CH 4.1 - Cat Out The Bag (PA)

Nagisa pulled up at the driveway of huge mansion after a long drive. The guard at the guardhouse recognised him and let him in. Yuto was asleep, cuddling Chitose in his left arm. Nagisa smiled at Yuto as if he were a precious doll, caressing his hair gently. "Yuto, wake up, we're here,". Yuto scratched his nose before he went back to sleep, making Nagisa giggle. "Little sleepyhead~~"He cooed and was about to peck Yuto on the lips when he noticed his siblings running to his car out of the corner of his eye. "Aniki! You actually came!"Kanako exclaimed in such a shrill voice, Nagisa could hear her despite the car's windows being closed.

Nagisa opened the car door and let his siblings gather around him. "We're glad you came at last, Aniki,"Yukina grinned and Nagisa shrugged, a sheepish smile on his face. "I really didn't want to go. But he convinced me to go with him,"Nagisa chuckled, gesturing to Yuto who was asleep in the passenger seat. "Wow! Kirishima-san is turning Aniki into a better person!"Kanako teased, Yukina fist bumping her in agreement. Hitomi just smiled and put her hands in her pocket. "Well Aniki, aren't you going to wake him up? Ka-chan and To-chan are waiting for you guys in the living room,". Nagisa eventually got Yuto to wake up and while Hitomi handed his car keys to the garage jockey, the rest of them walked to the entrance of the grand home.

"What did you name your Shiuma, Kirishima-san?"Kanako asked as she eyed him hugging Chitose in his good arm tightly. "Chitose," Came Yuto's quiet voice, looking at his stuffed zebra's cute beady eyes as they walked. "Kirishima-san, don't you think you're too old to carry a Shiuma doll around?"Yukina teased and Kanako slapped him on the back hard. "Don't make Kirishima-san feel bad! You don't have the right to judge him when you still have a security blanket you baka! You don't know what Kirishima-san has been through so shut up!". Yukina glared at Kanako and slapped her back harder. "Who said I was judging Kirishima-san? Stop bringing my blanket into this!"He growled back and Nagisa wrapped an arm around Yuto's waist, pulling him away from the brawling twins.

"Nagi, your siblings are fighting,"He whispered, his heart racing as he could hear them beat each other and shout profanities at one another. Nagisa whisked him away, walking with him to the house and leaving the twins to continue to be at each other's throats outside. "They always do. Let Hitomi handle them,"He snickered and squeezed Yuto's shoulders gently. Hiroto was waiting for them at the entrance. "Glad to see that you've made an appearance, Nagisa-sama and Kirishima-sama,"He greeted them in a pleasant voice. Hiroto caught sight of Chitose in Yuto's other arm and bowed. "My mistake for missing you out ma'am. What's her name?"He asked, turning to Yuto who seemed quite happy that the butler acknowledged Chitose. "Chitose,". Hiroto nodded and held his hand out. "To lessen your troubles, I'll show her to her room first,". Yuto nodded enthusiastically and allowed him to take Chitose from his arms.

Just as he was about to say more, Kaoru burst through the door. "Oh the poor baby! He's been through so much! He must be in so much pain,"She cooed sadly, running up to them before she hugged Yuto. "Where's my hug, Oka-san?"Nagisa asked playfully and was met with the evil eye of his mother. "Nagisa! Can't you see that Yuto-kun and I are having a moment? Go inside and greet your father!"She scolded him and pushed him away while she continued to fawn over Yuto. Nagisa grumbled to himself as he walked up the wide staircase. ' would think Yuto was her biological son and I was his trashy boyfriend...'. Nagisa entered the mansion, bowing deeply before entering. He could see his father having tea in the living room and grinned to himself. 'At last, someone who will understand me!'.

He was about to greet Satoushi, who was sipping on a cup of steaming hot tea before Satoushi locked eyes with him. "Nagisa, I heard from your mother that you haven't been treating Kirishima-kun very well,". Nagisa was taken aback by such a statement and gasped. "Oto-san, I treat him so much better now! I swear!". Satoushi put his cup down and sighed, his stern eyes fixed on Nagisa. "You should be more responsible and careful with his health. How can you seem so gormless when your former brother-in-law managed to get into an accident?". Nagisa sighed and sat down on the armchair. "Don't call him that, Oto-san. He's more than just that,". Satoushi had more to say but Kaoru made her grand entrance, fawning over Yuto.

