Chapter 18

The next day i went to the library while my other friends are wondering around the school, i heard that Hermonie got petrified as soon as i heard it i run to the hospital wing i looked at her body, i feel bad i hold her hand and saw a piece of  paper in opened it and saw its the piece of paper about the chamber of secrets and basalisk. But it didn't put on how the basalisk is getting around so i wrote the word pipes. And crumble it again put it on Hermonie's hand and left, i went to the common room again.

"Hermonie got petrified" i told my friends.

Draco smirked.

"Gather around serpents" we heard professor snapes voice and went closer to him, he explained about the new schedule and we're just going out if class lunch and dinner meaning we're having breakfast at common room and spend most of our time at the commons room great. And with that he laft again. Class went by and the students being petrified are increasing the number surprisingly there's no slytherin students getting petrified.

The next day harry came back i heard the the chamber of secrets have been closed again i saw Lucius with dobby earlier I decided to follow them Lucius got out of my sight until i saw Lucius about to struck harry the "avada kedavra spell" but the dobby cast a spell on Lucius causing him to knock back. I helped him got up.

"Mark my words potter, this isn't over yet" Lucius said and left again.

I looked at Lucius till he's out of sight, i looked at harry and smiled and nodded and walks away. At dinner i saw Hermonie back and hagrid Dumbledore told us to eat the last dinner. The next day we went to the train station again to go back to spend the summer with our families, i packed my clothes and other things and went out of my room i saw my friends. 

"There she is!" Blaise said.

"Why dont we spend one week at the malfoys?" Says chloe. "Im pretty sure we're welcome there" she continued.

Draco just nodded. "I'll tell my grandma about it" i told them.

"But for now we might wanna move along" said pansy.

Im about to get my luggage but draco was fast and got it we walk together and went to the station. We sit on our usual compartment.

"Ok so plan for the summer?" Pansy asked.

"Staying one week at the malfoy manor" chloe started "it will be fun if we stay there"

"I'll ask my grandma about it if she can let me stay there" i told them.

"Im in"says pansy and blaise.

"Crabbe, goyle?" Draco asked.

"My parents and i are going out of town" says goyle.

"Im spending my summer with my parents so i cant go with you guys" says crabbe.

"That's alright so at the manor? Just the first week?" Draco asked.

"Yup the rest oth the summer lets just write to each other" i told them.

"Sounds like a plan" says chloe and pansy at the same time. Draco just rolled his eyes, time flies we're already at the platform i saw my grandma and walk up to her.

"My dear, you grow up so fast i missed you" she said hugging me tight.

"Me too grandma" i told her and hug her back. "Anyway I was wondering if i can spen the 1st week of summer at the malfoy manor?" I asked.

"Of course dear but for now lets go home" she said. I waved goodbye at my friend and went to draco to get my luggage. 

"I'll see you to be draco" i said getting my stuff.

"Alright bye lia" he said and hugged me.

"Bye" i told him and walk to my grandma we got outside of the king cross station and went to the car i put my luggage into the trunk and got inside the car, we drive again for hours until wengot to the manor i told my grandma im gonna fix my things for tomorrow she just nodded. After fixing my things i went downstairs and saw my grandma at the back yard.

"So your spending the 1st week at the malfoys" she speaks.

"Yes" i said.

"Alright, i trust them" she smiled.

I nodded "how's the second year?" She asked.

"Not good barely even sleep at night" i laughed.

She laughed "your safe now lets go eat dinner?"

I nodded, we ate dinner and talk about the chamber of secrets. And more things after that my grandma told me to take some rest i agree im so tired, i change into my pajamas and went to sleep the next day i woke up at 9:30 am i went to the bathroom and brush my teeth then went to the dining table to eat breakfast. I ate my bread then suddenly narcissa and Lucius shows up at the fireplace.

"Early visit" my grandma says.

"Goodmorning amora, lyn"says narcissa.

"Have a sit you two" my grandma says and smiled.

"No need we're not gonna take long were just gonna say you can go at the manor anytime, since Lucius and i will not be there just today we have some business at the ministry of magic" narcissa said and Lucius just nodded.

"Thank you for informing narcissa lyn will be there after she finished her breakfast" my grandma said.

