A Strange home

The large oak door opens once more with a small creaking of the old wood.

This time it was the lady again she faced us and beckoned us to follow with her gloved hand. I looked at pocket for reassurance and he nodded to show it was ok. So I slowly got up off the bed stumbling a bit only to be caught by pocket.

He put his arm under my shoulder and helped me to stand properly, I thanked him then both of are gazes went back to the lady she nodded slightly then held the door open for us to go through.

We both went though pocket helping me to walk properly from the slight dizziness I had remaining and the lady followed behind after closing the door. We found ourselves in an dimly lit hallway, wide enough for 3 people to go down at once full of old pictures and paintings. It was as if there eyes followed us as we walked. I thought it was a bit creepy but tried to ignore it.

We made it to the end of the hallway and saw a red door it looked almost new so new that the paint looked like it hadn't fully finished drying. I was gonna try to open the door but pocket stopped me then pointed to the lock on the door. I looked at him confused as surely they wouldn't lock a door right after entering that's just pointless.

My thoughts were quickly proven to be wrong as the lady took a key from around her neck that was attached to a small silver chain and put it in the keyhole, then turned it. To my surprise the door makes a click sound and opened. The lady hurried us through the door with a pushing motion but not actually touching us and we went inside the next room.

The room was full of old fashioned furniture and had candles for lights this was to be expected tho as after the virus hit the whole world was thrown back in time in a way. All of a sudden we all heard a loud cough as to get our attention. We then turn to see a man standing at the end of the long table in the room...