Chapter 1: Awareness

Sammy opened his eyes suddenly, causing the woman watching over him to suddenly panic. She had been watching over the bodies of the ten teenagers that were brought to her by a strange woman for four days now and this was the first time she ever saw something like this happening in her life. She went next to Sammy who was coughing up black blood continuously.

''You alright, boy?'' she asked him. Sammy looked at her in wonder before he went on puking again. She then gently rubbed his back making him feel better.

''Where am I?'' he asked her as he got up from the bed.

''Ruspberry Cemetery. I was just about to bury you and the three teenagers the woman brough here,'' she answered him.

''Raspberry? I was in Bel Air seconds ago. Where is Rasberry cemmetry?" he asked her.

"It is in the kingdom of Leon, the kingdom of the damned," she answered him. Sammy got off the bed and hobbled onto his legs. One step in, he suddenly stumbled but the woman was quick to catch him. Sammy then went back to his feet and using her as support, he walked to the door. She opened it for him and a chilling atmosphere greeted him. There were tombstones everywhere and he saw skeletons and what he would assume s zombies roaming around! Due to fright, Sammy fell to his butt as he desperately tried to crawl away from them.

"What the hell! What is going on here? Is this the end of the world?" he asked loudly, attracting the walking dead. They turned their heads towards them then started stumbling towards them.

"Great, you have started a horde," the woman reprimanded him as she helped him to his feet. Sammy was cooperative, mostly because his mind had shut down with many thoughts going through his mind. The woman patiently helped him walk all the way to the Cemetery's gates where ten soldiers were stationed.

"Ruth, who do you have there? One of the teenagers tried to prank you again?" one of them joked.

"I wish. This boy woke up from being dead and unlike other undead, he does not have any of the symptoms so I am taking him to the church," she answered. "Also, there is a horde coming towards you so you better be well prepared for a long night."

"Dammit, just when I thought I would go to the tavern to relieve boredom," one soldier cursed. Ruth just chuckled at him then they shambled away.

"What's going on? Why were those men wearing medieval armour? They need to call the army, national guard or something," Sammy told Ruth who looked at him as if she was looking at an insane person.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Clearly, you need help fast," she said and started hurrying.

An hour later, they arrived in a giant cathedral. To Sammy, it looked like a catholic cathedral and the man in front of the church wearing red robes looked like a Bishop.

"Bishop Lockhaert, I have brought this man for the church to assess what is wrong with him," she said. Sammy's intuition was further strengthened by this.

"Quite the pale young man, isn't he? He really might be sick. Bring him in to the church's hospital," the man said dismissively. Two nuns came forward and carried Sammy off. "Ruth, I just heard a strange woman brought corpses for you three days ago, is this true?"

"Yes your holiness. She looked distraught and I thought it might ease her pain if I buried them for her," she answered. The man sighed in controlled anger.

"This is not the first time you have done this. I am tired of disciplining you so as for tomorrow…" the Bishop was interrupted by a sudden scream from the hospital. He looked at the direction then signaled two men dressed in armour plating and red capes with a cross to go there. The two did as told and rushed to the place. What they found send chills down their spines. The boy who was not moving on his own just minutes ago was now standing next to two corpses of the nuns who brought him in and in his hands was another nun who worked there. He was draining blood out of her neck viciously and hungrily.

"Let go of her you fiend!" the two shouted simultaneously.

Two minutes ago, Sammy was being carried by the two nuns to the hospital. Like every other horny shut ins,he had heard moments where he had searched for the words 'sexy nuns' during one of those moments and having two nuns helping him made him remember one of those days. He could have said something if not for a delicious smell invading him nose. He looked at the direction the smell was coming from and saw a bleeding woman being bandaged by another nun. Suddenly, hunger and thirst like none before hit him like a truck. His weak body was suddenly filled with strength and before he knew it, he was biting the nun to his left through her neck. He felt he blood trickle down his throat and a sense of satisfaction sent a shiver of joy all through his body. The other nun scream and tried to let him go but his hand suddenly got hold of her breast tightly then he bit through her throat, ripping it out and sucked her blood greedily.

