Easter returned to the library, and as she walked back to the group, Chris stood from his seat, "Are you alright?"
Easter paused and gave him a questioning look, "What do you mean?"
"Did you not hear the horses cry that practically shook the walls?" Valentine asked.
"Oh," Easter's eyes widened in remembering the strange sounds, "Ah, yes I heard it. Nothing really happened though."
As Easter took her seat between Christmas and Thanksgiving, her brother inspected her face closely, "Then why are your ears red?"
Easter's cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment, and she pinched both of her ears to test how hot they were. Christmas continued to stare her down, and Easter buckled slightly, "I... I may have seen someone other than the butler roaming the halls."
Everyone's eyes were immediately glued to Easter.
"Who?!" They all shouted.
"I don't know! It was probably just a guard! He was wearing a military uniform, and it sounded like he had a battle earlier this evening!" Easter blurted.
Everyone deflated slightly, pondering if it could've been Halloween. They all munched on the snacks they were given when Valentine spoke up, his question aimed at Easter, "So, was he handsome?"
Easter turned a dark shade of red, and Valentine smirked at her easy-to-read face. His winning smile didn't last for long as July slapped the back of his head, "Was that really necessary?!"
Valentine steamed, "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why do you always feel the urge to hit me?!"
Christmas interjected, "I think she should hit you more often! You shouldn't be asking my little sister these things!"
"Easter can have her own damn opinions!"
The three of them continued to shout over each other, veins popping out of the sides of their heads. Easter and Thanksgiving tried to mediate, but their voices were only lost in the chaos. New Year quickly lost interest and began to doze off in his seat, his coffee having little to no effect on him. A figure appeared next to him and sat on the armrest of the sofa, "I never really realized but, do they always fight like this?"
"Pretty much," New Year grumbled.
The argument continued to boil until the trio's bubble burst.
"That's it!" Chris yelled, "I have had enough of you and your impertinent behavior!"
Snow and ice appeared from thin air, much like it did when Chris first entered the forest, and as it converged, it formed a sharp, encrusted rapier, pointed straight at Valentine. The room fell dreadfully silent. Valentine stood frozen in shock before reminding himself of his frustration. Valentine stretched out the palm of his hand, and from it, a bright searing white light was emitted, forming Valentine's weapon of choice: an archer's bow. An arrow shimmered in place on the bowstring between Valentine's gloved fingers. A fire burned in the opponents' eyes, their pleasant tea party was long forgotten. Chris began to lunge, and Valentine pulled back his bow, but before they could finish their movements, their weapons were yanked from their grasp.
"ENOUGH!" A booming voice demanded.
Everyone froze and looked toward the person who had caused the outburst. The man before them had both arms partially raised, both weapons levitating in the air above his head. The young man had bright orange hair that was partially held back by a clip in the shape of a spider with ruby eyes. The three-piece suit he wore was a deep, lavish royal purple with a black silk collar and cuffs. His vest was black with orange embroidered leaves, similar to the design Easter saw earlier that night.
"I'm all for a bit of mischief but is this how guests should behave in front of their gracious host?" The mysterious man smiled.
"...host?" Valentine asked.
"You almost having a duel in my library was rude enough, but not even knowing who I am... Well, that's just disappointing now, isn't it?" The supposed host grinned with satisfaction as he appraised everyone's shocked face, their mouths hanging open, "I suppose I'll just have to jog your memory!"
The orange-haired man clicked the heel of his black boot against the polished wood floor. Upon impact, malicious green flames sprung forth, a few of the guests flinching in surprise, cautious of getting burnt. As flames engulfed the newcomer, his body began to wither and melt until the only thing that remained of his figure was a stark white skeleton. Bones clattered as the skeleton collapsed on the floor, no longer supported by the flesh that once clung to it.
Before anyone could rush to help, their confused shock only intensified. The glow from the fireplace dimmed, and the long shadows from the surrounding bookshelves grew, crawling towards the pile of bones. The darkness swirled and appeared to precipitate around the fallen skeleton. The shadows suddenly began to dance with fervor, concealing the skeleton in its whirlwind. A new figure began to appear within the darkness, and as the shadows settled a tall, hooded figure emerged. The skeleton now stood on its own, it's still pale face staring at the guests from its hood.
"Hmm... It's so... painful changing back... into an old form..." The skeleton slowly groaned, his sad voice producing a strange echo after each syllable.
July stared in disbelief and horror, "Change back!"
The skeleton turned towards the beautiful woman.
"Don't make me say it again, Halloween!"
The shadows once again swirled and receded, clinging to the figure before releasing him. The man was returned to his flesh form, and as the last shadow retreated, he lost his balance. New Year made a move to catch the orange-haired man, however, the gloomy butler appeared, as if out of thin air, and supported him.
"Are you alright, sir?" The butler asked, his brow slightly furrowed.
"Any more of that and he wouldn't be!" July yelled, her face red, "What the hell were you thinking Halloween?!"
Halloween groaned and rubbed his forehead, "I'm fine Kelpie, thank you."
July steamed; she stomped over to Halloween, her dress sparkling in the glow of the fire. July grabbed Halloween's face, making him look at her, "Don't. Ignore me. I'm serious, Halloween. I'm not even sure how you did that but transforming into a past form without the proper public characterization... Who knows what could've happened to you."