"Look at this poor baby. He's wearing Nagisa's old clothes. He's becoming so thin. He studies so hard, does all the housework and that person doesn't even lift a finger."She drawled to Satoushi, holding out Yuto's arm, feeling how bony he had become while she aggressively pointed to Nagisa. "The boy's more independent than our son will ever be anyway,". He looked over the top of his glasses though, as if he were inspecting Yuto's clothes. "We'll have to get him some new clothes though. Those look too big for him,". Yuto nervously shook his head, looking at his feet. "It's okay. I like it when it's big and baggy. Shinji-san has helped me a lot after I got injured and he treats me well too. It's okay,". He held the sleeve up to his nose and breathed calmly. 'Especially when my clothes smell like Nagi. It's calming'.

Kaoru pursed her lips and pet Yuto's head. "Such a humble and sweet boy. Our son should be grateful to have you around~"She sung sweetly glancing at Nagisa. "I am grateful to have him around me. His company is pleasant,"Nagisa laughed and noticed that the strap of Yuto's cast had become loose. He got up and sat in between Yuto and his mother so he could buckle the straps together again. "Nagisa! Don't just sit in between Yuto-kun and I like that!"Kaoru barked, crossing her arms in distaste. "He's adjusting my straps for me. D-Don't always be angry at him,"Yuto faltered, his lips trembling. He just wasn't used to getting so much attention from other people.

Nagisa had always said his mother was crazy clingy and eccentric but Yuto didn't know he meant that. He didn't really want Nagisa's mother to stick to him as if they were glued together not because he didn't like her but being the center of attention made him uncomfortable. Frankly, the only person he wanted and loved attention from was Nagisa. Plus, the fact that she was constantly scolding Nagisa didn't make him feel any better. "Nagi, room,"He whispered and Nagisa got the hint. "Oka-san, Oto-san, I'll be taking him to his room okay? He's tired and wants to rest,". Kaoru sighed and slumped on the sofa. "Sure....". Satoushi smiled and waved goodbye to them. "Rest well, Kirishima-kun. You'll need to rest if you want your arm to heal. Nagisa, take good care of him,". Once they were out of sight, Nagisa enveloped his hand warmly, trying to comfort him as he brought him around the house.

"Nagi, why is your family so mean to you?"He sighed and Nagisa squeezed his hand gently. "They're not, baby. They just like pushing my buttons. Families do it all the time,". Yuto leaned against his shoulder quietly as they walked through the hallway to get to the other set of stairs that would lead to the rooms. "It's probably my fault anyway. I almost never return home and I never really call home. I should have given them less of a reason to pick on me,"Nagisa chuckled and ruffled Yuto's head. "It's nothing to be upset about, baby. It's normal to bicker with each other,". Nagisa wrapped an arm around Yuto's waist, holding him steadily as they walked up the staircase. After climbing two more flights of stairs, they walked down the corridor and entered the hall before they got to Yuto's room.

"My mother prepared a room for you to sleep in. It's actually quite spacious and lovely,"Nagisa grinned, opening the door. As predicted, Chitose sat in the middle of the bed, her velvety pink ribbon retied neatly into a trim bow. Their bags were on a rack just beside the door. " where I'll sleep?"Yuto asked, surprised at the sheer size of the room. "Yep. Our family doesn't skimp on the sizes of the bedrooms,"Nagisa replied as he shut the door. Yuto quietly walked up to the bed and sat down on the pillowy covers, melting into it immediately. "Nagi, it's very comfortable,". The older man laughed, seeing how much he enjoyed the softness of the duvet. "I can tell. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself,". Yuto sat up and pulled Nagisa onto the bed, snuggling up to him.

The older man smiled and laid down next to him, pulling Yuto into his arms, pecking him on the head. "Ah..I will admit, it feels nice to be home again,"Nagisa chuckled, looking around. "There's just something nostalgic about being home again,". Yuto nuzzled into his chest, making Nagisa's smile even wider. "This is your family home from now on. If you like it here, I'll bring you over more often,". Yuto nodded his head and shut his eyes contentedly when Nagisa caressed his head gently. In the end, Yuto fell asleep while hugging him and he didn't dare to move. 'He's finally calm. Being around my parents for the first time must have been stressful for him'. He held Yuto close to him, feeling at peace himself.

