CH 9.1 - Iridescent Adoration (PA)

Brick walls accentuated that homey feel of one café in Hampton. Nagisa sat there, with a nice hot cup of americano coffee with Yuto clinging onto his arm, a hot chocolate with toasted marshmallows to start his morning. To Yuto, it felt new to just sit at a café for breakfast. Usually, he cooked and prepared breakfast the night before so that he could just heat it up in a pan and slide it into Nagisa's bento box with ease. He hadn't really adjusted to being in England yet but it had only been two days since he had arrived. Hitomi had a video chat with her brother yesterday and showed Yuna asleep in her lap, purring. Yes, they chose Hitomi to cat sit Yuna. When Yuna recognised the sound of their voices, she cried and even pawed at the screen violently. That almost moved Yuto to tears.

"Nagi, do you think Yuna will be okay without us? The way she cried yesterday made me feel so guilty,". Warm hands pet Yuto on the head tenderly. "She's our baby. I know that both of us miss her a lot. But, I'm sure she'll be fine. Hitomi and my other siblings are taking care of her at our family home. It's good for her to socialise while she's young,"Nagisa explained, his voice husky. Yuto quietly agreed and sipped on his hot chocolate while they waited for their sandwiches to be toasted. Nagisa examined Yuto's right hand, admiring the promise ring that fit his ring finger snugly. "Mine. For as long as I live. All mine,"He muttered, staring at Yuto as he tried to eat one of his marshmallows. "I'm aware, Nagi. You don't have to tell me that everyday,"His partner giggled before taking a good bite out of his marshmallow.

Reaching out, Nagisa gently pinched Yuto's cheek that just looked even softer because it was full of marshmallow. "You're naturally adorable. I just like to remind myself about how lucky I am to be able to hold you in my arms every night,". Yuto smiled at his boyfriend and allowed him to caress his face. "I should be the lucky one. I've never thought that anyone would date me, let alone a man 16 years my senior,". Nagisa shook his head, his hand cupped as he ran his thumb across Yuto's cheek. "Well, I'm not just 'anyone' to you anymore. Ugh, you're so fucking cute,"He groaned and the waitress serving them their toasty sandwiches laughed. "Love is in the air, now is it?". Nagisa nodded confidently and looked outside the window. "It can't be helped when you're with someone who's an absolute darling".

The cashier shuddered and his colleague laughed at him. "Damien's allergic to all this love that's in the air. I think if you two snogged, he'd dash to the washroom to throw up,". Nagisa chuckled politely and put his hand down to sip his coffee. "Well, my love wouldn't appreciate it if I did that to him in public. Your colleague is saved,". Damien sighed in relief before turning to the door to look at another group of men approaching. "At least someone has a brain around here...".

"Harvey! Ya dingbat! Where've ya been all this time?"One of the men exclaimed and Nagisa snickered at him. "Been improving my love life back at home. Guess you're still a lonely bugger, Thomas,". "Oh fuck off, Vey. I betcha still jump from cock to cock like a slut," Thomas grumbled, taking a seat. "Actually, I brought my boyfriend with me. See?"Nagisa smirked as he gestured to their matching promise rings. "Oh, a boyfriend? Are you serious? Finally some good fucking news,"Someone else chimed in, turning to face Yuto.

Turning to look at Yuto as well, Nagisa held Yuto's hand and stroked it tenderly. His friends were really a wild and loudmouthed bunch and it did worry him a tad bit that Yuto's anxiety would spike because of them. Especially since Thomas didn't really know when to keep his mouth shut. "Vey, are ya sure yer not forcing him to be with ya? It's like he's not got a tongue". Yuto bit his lip and looked up to face them, his bottom lip quivering. "A-Actually... we just got engaged,". He didn't even know what possessed him to say that. He just wanted them to shut up and felt uncomfortable that one of his friends insinuated that he was forced to date Nagi. He tapped Nagisa's palm three times, a code they agreed on to let him know that he was feeling both anxious and uncomfortable.

His boyfriend glanced at his expression and decided to play along with the narrative that Yuto had in mind. "You're not supposed to tell them yet!"He groaned, pretending to be frustrated before he played it off with a laugh. "Oh well, cat's out the bag,". The whole lot cheered for Nagisa slapping him on the back. "You lucky bastard! You wanted to keep that from us?"One of his other friends, Morgan jeered. "For Christ's sake, who knew that Harvey would ever get a new cocksucker!" Thomas added, clapping his hands together. "When's the wedding?"Darren asked, grinning. They were all ecstatic about the sudden news.