Halloween kept her stare, a boyish grin growing on his face, "You really never were afraid of me were you?"
July huffed and returned to her seat.
Valentine blinked a few times, looking between July and Halloween before addressing the host, "Can you teach me how to do that?"
Everyone groaned.
"Excuse me?" July glared.
"Well," Valentine smirked, "Halloween got you to shut up with one line. I'd say that's impressive."
July boiled in anger, her face turning red from the rage. Keeping herself from exploding, July replied, "What? Think you can do better?"
Valentine leaned close to July, "I certainly hope so," Valentine tilted his head, his lips brushing underneath her ear where he then planted a gentle kiss, "Especially since my goal is to silence you with no words."
As Valentine withdrew, he gave July a wink.
"You really have no shame, do you?" July spat, her eyes averted from Valentine and the red lingered on her face.
Valentine smirked and turned his attention back to a now fully recovered Halloween, "Now. Since our gracious host has finally joined us. How about we get to know the new him?"
Halloween smiled, "I suppose we should get on with why we're actually here. First, I will be having Kelpie hold on to your weapons for now. I will not tolerate two of my guests fighting in my home. Next, how about everyone take a seat, and we have a proper conversation?"
Christmas glared at Halloween, not appreciating the separation from his weapon, but decided to go along with the host's efforts of peace. The butler, Kelpie retrieved the fallen weapons and quietly left the holidays to their meeting.
Once everyone was in their respective seats, Halloween prepared himself a cup of tea to join the others. A weighted silence filled the room, the only noise to be heard was the clinking of Halloweens cup on his plate. As Halloween enjoyed his tea, he surveyed his guests until his gaze rested upon a timid bunny, "Still intimidated by me, Easter?"
Halloween smiled gently at her as he patiently waited for the girl to respond. Easter's eyes widened and her face flushed as she struggled to come up with the right words to respond, "It!.. It's not that... I just- With the flames and you looked in pain-... and you look a lot different..."
Halloween's smile grew in amusement, "That's understandable. I'm sure you all have questions, so feel free to ask."
"Alright, then I have a question," Valentine stated, taking a sip of his tea, "How exactly did you go from looking like Death itself to becoming a handsome eligible bachelor?"
The corners of Halloween's lips twitched before he threw his head back in uncontrollable laughter.
"Val!" July yelled.
"What? We were all thinking it," said Valentine.
"I can assure you we weren't," Christmas glared icily.
Valentine smirked, his gaze shifting from Chris to his sister. Chris's lip upturned in disgust, his eyes glowing in distaste.
Halloween's laughter died, but his boyish smile lingered, "Nowadays, people see Halloween as a night of mischief instead of morbid death and cruel, violent demons. Thus, my appearance changed to fit the public outlook. Does it suit you, Val?"
"Certainly. And I don't think I'm the only one."
The other guests groaned as Halloween chuckled at Val's tenacious attitude.
"Do you ever shut up?" Chris asked.
"No," Val smiled.
"Anyone else have something to add?" Halloween asked the group.
Thanksgiving smiled, "How are you feeling, Halloween?"
Halloween looked at the tanned man with wide eyes, "I'm... Doing well..."
Halloween finished his tea waiting awkwardly in case someone else wanted to speak. After a moment, Christmas's sophisticated voice cut through the silence, "Your residence seems quite different from the last time I visited."
Easter looked up at her brother with curiosity, "You've seen Halloween's place before this?"
"Yes. For business purposes."
Easter gave her brother a questioning look, but he didn't bother to elaborate any further.
"I decided to build myself a new home. I no longer felt comfortable in the old castle. It felt like I was living in an abandoned prison. So, I built something that suits my current extravagant tastes." Halloween pondered.
"Wasn't that castle a prison?" Chris raised a brow at Halloween.
"It- It was..." Halloween smiled nervously.
"Speaking of... Is that gloomy butler of yours a prisoner?" July asked.
"No! - He may be a demon; however, he swore his loyalty to me. Over the years he has proven himself countless times..." Halloween explained.
Halloween cleared his throat and stood from his chair, "Now, if we're done with the serious talk, how about we head to the ballroom."
"The ballroom?" July asked in surprise.
"Yes! And after a feast to celebrate!" Halloween grinned.
Thanksgiving perked up, "A feast?"
Easter giggled, "Of course you'd be excited about that Teegee!"
Thanksgiving laughed alongside her as they followed Halloween out of the library with newfound excitement.
Before exiting the musty library, Easter looked back to admire the room one last time, her gaze shifting over the bookshelves and lively fire. As her gaze lingered, movement caught her eye. From outside, Easter could see a galloping horse, its broad figure seeming to race upon the floating fog. Straddling the racing horse's back sat a rider, at which Easter blinked twice, thinking she was seeing things, for the rider appeared to have no head!
"Easter!" Christmas called, appearing at the entrance to the library, "Something wrong?"
"Oh! No, it's nothing," Easter assured him, her furrowed brow suggesting otherwise.
Chris turned on his heel and strode in the direction the others were headed. Easter scampered after him, glancing one last time outside the window, only to see nothing but still darkness.