The other nun went for a knife at the table but he saw her move and attacked with an unbelievable speed. In a second, she was in his arms, his mouth on her bloody neck, draining her blood hungrily and viciously. The woman wanted to scream out for help when two Templers got in. they unsheathed their weapons then shouted at him to let go of the nun. Sammy looked at them savagely then let go of the nun who was near death already. His iris suddenly shone blue as he hissed at them, showing his fangs.

He suddenly attacked, thinking he had the element of surprise but one Templar blocked his fist with his shield as the other slashed at his leg. Sammy reacted in time as he quickly removed his leg from harm's way then kicked at the second templar who blocked it then retaliated with another slash. Sammy was about to dodge this but saw the first one swinging his sword at the direction he would dodge at so he did flip, making the second templar miss. He got hold of his helmet while in the air then crashed it onto the ground, making the templar dizzy. The first one suddenly bashed his shield into his back and he was thrown four metres away. He felt his whole body screaming in pain as he tried to get up. When he heard someone rushing at him,he turned around quickly only to receive a sudden fist into his face. He spat out blood and saliva as his head was snapped to the other direction, directly snapping his neck!

"Bastard," the templar said the helped his friend up.

"Got to give it to him, he got some strength," the templar said as he removed his dented helmet. "I have to pay for the repairs myself; my monthly freebie is already gone." The other one ignored him and went to check on the nun. She was still breathing though laboriously.

"Hang in there, sister, "he said then took out a small bottle with a golden liquid in it and poured it into her mouth. She swallowed in gratefully and the wound on her neck closed up like it was rewound. She got up as she touched her neck subconsciously and looked at the two bodies of her fellow nuns.

"May your souls find peace in the Light Lord," she as she closed their terrified projecting eyes. She then looked at Sammy's body.

"What kind of demonic creature would do this to such a young boy?" she asked them.

"We don't know. But he was brought here by Ruth from the cemetery," she was answered. She then proceeded to close Sammy's eyes. Then, the door was opened and the Bishop got in. He looked at the two bodies of the nuns then at the templers who pointed at the Sammy's body. He frowned as he saw blood on his mouth.

"What happened?" he asked them.

"Answering Your Holiness, my two sisters were bringing him and when he reached at the door, he suddenly went savage and killed them, drank their blood and would have drained all the blood in me if not for the two Sir Templers coming to aid me. They then killed him after a brief fight," the nun answered. Suddenly, Sammy got back up and punched the templar that broke his neck out of the building through a wall. He roared at them as the nun ran behind the Bishop, then charged at him. The Bishop scoffed in ridicule then removed his rosary. Suddenly, chains appeared from the ground and started binding him. Sammy was stopped at his tracks and was brought to his knees as the chains wound all over his body. He tried to break them with brute force to no avail.

"Try all you might, demon, but only a saint can get out of these," he said. He then squatted in front of him with a carefree smile on his face. "Where are you from, demon? Who sent you here?" Sammy just glared at him as he tried to break the chains. Bishop Lockheart just shook his head and turned to the templers. "Take him to the dungeons. Torture him if you have too, as he could come back from a broken neck he can survive it. Get him to tell you what he is here for." The templers nodded then dragged him away.

To say Sammy was the most miserable person alive would be an understatement. He had blacked out once and when he came to, he was chained up inside a dungeon. Then, templar after templar came in and started torturing him day after day. They called him a demon and that they were doing their Lord's work by torturing him to say where he came from. After the first torture, he had spilled everything he knew. He told them he was from Bel Air California, a personal assistant to a hot new actor in Hollywood. He told them his security code, his phone number, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter account and password. Heck, he even told them he had fantasies of Jennifer Lop*z and Jennifer Lawre*ce in a threesome. But they called him a liar and proceeded to continue his torture. Days turned to weeks, weeks into months, months into years and years into a decade.

Sammy had already gotten into the fact he would never leave and also the fact he was a vampire! Well, after every torture for the first three months, his wounds healed nicely but after that, he did not. Four months later, the Bishop brought him blood from an animal in a small cup and he drank it hungrily. His wounds healed up nicely and the Bishop started laughing crazily. From there, whenever the Bishop was in any mood, he would come to his cell and torture him all day long then leave a small cup of blood for him to heal. One day, he tried to escape and in his wake almost wiped out all the Templers in the cathedral if not for the Bishop arriving. He came to know that there was some kind of energy they were using in order to be so strong. He had only been given a small slap by him and his neck broke and his head circled twice. When he woke up, he had to break his neck again then wake up and break it again in order to not look so grotesque. Since then, he had never tasted blood again but the Bishop kept of coming to torture him.

