Warning: Explicit content.
Rinji dropped Killian on the kitchen floor with a grin as the cook moved to stand next to the reptile. Killian panted against the tile, his mind reeling from what was happening to him. The pilot stared through his shifting foggy vision at the red sauce dripping off of him and pooling onto the grimy tile. Rinji gently rolled the pilot onto his back so that he was facing the ceiling, and without a care, the reptile hovered over its prey, knowing his prize was helpless in its paralyzed state.
"What the hell did you do to me?" Killian managed to wheeze.
"I had a little fun with you! That jello I gave you must've caused you too much excitement to handle!" Rinji swooned before bursting into a fit of giggles.
When the reptile calmed himself enough to stop laughing, he looked down at Killian with an elated expression that displayed a crooked grin filled with razor-sharp fangs, "I'm flattered!"
"Flattered my ass! You drugged me!" Killian grumbled.
"I like my version better," Rinji frowned and then shrugged, "But either way, it's still funny. Eating jello made your legs turn to jello!"
"Can you just hurry the fuck up?!" the cook interjected, shouting over Rinjis hysterical laughter, "This has been dragging on long enough!"
"I suppose it has."
Rinji turned back to Killian; the reptile's eyes glowed, and his grin reappeared, "So Killian. Ready to have some fun?"
Killian's heart skipped a beat, "I think your definition of fun is different than mine."
Rinji didn't respond. Instead, he opened his mouth enough for his slitted tongue to slither out from between his teeth. Killian's eyes widened, and he tried to move away from the reptilian despite knowing his current physical state.
Panicking, Killian asked, "What are you bastards up to?"
"Is that you tryin ta ask what my waiters doin?" the chef asked as he hovered over the pair on the floor, "You can drop tha tough guy act, makes you look like more of an ass. Rinjis inherited quite a useful trait from his ancestors. Retractable razor-like teeth hide within his tongue. His race enjoys using them to scoop out intestines from live victims."
Rinji licked his lips as he zoned out, "Tastes better that way!"
The cook chuckled, "Don' worry, he's not gonna eat you alive."
"Then wha-" Killian began to rasp, but his voice immediately faded out as he watched white blades appear around the edges of Rinjis tongue. Killian clamped his eyes shut as Rinji drew closer. The reptile only laughed as his slighted tongue prodded Killian's right inner eye. Killian gasped and his eyes opened in surprise. Rinji paused as he looked into the pilot's glowing emerald irises and grinned before moving closer. Killian tried closing his eyes once more but to no avail. Rinji's slitted tongue had slid further behind Killian's eye, causing it to protrude slightly from the pilot's face.
Killian gasped and his mouth hung open in a silent scream, his voice too weak to make a sound.
Killian's optic nerve was in the slit of Rinji's tongue, and with surgeon-like precision, the reptile severed the vein with his bladed tongue. As Rinji carefully wrapped his tongue around his new prized jewel and pulled it out of its socket, Killian felt the strange sensation of losing something he always thought he'd have. Tears streaked down Killian's face as he struggled to comprehend, his physical pain washed over by emotions.
"Why...Why...?" Killian whispered.
The cook held out a jar full of fluid as Rinji placed the eye inside to preserve it.
"These'll fetch quite a price!" The cook exclaimed.
Rinji hummed, "I wonder what kind you beautiful lady will choose to wear them?"
Killian grunted, interrupting the thieves daydreaming, "You took my eye... So sum bitch could switch her eye color?!"
Rinji smiled as he sauntered over to Killians shaking form, "Well, what else are you good for? Your eyes are a true wonder. A captivating beauty. It'd be a shame to waste them on someone like you."
Rinji kneeled over his prey once more and caressed the lid of the eye he had yet to take, "Now, shall we get started with the next one?"
Jack's vision faded in and out as he panted heavily, sweat trickling from his temple and neck. Jack's vision had blurred while exiting the ship, and he now lay face down on the ship's metal grate flooring. A soft whirring sound began to approach Jack and stop as it neared Jack's position on the floor.
"Jalkoln really do have a big disadvantage despite all that strength," A mechanical voice box sounded.
"What's happening to me?" Jack panted.
Bedo reached out a pair of pinchers towards Jack's right ear, "Were you taught nothing in school?"
A wave of intense hunger washed over Jack, and he groaned as he withered in pain, his vision fading out. Bedo unlatched an earring from Jack's ear and set it aside, now grabbing hold of a small bowl, "Now, if you're a good boy you can have a treat. Can you shake?"
Jack's eyes shifted towards the direction of Bedos voice. The Jalkoln saw that in one hand Bedo was holding a bowl that emitted alluring smells, while the other pincher was stretched towards Jack expectantly.