The door was rapped smartly before a rather tall figure entered the room. Nagisa turned to look at the door, nervous that it would be his parents. Fortunately for him, it was Hiroto, the family butler. He wanted to check on Yuto to tell him that if he needed anything, there was a phone by his bed that he could use. "Pardon my intrusion, Kirishima-"He began but stopped short when he saw Yuto snuggled up in Nagisa's arms. Hiroto shut the door behind him and walked up to the bed, a smile appearing on his crinkled face. "Has Kirishima-sama been resting?". Nagisa smiled back at him and nodded. "Very well. Have a seat,". Hiroto sat on the armchair that was next to the bed. "How long have you been together?". Nagisa blushed, looking at Yuto, ruffling his blond locks of hair tenderly. 'He found out'.

"About a year and a month,"Nagisa replied, his face crimson as he looked at Hiroto. "No wonder he seems more comfortable around you than with anyone else,". He observed Yuto's sleeping face before Yuto stirred in his sleep and hugged him even more tightly. "Nagi..I feel cold.."He mumbled, burying his face into Nagisa's chest. Hiroto got up and unfolded the blanket before he tucked both of them in. "Thank you Nagi.."Yuto muttered. Nagisa smiled and kissed Yuto on the cheek gently. "No problem, baby. You need more rest anyway,". A small smile spread across Yuto's face, making both of the other men in the room melt. "I love you Nagi,". Nagisa's ears turned red as soon as he heard that because he realised that Hiroto would have heard it too. "I love you too,"Nagisa grinned and hugged him.

Hiroto smiled, folding his arms. "Your parents have severely misjudged you, Nagisa-sama. You have so much love for Kirishima-sama,". Nagisa was happy to hear that. He knew that he had been treating Yuto like shit ever since he moved in. But that boy 5 years ago is different from his precious now. "When do you plan to let your parents know about your relationship with Kirishima-sama?"Hiroto asked, shifting his weight to one side of his body. "Not any time soon. My parents won't handle it well. I don't want them to hate Yuto. He didn't do anything wrong to incur any hatred towards him,". Nagisa sighed, watching his chest rise and fall calmly.

"But if they grow to hate him, they'll have to grow to hate me too. Whether they want to or not,".




"Welcome to the dining hall, Yuto-kun,"Nagisa chuckled as he let the grand marble room unveil itself for Yuto. "Nagi..."Yuto whispered, clutching onto the hem of Nagisa's shirt shyly.

"I'm....I'm nervous,". Nagisa glanced at Yuto and held his hand, slipping their hands into the pocket of the hoodie Yuto wore. "It's okay. You have nothing to be nervous about when you have me to protect you,". Yuto leaned against Nagisa's muscular shoulder and smiled. He loved Nagisa so much and was grateful that he knew how to make him feel safe and comfortable. "It's not even the dinner event yet. You'll be okay. Just eat to your heart's content,".

It was no surprise to the Shinji siblings that Yuto stuck himself as close as he could to Nagisa. "To-chan and Ka-chan said they weren't hungry. They went to the garden for a light tea. So this dinner is just for us,"Yukina grinned, noisily taking a seat. Naoki groaned, walking up to the lot. "Don't drag the chair like that Yuki. That sound was awful,". He looked at the empty seat next to Yuto and smiled. "May I sit next to you, Kirishima-kun?". Nagisa glared at Naoki. "Nao, I swear to god-" He was about to grumble but Naoki cut him off. "What? I'm just sitting next to him Aniki. It's not like I'm going to swoop him out of your arms,"Naoki smirked, sitting down next to Yuto anyway.

Nagisa squeezed Yuto's hand gently. "Yeah.. you'd better swear that on your girlfriend,". Naoki laughed and slapped his own thighs soundly. "Bold of you to assume I'm still taken Aniki,". He ducked his head and sighed. "She broke up with me a year ago because I wasn't patient enough with her. Guess it's my fault,". Nagisa smirked, caressing Yuto's hand from inside the pocket gently. "Yeah, it is your fault. You've always been impatient,". Naoki muttered something to himself before he shot a smile at Yuto. "Has Aniki been patient with you? Or is he just as bad?". Nagisa grunted and yelled at Naoki. "Bastard! You're asking him this on purpose!".

Naoki laughed and smirked at his older brother. "Of course I am. We need to know if impatience runs in the family genes,". He looked at Yuto before he looked to the pocket of Yuto's hoodie moving around and grinned. "Aniki, we know that you guys are dating. You don't have to hide your PDA. We get it,". Nagisa was tuning him out while rubbing Yuto's hand gently, in case he was stressed out. "Well..."Yuto began, looking up to meet Naoki's earnest face. "Nagi is the kindest and most patient person I've ever met. I'm grateful to be able to see those sides of him every day,". That made Naoki gasp and Nagisa grin widely. "Told you Nii-san, it's your own fault,"Yukina snickered, flicking his napkin at Naoki.