Thankfully, the waitress called out to Nagisa's friends. "Gentlemen, why don't you order something before you continue celebrating?". They agreed among themselves and stooped to head to the counter to see the menu and place their orders. "N-Nagi...I'm sorry I said that. I just feel so uncomfortable,"Yuto blurted out softly, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his coat. "Don't apologise for that baby. What made you uncomfortable?"Nagisa whispered back, caressing his cold hand. "I didn't like the remark your friend made. About me...being forced to date you and when he called you that s-word. I also felt disgusted... that he referred to me as a co-...I can't say it,"He huffed and laid his head on the table, his face warm. "I'm sorry, Nagi. Maybe I'm just sensitive today,".

Petting him on the back, Nagisa shook his head. "No, you shouldn't have to apologise for feeling uncomfortable about those remarks. Don't take the blame for his gross behaviour. His humour isn't usually that crude but since it makes you uncomfortable, I'll get him to tone it down. Don't you worry, okay? I'll talk to him,". Yuto nodded and let Nagisa plant a kiss on his forehead. Naturally, he stood up from his seat and took off his coat, gingerly covering Yuto's shoulders with it. "Lads, I'm off to the wash. Anybody wants to wash?". Morgan and Thomas raised their hands and followed him to the washroom.

Before Thomas could leave the washroom though, Nagisa caught him by the shoulder. "Listen Tom, you should tone down on those sexually implicit remarks. My partner didn't feel very comfortable about them; he said he's disgusted by them,". Thomas arched an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Oh, so we're conforming to yer pillow prince's standard now?". Nagisa grumbled and shook his head violently. "No, no, no, it's not like that. He's not a local, Tom. Where he grew up, people rarely make jokes as suggestive as yours. Especially not to people they've just met. And don't call him that, give him some respect,". That made Thomas' stance shift. "Oh...Bloody sorry Vey, with the natural lookin' blonde hair and the way he spoke, I thought he was from around here. Okay, okay. I'll tone it down for ya,". Nagisa smirked and called out to him cheekily as he was leaving.

"Don't forget to apologise, you daft wally!".

"Of course, ya muppet! What am I? Six?".

Sitting next to Yuto again, Nagisa gave Thomas his cue to apologise. "Erm, Vey, very sorry bout' those things I said. I didn't realise it was out of line for me to say something like that,". Yuto looked up from the table, eyeing Thomas just as they locked eyes. "And uh...What's yer name?". Nagisa prodded Yuto's back kindly to encourage him to answer. "Kirishima,". Thomas groaned and held his head. "Vey, has he no English name? Or a different pronunciation? I can't pronounce his name,". Nagisa shook his head as he patted Yuto's back softly. "No, I don't think he should anglicise his name let alone need an English name. He's not living here long-term,".

Muttering something to himself, Thomas just shrugged. "Well, I'm not going to try to pronounce yer name since I'd just butcher it. But, do know that I'm sorry for the remarks I said that hurt ya. Alright?". Yuto nodded and straightened his back, sitting up properly. "Okay,". Just like that, the meeting with Nagisa's friends proceeded smoothly. All of them liked Yuto, even though he was quieter than they had expected. Nonetheless, they were still happy that Nagisa got 'engaged', unaware that it was something Yuto blurted out in the moment as a way to defend Nagisa and himself from those vulgar comments.

Nagisa did feel bad for Yuto. He must have felt so uncomfortable. He barely even ate his sandwich. Luckily for him, Nagisa had asked Hiroto to bring a picnic spread to Bushy Park for them to enjoy in peace. Still, if he'd known that his friends, especially Thomas, would make Yuto feel so uneasy, he would have met up with them another time. He decided that he'd be having their picnic to themselves and to make it extra special to make up for his discomfort earlier. It was lunchtime when they got to the park and Hiroto was waiting for them under a shady tree. "Shinji-sama, I've laid 3 layers of blankets for you and Kirishima-sama. I even prepared the picnic basket as promised,".