He had the easiest of his neighbors though. There was a boy caught for stealing and he had ever since regretted it for he was turned into the Bishop's sex toy. A man caught for adultery, every two days horny templers came to his cell and had a go with him. Nicklaus was regarded a demon so none of them even dreamt of having sex with him. It had been ten years since he had been captured but he had not aged single day. Sammy was trying to get his sleep in his usual kneeling position with his arms chained to the walls, outstretched, when the door to the dungeon was opened. This time, he heard different footsteps coming down the stairs, heavy footsteps as if a fatty was coming down. He looked up and saw a man wearing clothes the same a pope in his earth walking laboriously. He did not know where to laugh at him softly or loudly.

"Look at that, the man who is supposed to intercede to the Lord cannot even walk without losing a hundred pounds per step and gaining it all back in an appetizer dinner," Sammy said causing the prisoners in there to laugh out loud. The fat pope glared at him as his face flushed red in embarrassment. Two huge Templers went to his side; got hold of his arms each then carried him down the steps.

"What are you doing? You should let him overcome his challenges as you give him treats for his hard work like the good little boy he is," Sammy condemned them as another roar of laughter spread again.

"Bishop Lockheart did warn me you had a sharp tongue, demon," the pope growled. He then walked past his cell and went to the furthest one in the room. It was a cell of the only woman in the dungeon. The woman was a red head and something from her made Sammy cautious about her. She never talked much, never scream or even made a noise as the Templers whipped and raped her. But he knew she was dangerous, it was a feeling down in his bones.

"Catherine Bloodmoon, I guessed that would be you. Imagine my surprise when I saw your picture in the Bishop's prisoner's logbook. You and your clan has caused quite the bad damages to my Empire for a long time I do not even know where to start in order to get revenge on you," the Pope said.

"You should probably start by eating some veggies in order to swing a whip like a good little toddler," Sammy shouted. Nobody laughed except the woman.

"It took you this long for you to arrive, I am disappointed," she said. The Pope started laughing.

"You think you can escape here? These stone are made of Dampener Ore, you cannot use magic in here," he laughed. The woman then looked up at him.

"So can't you," she said gravely. She suddenly pushed the cell doors lightly and the hinges just slid down as if they were badly positioned. The pope was now sweating buckets as the Templers unsheathed their blades.

"You know fighting against me is a mistake," she said in a carefree voice. But the templers had none of that. They attacked her together. A sudden pressure bore on them as she just took a step but they ignored it and gritted on. Catherine disarmed the first one fast then blocked the second one's sword before punching the first one, throwing him in the air, then she spun, making the second one stumble forward as he lost balance and she beheaded him as the first one landed and the sword pierced through his armour and into his heart, killing him. The pope was taking baby steps as he ran towards the door.

"Run, fatty, ruuuun," Sammy encouraged him, causing stifles from the prisoners, even the woman. The Pope was having an Internal Crisis to bother with him. His heart was about to explode, his lungs were burning and the adrenaline had given up trying to help him. He fell onto his stomach and try as he might, he could not get up. Catherine just proceeded to kill him then turnedto the prisoners.

"If any of you swear you fealty to me and my clan I promise you that I will get you out," she said. Everyone but Sammy agreed. She looked at him without anger in her eyes. "Well, it is good you did not agree. I do not want a demon in my family."

"I'm simply not one of taking orders especially now after ten years of this," he answered her. She just laughed then proceeded to free the others using the keys the Pope had. Then, they stormed out of the place and even from his cell, he could hear the fight they had with the Templers. Suddenly, the chains bounding him disappeared after one hour. He fell onto the ground weakly for they were the only things that were things keeping him from falling. He lay on the ground for two days before someone came down. It was four soldiers and they had keys to the cells with them.

"Dear Divines, there's a person down here," one of them said when they saw Sammy looking at them as he wiggled his wrists. One of them quickly opened the cell and got him to stand up straight. "You're going to be fine. The kingdom has been given the rights to take every prisoner the church has and give them a new trial. The church will not hurt you anymore," the soldier told him. Sammy laughed weakly at this.

"You really shouldn't have come down here," he said as his eyes started shining blue.