"Nagi..."Yuto whispered, inching himself closer to Nagisa. "Thank you for being kind to me,". The older man just rubbed his head affectionately, grinning. "It's a bare minimum. You shouldn't have to thank me,". They were served a fresh and hot dinner at last. Yuto had never eaten such expensive things before so this really was a treat for him. Nagisa fed him and later helped him get dressed in his pyjamas for bed after dinner. "You think you can handle being alone for the night, Yuto? ". Clutching Chitose meekly, he shook his head. "No, I can't. I won't be able to sleep without you,". Nagisa hugged him, pecking him on the forehead. "What's wrong? You feel anxious when you're alone here?". Yuto nodded again, wrapping his left arm around Nagisa's body. "I don't know this house well enough. But if I'm with you, at least you'll protect me,"He mumbled adorably.

That was all it took to convince Nagisa not to go to his own room to sleep. He pulled off his shirt, revealing his toned chiseled body. He embraced Yuto once more, kissing him on the forehead preciously. "Shouldn't we head to bed then, my darling? You need to get more rest so your arm can heal properly,". Yuto yawned in response and soon enough, both of them were under the covers and cuddling and fast asleep.


"Bottles with the red tape around them come from France and bottles with the yellow tape are from the Netherlands,"Kaoru explained to Yuto while he was sipping on his hot chocolate. "This one's collagen pills. They'll retain easy movement in your joints. These are Vitamin C tablets. Dissolve one in water and consume. Take once a day..". She gabbled on and on and on to Yuto about the supplements who just listened to her quietly. "Dear, I know you want to help him but you don't have to repeat yourself for the third time,"Satoushi sighed from across the table. "Well, it'll benefit him. What's the problem?". Satoushi plopped a cube of sugar into his tea and huffed. "Let Kirishima-kun eat his breakfast in peace. He won't be able to focus if you keep babbling to him,".

Kaoru sighed before grinning at Yuto. "That's all your supplements. If you need more, just tell me and I can get them shipped to your house,". Yuto ducked his head to say thank you and Kaoru laughed. "You're such a quiet darling. It can't be helped,". She flounced back to her seat at the head of the table, next to Satoushi. Nagisa, who had been sitting with Yuto this whole time, was relieved his mother finally stopped rambling on and on about the supplements. "I'll get Hiroto-sama to put these in my car. You don't have to lift a finger,"He smiled at Yuto before glancing at his parents before pecking his precious on the cheek. "You're recovering well, Yuto. It makes me happy,".

Yuto's face became flushed, feeling Nagisa's hand envelope his tightly. "I'm happy too, Nagi. Thank you for everything,". Nagisa pinched Yuto's cheeks. Yuto had always been adorable to him but now, with his cheeks flushed pink, he was undeniably adorable. "Your cheeks are so soft, like tofu. It's so squishy too,". Yuto shrugged, letting his boyfriend play with his cheeks. "It's because I don't smile a lot,"He mumbled, feeling Nagisa's big hands squeeze his face gently. "Then I should make you smile more, shouldn't I?". Yuto giggled and leaned into Nagisa's chest. "You already do, Nagi,".

"Aniki, give him a break,"Hitomi laughed and thumped her brother in the back. Nagisa groaned in pain and let go of Yuto's face. Just then, one of the maids served them their breakfast, Yuto's being a breakfast sandwich. "Nagi, I should go was my hands,"He whispered, getting up from his seat. "Go do that then. I can wait for you. There's a toilet to the left of the kitchen,". Yuto nodded and pulled off his ring, leaving it on the table before he scuttled off.

Kaoru walked up to Nagisa with another bottle. "I almost forgot about this one. Omega 3 capsules,"She muttered, setting it down before she walked away but noticed something out of the corner of her eyes. The ring Yuto pulled off from his finger looked identical to the one Nagisa was wearing. Could it be-?

Succumbing to the realisation, she was white with shock. Why didn't she realise this before?

She clenched her fist and stood her ground. She spoke up, her tone of voice so stern it even surprised Satoushi.

"Nagisa. You're dating Kirishima-kun, aren't you?".