Thanking Hiroto for all the help, Nagisa had one more request. "Hiroto-sama, could you perhaps get some cupcakes, preferably if they're chocolate ones, for Kirishima-kun? I'd like to treat him to some,". Hiroto bowed respectfully and nodded to agree. "Of course. How many would you like me to purchase on your behalf?". Nagisa took his coat off from Yuto's and folded it so that Yuto could sit on it while he talked to Hiroto. "Two dozen should be sufficient. I'd like to take some home for my foster parents and ourselves for tea,". That made Hiroto laugh nervously. "Shinji-sama, to purchase 24 chocolate cupcakes might be difficult but I'll purchase all of the chocolate cupcakes in the café and the rest of them will be other flavours,".

Liking the sound of that idea, Nagisa gave Hiroto a sum of money before he sat down on the blanket with Yuto. "How does it feel to be by the pond?"He asked, watching the ducks swim around gracefully. "It's a bit chilly, but it feels relaxing,". "I think there's a blanket in the basket,"Nagisa mumbled as he fumbled around before unfolding the cushion at the bottom of the basket. He covered Yuto's shoulders before he looked to the weather on his phone. "Yeah, England's weather is usually like this, especially around autumn. But, you'll feel better after some nice hot soup,". Blowing at his bowl of hot and creamy tomato soup being contrasted by the cool breeze by the pond, it did feel nice to be there.

"Oh yeah, if you do see any deer, don't pet them. The deer here are not so friendly, unlike the ones at Nara Park. So be careful, okay darling?". Yuto craned his head to look at one of the deer that happened to be roaming around their picnic area and nodded. "They definitely don't look like they want to be pet. Okay, Nagi. I won't touch them,". A picnic of fresh tomato soup and cheesy garlic bread prepared by Nancy for them with a side of mini bacon butties and toast soldiers with soft boiled eggs. They had been cooked beautifully and wrapped and kept nicely in the basket. When Hiroto told her that Nagisa wanted them to have a picnic by the park, she was delighted.

George even went as far as to scour his garage for some of his old lanterns to help set the mood. Both of them wanted Yuto to really enjoy his time in England, especially since Nagisa told them he'd never been abroad before. While they enjoyed their lunch, Hiroto returned with the cupcakes, setting them on the foldout table carefully. "I've bought 10 chocolate cupcakes, 6 vanilla bean frosting cupcakes, 4 strawberry and creme cupcakes and another 4 birthday cake flavoured cupcakes. Are they to your taste, Shinji-sama?". Peering into the box of cupcakes, Nagisa nodded. "Indeed. Thank you, Hiroto-sama,".

Picking out a plate from the basket, Yuto put a bacon butty on it before he offered it to Hiroto, since he thought that he hadn't had anything to eat yet. "Join us, Hiroto-sama,". Taken aback, the old butler shook his hand in front of his face. "No thank you, Kirishima-sama. I don't partake in your private activities as my duty is to assist you and I must be on-call. Thank you for the offer, but as I'm on duty, I have to refrain from eating,". Yuto put the plate down, scanning the whole area. "One sandwich won't break your code of work, will it?"He asked innocently, it made Nagisa burst out laughing. "Just sit down and enjoy the sandwich, Hiroto-sama. That's how you can assist us for now,".

Amused by how cleverly Nagisa convinced him to take the sandwich, he knelt on the blanket and took the plate obediently. "As you wish, Shinji-sama. Am I to resume my duties after I finish this task?". Yuto shook his head and offered Hiroto a lunchbox of toast soldiers and an egg. "You're tasked to have lunch with us, Hiroto-sama,". Hiroto had never heard such a creative request before but he obliged. He knew that Yuto was more than happy to share their food and time with him and Nagisa didn't care that he was 'breaking' his code of work because Hiroto basically watched him grow up.

He's usually on his feet for most of the day, listening to the Master's every beck and call and carrying out tasks that were given to him. Yet, to sit down and relax with the Master's son and his partner was completely out of the ordinary for him. "Are you sure you are not in need of my assistance?". Nagisa shook his head, stroking Yuto's head lovingly as he lay asleep with his head on his lap. "I'm sure of it, Hiroto-sama. Just lie down for a moment and get some rest so that you can get us home safely,".

