Is it Worth Knowing

The sound of metal clashing against metal sang through the misty air as Lila brought her sword down. The old man narrowed his eyes as he pushed upward with his blade, causing her to stumble back. The hilt of her sword dug into the palm of Lila's hand as the two circled each other. Lila's breath came out in harsh breaths as she glared at the old man, who didn't seem the least bit winded.

It's been a week since he proposed the idea and Lila agreed immediately. The two of them became fast friends after discovering their mutual love for war tactics and hidden weapons. Lila had stumbled upon way too many of the traps for intruders he set in the forest. She got out of them easily, of course, having studied them in her boredom after being trapped in the castle. The old man was more worried about the damage she had done to his traps while escaping them.

Flowing threads of water in a nearby brook weaved amid rocks crowned in damp green moss. Cherry blossoms floated softly to the ground, like a wave of pink and white confetti. Lush green bushes neatly surrounded the expansive space of fresh green grass. Newly sprouted leaves of the maple trees stood proudly amongst the sea of colors, a tender green. The fragrance of the newly blossomed flowers swirled around me like a cocoon.

Frosted grass crunched under their feet as they moved swiftly, dodging, blocking, and advancing when they needed to. A duel as such is not like you imagine it to be. It is dictated by the skill one has and the thoughts one contains when advancing into the fight. If you wish to come out victorious, it is a question of if you found what you have truly come for.

Lunging forward, the two of them met in the center as she thrust her sword at him. Lila's breaths came out in short puffs in the chilly morning air as she studied his movements, anticipating his next strike. His blade shot toward her, taking her by surprise as he hacked at her exposed side. Lila gritted her teeth in frustration as she barely brought her sword up in time to block his strikes.

Dancing back, she dodged his successive slices as he went on the attack, pushing me backward further and further.

"Looks like your Grandfather didn't leave you with much to work with if you're this desperate to get answers," Lila growled at his statement as she parried his slices, barely standing her ground.

"What do you know about him? It's not like you're his best friend. If you were, I would know about it."

"Would you, though?" Lila heard him mutter under his breath as he continued to advance casually. In a louder voice, he said, "I've always enjoyed making instruments along with other trinkets. The harp was always one of my favorites to make."

Lila froze in shock as soon as he uttered those words. There is no way he doesn't know about the decree.

Without another word, the old man disarmed her easily, and Lila found herself with a blade at her neck.

"Do you yield?"

Lila sighed in frustration, "I yield." Picking up her sword, the old man handed it to her.

"Again." He simply put. Lila groaned as she got into a ready stance, her hands gripping the handle tightly.

The sound of the swords clashing echoed through the forest until sunset. Despite all her training, she had come nowhere close to winning and was sore all over. Lila had a feeling this was more for the old man than it was for her. He must have had no one to duel against while living in the middle of nowhere.

The old man hummed a tune under his breath as he walked back to the cottage with a skip in his step. His cane thumped against the grassy ground as he moved, but it was obvious he wasn't leaning his weight on it, making Lila question why he needed it in the first place. That old geezer only wanted someone to duel I bet, Lila grumbled in her mind. It was a complete one-sided beating. She sobered up as another thought rang through her head. It must be lonely out here in the wilderness.

As if he sensed her mood, the old man patted her on the shoulder. "It is a tough thing, not knowing where your grandpa is and how he is. But maybe being oblivious is the best thing that one could be." He sighed, staring up at the sky that was now glittering with stars. "I know you've been holding back this week. It is not a physical barrier but a mental barrier that you must overcome."

As Lila opened her mouth to reply, he cut her off. "Ah, save the excuses. Harold was always a mysterious man, but he would never have left his granddaughter untrained. It takes effort to lose a fight that you can win."

The old man continued, this time on a sadder note. "Is it really worth knowing what that book hides although? I'll let you decide for yourself."

Lila fell silent as he put his hand on the cottage door, cracking it open so a beam of warm light from the lit room escaped. Determination coursed through her at his questions, and she clenched her fists before calling after him.

"Wait," Lila spoke, picking up the sword they had left on the rack. "Let's go again." She could only see the silhouette around the light, but she saw a tiny nod of acknowledgment as the door to the cottage closed and he stepped back outside.