"Very well draco is waiting" says Lucius and smiled. And with that they both went to the fire place and vanished, my grandma just smiled widely. Weird. After eating i went to my room showerd and change my clothes, i got my bag i saw my grandma waiting at the fire place waiting for me we both went to the manor. I saw draco sitting at the living room.

"Hi" i spoke.

He looked at me and smiled then hugged me. "Hey, the house elf willing show you your room" he told me and nodded i left him with my grandma after putting my things i went back down stairs.

"I will be going now lyn" says my grandma smiling.

"Alright take care" i told her.

She nodded and went to the fire place and vanished.

"The others are still not here wanna go at the back yard picnic place?" He asked.

"Sure" i told him.

He holds my hand and we both went to the backyard we sat at the picnic area and admired the nature.

"You know lyn you have a special place in my heart after two years it never change from the moment i saw you I already fell inlove with you and im looking forward to have more memories with you" he looked at me in the eye. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me.

I looked at him in shock and opened my mouth.

"Yes" i said and blurted out. Draco smiled and hugged me we admired the nature for a while then we heard the doorbell.

"That must be the others lets go?" Draco said.

I nodded and got up, he holds my hands and we walks up to the door. He opened it and pansy and chloe got in followed by blaise and surprisingly noah. Pansy and chloe saw draco's and i hands.

"I KNEW ITTTTTT" pansy screams excitingly.

"AHHH SO ITS OFFICIAL" says chloe.

"Yes haha" i said.

"You finally done it man" says blaise.

"Congrats" says noah. 

"The house elfs will bring you guys clothes at the guest rooms" says draco.

"Lets go have a talk at the back yard" says draco dragging me with him.

We sat at the grass under the tree.

"Im trying out at quidditch this 3rd year" says noah.

"Good idea im pretty sure they'll get you" says draco.

Time flies it's already dinner the house elfs prepared the dinner and we all ate after eating i went to my room and change into my pajamas. I heard a knock at the door its draco.

"Lia are you comfortable?" Draco asked.

I smiled" yea of course" i told him.

He walks up to me. "Thats good then good night" he hugged me.

I hugged back" good night" i said.

He pulled back and kiss my forehead and went out of the room. Surprisingly i fall asleep fast, the next day i woke up early i guess i went down to the kitchen i saw narcissa making pancakes.

"Good morning" i told her and sits at the chair.

"Your already awake, did you sleep well?" She asked smiling.

"Yes-" i got cut of by a voice.

"Good morning" says draco and kissed my forehead snd sits beside me.

"Morning sweetheart" says narcissa. "So draco already told you about his feelings?" She continued. I nodded and smiled. "Im happy for you two" we talk about a lot of things. After one week we're going home now.

"Im gonna miss you" i told draco walking down the stairs on our way to the fireplace. 

"I'll write to you" he said and carried my luggage.

"You said that last time but you forgot to write the other days" i laughed.

"Not that your mine now" he smirked. I blushed.

"Fine, fine" i said.

"Hope you have fun here lyn" said narcissa.

"I did have fun" i told them.

"Visit soo " says Lucius. "Im happy for you and my son" he said.

"Thank you " i smiled.

"Good bye lyn" Chloe said. I waved my hand.

"Bye everyone" says narcissa. Pansy got first at the fireplace, followed by blaise and noah, i smiled at them and followed.

I appread at the simmons fire place. I saw my grandma watering the plants at the garden. 

"Hey grandma im home" i said walking up to her.

"Hello, how's your vacation at the manor?" She asked.

"Good" i said.

"You and draco?" She smiled.

"We're fine- wait how do you know?" I looked at her.

"The time you went to the guest room he asked my permission of course i said yes i trust him" she said and i smiled, days went well, months have passed draco and i are writing letters to each other he meant what he said that he's gonna write to me everyday he sometimes visit the manor, tomorrow we'll be at the platform again i packed my books that narcissa buy for me that means we didn't went to the diagon alley today along with the new robes she bought me. My grand Is thankful since my grandma has been really tired the past few days. I change my clothes to pajamas and I slept  early i cant wait to see draco again I can't wait to go to hogwarts again.