With a bow to signify that he understood, he lied down on the blanket, closing his eyes. Nagisa looked at Yuto's sleeping face and smiled, pushing aside his blonde bangs. "You considerate little baby, making Hiroto-sama eat with us even though he's on duty,"He chuckled, adjusting the blanket that covered Yuto.

As if he'd remembered that he left something in his pocket, he rummaged through his coat pocket as carefully as possible so that he wouldn't wake Yuto up and sighed in relief.

In his large hands, was a small but reminiscent black velvet box.




Bundled in a huge soft white blanket, Nagisa cuddled Yuto whilst they sat in front of the fireplace in his room, yellow flames flickering to warm the room up. "Baby, I'm sorry about this morning. I should have known that they would make you uncomfortable,". "It's okay, Nagi. It's not like you would know something like that,"He responded softly, leaning against Nagisa's chest. He was sitting on his lap with his back against his chest and his boyfriend's head rested on his head. Both of them were very comfortable in that position. Nagisa even wrapped his arms around Yuto's waist, enjoying every minute of this.

A tray of hot chocolate and biscuits and cupcakes were by their side, courtesy of Nancy after she barged into the room and found them huddled together in front of the fire. She told them that it was okay if they wanted to have some time to themselves and if they wanted more snacks, they could go downstairs and help themselves. "Well, I should have guessed. I should have been more careful about exposing you to such indecent comments if I already knew that such remarks coming from other people made you uncomfortable. I should have done my homework,"He sighed, rocking Yuto back and forth, kissing him sweetly on the forehead.

"It's okay, Nagi. You don't have to feel so bad about it,"He whispered, moving his hands to hold his boyfriend's that were comfortably hugging him by the waist. "I know you don't expect me to apologise for their behaviour. But at the end of the day, they're my friends and I know what they're like and I still invited them out. Yet, I was unaware of how they would make you feel. I'm responsible for their behaviour harming you,". Sensing how serious Nagisa was because of this, Yuto sat up and put his arms around his neck, hugging him. "I understand Nagi. But, it's okay. I know that you didn't mean for this to happen,".

The mood was really tight in the room and Nagisa didn't realise how much darker he had made it. He hugged Yuto tightly and playfully pushed him into the padding of the blanket on the floor. "Anyway, what made you tell them we got engaged? Do you want to be engaged to me that badly?"He teased, looking at Yuto's crimson cheeks as their fingers were intertwined. "A-Ah...I panicked and I didn't know what to say to them. I just...didn't like the fact that they kept calling you mean names. I thought it would make them shut their mouths if I told them that we got engaged,"He admitted, covering his face with his free hand and Nagisa laughed.

"You really know how to turn a man on, you know?"He purred, kissing Yuto on his forehead and then his neck. "I haven't left a single hickey on your neck in a while. Most of them are fading now,"He mumbled as he caressed some of the old and fading marks on Yuto's neck. " that case, you can leave new ones, Nagi,". "I'll save that for later because the floor's not the most comfortable, now is it?"He smirked and Yuto nodded shyly, his cheeks even rosier than a red apple. He knew what Nagisa meant by that and he immediately lowered his eyes to meet his partner's pants.

Kittenishly, Yuto reached for Nagisa's belt buckle. However, his boyfriend knew that if he were to remove the belt, he would see the cubic looking bulge in his pant pocket if he stooped to take it off. "Ah,'re really going for it, hm?"He razzed, standing up before he carried both Yuto and the blanket onto the bed. "What else am I supposed to do?"He asked ingenuously, sitting up on the bed while he eyed Nagisa. His eyes became wider as he watched his partner pull off his shirt, his toned body being revealed before him. Nagisa found it adorable that even though Yuto had seen him shirtless countless times, his face would still flush pink every time he saw Nagisa removing his shirt.

"You can close your eyes and give me your hand,"He replied, pulling out the black velvet box from his pocket. Obediently, Yuto kept his eyes closed and held out his right hand to Nagisa, who deftly pulled off his promise ring and kissed him on the back of his hand. "Why did you take my ring off, Nagi?"He asked softly, his eyes still shut. "Because I have something better than that for you,". His deep but loving voice resonated and it gave Yuto shivers. He opened his eyes to peek at what Nagisa was doing and saw the black velvet box that had been given to him.

Glasslike tears spilled from his eyes.

