After the match everyone went to their own place ,Just as Shikai was about to follow team 10 Shikaku came,
Shikaku" wait a minute, all of you can go but you Shikai , Hokage want you in office"
Shikai hearing this knew what was going on" Um okey, guys you go to the ramen ya its a treat of Asuma sensei , i will be back after going toward hokage's"
saying this he followed Shikaku toward hokage
On the way
Shikaku asked Shikai" hey , what did you do huh? , when Hokage was whispering in my ear he seem a little bit angry"
Shikai" well i clearly don't know"
hearing what Shikai say Shikaku knew Shikai's Father was the same denying type ,so he didn't questioned anymore
In the Hokage building just as Shikai enter
Hokage" Little devil you are here" and showed a evil smile .
Shikai " well i'm here gramps," Saying this Shikai also showed evil smile thinking' you play with me i play against you'.
Since Shikai was close with Naruto he got the habit of Naruto to Call Hokage Gramps
Hokage seeing the smile didn't know what to say , but continued
"This time boy you played me great time, because of this you might never be a chunin"
Shikai knowing that Hokage was trying to make him afraid said in fearful voice
"I was wrong gramp please don't do this to me , if you did this then as being fearful and might spill to all genin how i was made eternal genin because i knew your plan and i played against you"
Hokage being angry" you don't think i will make you disappear"
Shikai" oh please gramps, i know how much you value will of fire and love us "
This basically made Hokage eat his word so he finally give up and granted chunin to Shikai but said" you aren't allowed to show this other than your family until the exam is over, understood?"
Shikai, while leaving the room " okey gramps, Happy cooperation"
When this last word was spoken the Anbu hiding in the room chuckled , this gave Hokage again a ashamed headache
After done with Hokage ,Shikai went to meet the team and enjoyed the ramen which Asuma paid for
After done with ramen Asuma went home and Ino- Choji were also about to leave
Seeing this Shikai said ,From tomorrow you 2 will come to our place i will for 1 month take care of your training and gave a bright smile
But this bright didn't seem like Bright for Ino and Choji so reading their mindset he added ," if you don't come then Choji i wont ever lend you money and Ino i hope you will come too as it is for your own good"
Choji hurriedly said "i will come , surely , so you should keep on lending me money"
Ino who now have been idolizing Shikai since Shikai solved 3 sand ninja in a graceful way agreed with a light" hum"
This was first time Ino thought of Shikai and not Sasuke , even Ino was unknown of this change
With this being said all 4 of them went their own way
On the road Shikai said to Shikamaru " brother, what do you think of this Chunin exam held with other village?"
Shikamaru" it troublesome to think but well chaos may happen <"
Hearing Shikamaru say that Shikai knew why he was made Chunin by Hokage ;its because of shikamaru's futuristic vision
Shikai said" well true,and it will happen in the exam date, so you got to have a fighting power of special jounin at that time , so , i have a new idea which we will try in this month"
Shikamaru" it' bothersome but okey , after exam i will enjoy my resting day"
When Shikamaru said this Shikai didn't knew whether to laugh or cry because he know that after that incident , Tsunade become Hokage and Shikamaru was busy with dealing genin and Sasuke's case too
Both of them went home , had dinner and went to sleep ,
But Shikai has another plan , because he remembered that Gekko Hayate will be killed so this is his chance for another shadow of a jounin and chakra source so he made his shadow clone follow Hayate closely
With the work of new chakra source is done he went into the shadow world where he had the elite jounin , today he plan to completely fuse the shadow and make the elite jounin whole.
so with the plan in mind he started to make the shadow fuse reach final stage , and remake it's appearance .
Well this work won't be finish in a single night so he planned to do it just before Hayate goes after Kabuto which is before Konoha attack .
Next morning
Shikai woke up early than usual and went to Kitchen as no one was awaken yet so , today he plan to make a breakfast
He made some bread , rice, omelet , spicy curry and some juice of fruit .By the time this was done Yoshino along with Shikaku and Shikamaru
Seeing the breakfast ready Yoshino said " breakfast , already!"
Shikamaru"how could Shikai do this bothersome work all by himself"
Shikaku" who know "
While they were talking Shikai came in the room with the food and said
" well nothing , i just woke up early that's all, and thought to make some breakfast in the free time "
With this said he also sat down and started to eat
Shikaku while eating" Shikai , even if you can't be chunin this time do try next year you might have the chance , and Shikamaru do your best in 3rd test"
Shikamaru was listless to give answer and just said "um"
Shikai picked up the glass of water and while drinking said" oh ! um i became chunin yesterday"
Shikaku without clearly thinking gave the reply " oh you passed then all good"
Yoshino and Shikamaru who clearly heard Shikai and unconsciously shouted" what?"
Shikaku didn't know what was going on he tried thinking back a few second and sprayed the food in mouth and asked once more " what did you just say Shikai?"
Shikai " well yesterday Gramp called me in office and gave me Chunin Badge but i wasn't allowed to say this to other than you guys until the end of Chunin exam"
the family was socked knowing about this but were happy
with the gossip done ,
Shikaku went to Hokage office ,Yoshino was busy with house and village women ,
Shikai and Shikamaru were waiting for Ino and Choji to arrive .