Jack growled, "I'm not a fucking dog!"
Bedo's lights dimmed, "Hmm. Well, then I suppose you don't need this now do you?"
Bedo turned and began to wheel away.
"Wait! Please! It hurts... It hurts so much. Please..." Jack pleaded.
Bedo turned to face Jack and set down the bowl, "Was that so hard?"
Jack didn't hear him, as he was too focused on his reward. Still lying on the ground, Jack reached forward and snatched the bowl. Inside was a warm serving of chili. Grinning, Jack poured the chili down his gullet, chugging to quickly subdue his hunger. When the majority of the liquid was gone, Jack frantically licked the inside of the bowl. Jack found that his momentary bliss had disappeared and his immense hunger returned tenfold. Jack claws unsheathed, and his fangs protruded with frustration. Glowing slitted eyes fixated on the little robot. Jack lunged and grabbed the top of Bedo's head, lifting him off the ground.
"If you are looking for more chili, I do not have any. The diner has plenty of what you need." Bedo stated.
Jack growled and dropped Bedo, racing out of the ship to find food.
Chains rattled as Killian's hands were bound to a large metal object.
"What are you doing?" Killian asked, his voice wavering.
"You'll see!" Riniji sang, "Well, I suppose not 'see' but more hear and feel."
"That didn't answer my question!" Killian spat.
Rinji ignored the blind man as he finished locking his hands to the diner's prized machine. Rinji hummed with delight as he inspected Killian's face, taking out a handkerchief and securing it around Killian's empty sockets, "There! Much more pleasant."
"Does your work disgust you too?" Killian growled.
"Do you want your mouth to be taped? It sure sounds like you do. I'd rather hear you scream, but I can get behind hearing muffled agony." Rinji smiled threateningly.
Killian didn't respond and Rinji backed away, standing beside the cook.
"We should take cover." The cook suggested.
"Hmm, I can't wait to watch the grand finale!"
"Wha-" Killian began but was interrupted by a large bang that emanated from the front of the diner.
"Looks like he smelt our bait!" Rinji whispered. The waiter and cook scuffled over to the walk-in freezer and hurried inside. A little frosted porthole was positioned in the middle of the heavy door; Rinji scraped away the frost and peeked through it.
Jack threw open the door to the kitchen and stalked his way around the appliances, following his nose. As Killian heard footsteps grow closer he yelled, "Jack?! Jack is that you?!"
Jack was now standing in front of the machine Killian was chained to, his slitted eyes wide in anticipation. Jack lunged, pinning Killian against the cold metal. As claws dug into Killian's arms, the pilot began to panic once more, "Oh God... No... What did you-... You fed him human?! You bastards!"
Rinji giggled from his viewpoint, enjoying Killians shaking form.
"Jack! Jack, you gotta listen to me! These bastards are using us! You need to-" Killian began to say, hoping to snap Jack out of his crazed state, but stopped as Jack lunged for his shoulder. Fangs pierced flesh, and blood splattered from the new wound. Killian let out a blood-curdling scream; Jack's teeth sank further and removed a chunk of skin and muscle from his partner. Killian wailed from the pain, unable to stop as his shoulder throbbed and painted his arm red.
Among Killians screams of agony a rattling sound emanated above them. Jack's head snapped towards the sound behind him to find that he was behind bars, and Rinji was standing on the other side. Jack lunged for the reptile but was unable to get the bars to budge. Growling in frustration Jack tried to reach his arm out to swipe at the waiter. Rinji stepped back out of his reach, "As much as I would love to watch you eat more of your best friend, we have clients to serve."
Rinji pressed a button on the side of the machine, and it suddenly gave a lurch and began to hum. Above Jack and Killian blades began to slowly churn and lower themselves towards the pair of pilots. Jack roared in frustration and banged on the bars, his movements resembled more of a savage beast than an intelligent man. As Jack tried to escape the confusing situation, Killian mumbled to himself in sorrow, "They're gonna kill us... It's all my fault... I'm sorry Jack. I'm sorry Everen."
The grinding blades continued to lower themselves towards the pilots, and Killian remained silent, wallowing in his defeat as he listened to his manipulated partner.
Reptilian hands gently placed a bowl and platter before the patiently waiting bounty hunter, "One special,"
The bounty hunter nodded in thanks as the waiter also set down a pair of worn keys atop a slip of paper that contained a string of numbers and watched as the hybrid waiter slinked back towards the kitchen. The bounty hunter looked back at his meal, spotting two small trinkets on the platter next to the bowl. Picking them up with gloved fingers he inspected the shiny objects, one was a small looped earring and the other a ring. Setting them down with the rest of the keys, the bounty hunter picked up his spoon ready to dig into his long-awaited meal: chili.