"Nagi, no...No..I only said it in the spur of the moment earlier..."He whimpered, his hands trembling. "This isn't supposed to make you cry!"Nagisa gulped, quickly plucking a tissue from a tissue box and mopping up his tears. "I don't deserve this. I don't, I really don't,"He sniffled, covering his face with his hands. "The promise ring was good enough. You don't have to spend so much money on me,". Wiping his tears, Nagisa picked the box up before he opened it. "The promise ring was good. But if there's anything better than a promise ring, it's an engagement ring,"He chuckled, carefully taking the ring out of it's holster before he slipped it onto Yuto's ring finger.

Tears just couldn't stop etching down from Yuto's face. "Baby, you deserve this ring and so much more that I have to offer. You've given me more than I can give back to you,". With shaky fingers, Yuto took the other ring from the holster and fitted it onto Nagisa's ring finger, biting his hoodie to muffle his sobbing. George must have heard him wailing because the loud smacking of slippers hitting the wooden staircase could be heard before the door was rapped sharply. "Harvey, you'd better not be bullying him in there. Is everything okay?".

Hearing George's raspy voice helped Yuto calm down. "I'm okay...He just gave me a present,"He called out to George as loudly as he could and George laughed from the other side of the door. "You kids~ Don't get too rowdy,"He joked, the smacking of his slippers fading. Nagisa continued drying Yuto's tears, pecking him on the forehead multiple times. "I want to keep protecting you, to continue seeing you become a happier person. I want you to laugh with me one day,"He smiled, planting a kiss onto Yuto's new ring. "You're more than someone who just takes care of all the trivial things in my life, baby. You're my boyfriend, my everything and now, if you'll allow it, I want you to be my fiancé,".

His bottom lip quivering, Yuto was finding it hard to form a full sentence. "I-...Nagi, I don't..."He breathed but even his partner could tell that his mind must be mush by now. He hushed Yuto, allowing him to stabilise his breathing before he spoke. After a moment of silence, occasionally interrupted by his heavy breathing, he cleared his throat and tried again. "N-Nagi..I don't want to marry young,". Nagisa, who had been hugging him, patted him on the back lightly. "I know that. No one said you have to marry immediately after getting an engagement ring, right? You can keep it on until you're ready. But until then, I'll keep raising your standards so that you'll never ever have to lower them for anyone. Not even for me when I become your husband,".

Still blubbering, Yuto's tears dripped down Nagisa's shoulder. "I'm sorry..that you have to see me..when I'm such a teary mess,"He mewled, looking into Nagisa's blue eyes as he wiped his tears away. "B-But..I'm also grateful that...that's the part of me you love. Because I know that you love all of me,"He weeped quietly. Thumping Yuto on the back, he wiped the never-stopping flow of crystalline tears. "Correct. I love every part of you. Every nook and cranny, smile and sob. I never want to let any part of you go,". Nagisa continued to thump him on the back until his breathing had become relatively normal.

"I have so much to say, Nagi. B-But, one night isn't enough to tell you everything,"Yuto huffed, his eyes red but that adorable simper on his face.

"You have your whole lifetime, baby. Take your time,"The older one of the two laughed, cuddling his partner in his arms. Yuto giggled and pecked his partner on the cheek, nuzzling into his embrace. "Would a 'thank you for everything' be enough for now?".

"More than enough,".

"Thank you for everything, Nagi. But really, you don't need to fork out so much money to make me happy,".

He admired his new ring, his eyes twinkling like they held all the stars in the sky captive. "Oh, that's 18k Moissanite. It's gorgeous and it's not that expensive either,"Nagisa declared proudly, looking at his own identical ring. "It's got rainbows in it. It's pretty. But why did you choose Moissanite, Nagi?".

A carefully crafted and shaped Moissanite stone welded on a silver ring, yet again with their initials carved into the sides of the ring. It glimmered in all its splendour.

Taking hold of Yuto's hand, he held it tightly before responding. "Moissanite has got a rainbow-like reflection. You can see them right? Well, you've been through so much mental and physical torture and before this, I haven't necessarily been treating you so well, especially in the last few weeks. But, I've learnt from my mistakes and I want to use them as a lesson so that I can treat you better,".

"Hm, what are you trying to say, Nagi?".

"Remember that old saying? After a storm, there's always going to be a rainbow. After you've had such a rough life, you deserve more than just my unconditional love and support,".