt and shut his eyes. He hoped that he had alerted Nagisa before it was too late.


Yuto looked up to nothing but darkness and a growing pain from his head. He was lucky that he rolled down his window or there would be even more bits of glass everywhere. He tried to scream for help but he couldn't stick his head out of the window because it felt like his arm was being pinned under something.

Horrifically, he turned next to him and saw his mother smashed against the headboard, blood dripping down her head and neck. Her eyes were lifeless. He felt faint, his vision swaying before he lost his consciousness.

Thankfully, Nagisa got an alert from the watch. The application had updated with Yuto's new location and it made Nagisa feel sick. 'He's in...a ditch? Oh no...Oh no, no, no!'. He hopped back in the car, haring towards the new location and gaped at the sight he saw. "Yuto!"He shouted as loudly as he could. "If you can hear me please respond to me!". Nagisa's head had clouded with dark thoughts. Yuto was in a car accident? What if he had died? What if he wouldn't be able to recognise Nagisa?

His heart sank as he didn't hear anything back.

With shaky hands and a heavy heart, he called for emergency services.


Pristine white walls surrounded the room Yuto was in. When he woke up, he felt an immense pain in his head and right arm. He felt lightheaded, his head throbbing painfully. Nagisa was holding Yuto's other hand gently, shaking while he sobbed quietly. "I-It's all my fault...". His tears dampened the fluffy blanket that kept Yuto warm. "If o-only I had made you stay home today, none of this would h-happened," He faltered, finding it hard to digest what had just happened. Yuto groaned in pain and tried to sit up, squeezing Nagisa's hand softly. Nagisa looked up, putting his arm behind Yuto's back to help him sit up.

Yuto's vision was bleary. But from the wet spot on the blanket, he could tell that Nagisa had been sobbing to himself. "Nagi, are you okay? Have you been crying?". Nagisa turned to him and smiled, his eyes glassy as he planted a tender kiss on his forehead. "Not at all. I'm just relieved that you're okay,". Yuto wiped at the tears that were etching down his face. "You know it's okay to cry in front of me. I don't mind,". Nagisa's face became contorted, his mouth twisted as he fought back his emotions. "I...can't bear to see you injured like this,". He gestured to the cast that Yuto's right arm was in, biting his lip.

"Doesn't your arm hurt? How much pain are you in?". Yuto tried to move his right arm and was immediately met with a raging pain. He gritted his teeth and groaned. Nagisa sighed and picked up the folder on the table next to him. "This is from your x-ray earlier. The doctor said you're lucky that you got away with a fracture in your arm and a concussion from a crash that impactful,". He showed Yuto the x-rays before keeping them, caressing his left hand gently. "I'll be looking after you now. I always will be. You have nothing to worry about, my baby,". Yuto merely blushed and looked down, shy about the use of that pet name. Nagisa smiled at him and lowered the guard railing on the bed. "Care for a cuddle Yuto? Although, I'd have to be extra careful to not jerk your arm in any way,".

The boy nodded with a small smile plastered on his face and his head began to pound again. Nagisa gingerly lifted him up and carefully slid himself into the space next to Yuto, slipping his arm underneath Yuto's neck to provide support for his head. "Nagi.."He mumbled softly and shut his eyes contentedly as he felt Nagisa's arm coil around his waist. Nagisa planted another kiss on his forehead, petting his back gently. "There, there. Today's been really hard on you. Try to get some sleep,". Yuto gazed into Nagisa's eyes before he felt one more kiss on his forehead. "Go on. Don't you worry about me. It's more important for you to rest up,". Yuto smiled his usual small smile and edged himself to be closer to Nagisa. He wrapped his left arm around Nagisa's body and let the warmth that he loved so much envelope him.

The next morning, Misako came to visit Yuto along with Akira. Nagisa had been frantically calling them the night before. They brought some food and a stuffed animal for Yuto. Nagisa was making some hot tea for Yuto when they knocked on the door.

"Shinji. It's us,". Nagisa looked up from the counter and called out to them. "The door's unlocked. Just come in,". They stepped foot into the ward and beckoned Yuto with a friendly smile. Yuto knew that they meant no harm. They had supper together. Akira calmed him down when he was having a mental breakdown. He slept over at their house. Yet why was he beginning to feel afraid of them all over again?

He clenched onto the hem of the dusty lavender blanket tightly. His eyes scanned their faces. He knew they were being genuine, right? They knew each other. They were acquainted. Nagisa knew them. He shouldn't be so scared of them right? Misako put the food on the table and handed the toy to Yuto, who graciously accepted it with his trembling hand. "T-Thank you,". Akira observed Yuto. He seemed more reserved than when they last saw him. Akira walked over to take a look at his cast and they could see that Yuto's body had stiffened. "P-Please don't touch me...."He whimpered as he hugged the toy close to him, his right hand clutching the bedsheet tightly. Nagisa set the glass of tea on the counter and looked over his shoulder to check on Yuto. "Yuto, are you okay?". Yuto shook his head and mumbled something under his breath. "S-scared...".

Akira realised how much he had shrunk back the moment they walked in. He really was afraid. Nagisa tried to lighten the mood by picking up the gorgeous stuffed green rabbit with huge beady eyes. "This is adorable! It suits him well. You guys are really good at choosing toys for him,". Yuto grabbed the hem of his shirt gently. Nagisa could feel his hand shaking. "I'-I'm sorry, Nagi. I feel so scared of them,"He whispered, averting his eyes away from Akira. "I know I shouldn't be scared, but I feel that way. I-I'm sorry,". Misako noticed how serious this had gotten. After what Nagisa had thought to be just a concussion and a fractured arm, so it seems the accident had more of an impact on Yuto. For the worse.

Nagisa put the toy back in Yuto's arms, about to reassure him but Misako stood up and dragged her friend into the hallway. "Shinji, I know you've been trying so hard to help him break free from his social anxiety. But I'm afraid your work has been undone,". Nagisa's eyes widened and he fiddled with the cuff links on his shirt. "What do you mean?".

"Kirishima-kun's fear of other people has relapsed,".