Chapter 34

"Professor snape.. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to check on you... I won't be staying long be careful alright? If something went write send me a letter" says professor snape.

I nodded. "Thank you"

"Always." He said and went to my grandma's fire place and vanished.

"Dinner is ready lyn" says pinky.

"Thank you" i said and made my way to the dining area.

I started eating and i can't stand the quietness of this house i got up and opened the radio for some music I continued eating after eating i went to the living room to read some books but then i heard the front door open.

"Lyn" i heard Lucius' voice.

I went up to him. "Yes?" I asked.

"Ahh there you are, have you eat dinner yet? Are you alright here?" He asked.

Now I can't even look at him i am disgust now i know my grandma's reason. 

"Lyn?" I got snapped out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh yes just missing my grandma and yes im alright just finished eating dinner" i said.

"Very well then. Send a letter if something happen i will tell draco to visit your here sometimes" says Lucius.

"Thank you" i said, he smiled at me and left.

I went to my room and change into my pajamas brush my teeth and went to bed. The next day i write some letters to my friends, clean my room and reads some books at the library. I also read the Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix. The next day i got ready for the day i got up change my clothes and brush my teeth i went to the dining room.

"Good morning kaitlyn" says pink the house elf.

"Good morning pinky" i said and sits down and start eating, when someone came out from the fireplace i looked at who it was and its draco.

"Hey lia good morning" he said smiling.

"Good morning to you too, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Im kinda bored at the manor and i wanted to check on you since you're alone here" he said.

"Well im not alone you know, my house elfs are here, and thats really sweet of you" i said. "Have you eat breakfast?" I asked.

"Yea i ate before i went here" he said. "Do you might wanna go to diagon alley after you eat?" He asked.

"Yea sure" i said after taking the last bite of my french toast.

"Alright then" he said and went to take a look at the living room.

I finished eating and went up to him. "Hey im done lets go?" I asked.

"Alright lets go, you go first" he said when we walk to the fire place.

I got in and grab some floo poweder. "Diagon Alley!"  

I got to diagon alley and waited for draco, once he got there he grabbed my hand and walks.

"Where are we going by the way?" I asked.

"Where do you wanna go tho?" He asked.

"Well i might buy some new perfume" i said.

"Perfume shop it is" he said.

I laughed and we walk to the perfume shop, i ended up buying the one smelled like flower and candy after that we went to the icecream parlor we both buy and sits at the chair.

"So what do you think will happen to our up coming school year?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked licking his icecream.

I laughed "i mean every school year something happens" i said.

"Well i dont know hope everything goes well, we have a new DADA teacher says my father so maybe it will be a peaceful year" he said.

"Hopefully" i said.

We finished eating and we went back to the house around 4 pm. We went to the library to read some books I grabbed a book and sits at the sofa in the library draco sat beside me and started reading.

"You're reading?" I said looking at him.

"Obviously, stupid" he said and focusing at the book he's reading.

"I didn't know you could read" I said bursting out of laughter.

He looked at me in shock. "You were there when i said that?"

"Maybe" i laughed, Im actually not there but there's a book ya know.

He laughed, i put my head on his lap and we both read until he started covering my eyes with his hand.

"Draco stop im reading" i laughed and tried to remove his hand.

"No" he laughed still putting his hand on my eyes.

"Pleaseee" i laughed.

"Noooo" he said and started tickling me.

"Yesss now stop" i said laughing.

"No-" draco got cut off when the library door opened.

"There you are draco" says narcissa.

I got up and looked at her." Narcissa hi" I said.

"Hello sweetie" she said. "What are you two doing?" She asked.

"Oh we are reading books mother" says draco. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Perhaps you didn't know what time is huh?" She said and show us the time.

"It's already 10 pm?" Says draco.

"Well i guess we're reading so long" i said.

Narcissa laughed and nodded.

"Well draco and i needs to go now before Lucius noticed im gone" says narcissa.

I nodded,"alright stay safe" i said.

Draco hugged me. "Bye lia" he said.

"Bye" i said.

"When the hogwarts letter came send me a letter i will be getting you the things you need alright?" Says narcissa.

"I will, thank you so much. For everything" i said.

"No problem sweetie, I promised your grandma i will look after you" she said walking to the fire place.

I smiled and waved goodbye to them. Months have passed I received the hogwarts letter, I've been exchanging letters with my friends, draco will be here later while her mom go to diagon alley im eating lunch after eating i went to my grandma's room to clean her cabinets. I started cleaning her vanity i checked the drawers and there i saw my phone she probably took it for me to not to tell my friends about the wizarding world. i opened the power botton and its working omg i opened it and went to my messages. My friends think im dead wtf hahaha.

Cassie sent you 250 messages.

Kenz sent you 300 messages.

I decided to FaceTime cassie and im glad she answered.


"I know i know, haha how are you?" I asked.

"Im good. Omg how's london?" She asked.

"Uhm it's alright" i heard draco's voice downstairs. "Tell kenz im alright and uh i need to go I'll text you later?"

"Well you better, go now miss youuu" she said.

"Miss you too bye" i said amd hung up, i put my phone back to the drawer and went down.

"Heyyy" i said and walks to draco to gave him a hug.

"There you are, you two stay here i will be getting you boths thing on diagon alley" says narcissa.

"Okayy" we both said.

"I'll be going now" she said and went to the fireplace and left.

"So since you're my guest what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Library again?" He asked.

"sure lets go last one is the rotten apple" i said and runs to the library.

"He no fair you cheater" he said and run after me.

I laughed and went first to the library i got the book im reading yesterday draco did the same and i put my head on his lap again.

"Hey heard harry is at the ministry of magic yesterday?" He said.

"What why what happen?" I asked.

"He used a charm in the muggle word" he said.

"Ohhh" i said and continue reading.

"Yep its his fault anyway" he said and laughed.

I just laughed hours went by we decided to read other books. "Lia what is this Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone book?" Draco asked.

"Oh uhm that, rememberon our first year at hogwarts? I got some information from harry about our first year and i uh, combined it together so its like a story" i said nervously.

"That's awesome lia but I don't like that potter names on it" he said putting book back.

"Hello children" says a voice.

It's Lucius, draco and i both looked at her door.

"Hi Lucius" I said.

"Father" says draco.

"How's everything?" Lucius asked.

"Every things is fine" says draco.

"Lucius i have a question" i said and he looked at me. "Is the dark lord really out there?"

He look shocked. "I don't think so, you know? Haven't seen him yet for sure its just potter's theory" he said.

I nodded then narcissa entered the library too.

"Oh hey everyone i got the books and some new robes" says narcissa.

"Thank you so much narcissa" i said.

She smiled. "No problem dear but we better get going we should be early tomorrow we'll pick you up" says narcissa.

I nodded and we all walk to the fireplace at the leaving room.

"Bye lia" says draco and hugged me.

"Bye" i hugged back and pulled back.

The Malfoy's went to the fire place and vanished. I looked at the clock and its already 6pm.

"Lyn, pinky had already prepared dinner for her" says pinky.

I smiled. "Thank you so much pinky" i said.

"It's pinky's job enjoy your meal" says pinky.

I nodded and went to the dining table and eats some mashed potatoes and chicken. After eating i went back to the libr to get the books and robes narcissa bought for me and went to my room. I went to the bathroom brush my teeth and change into my pajamas, I prepared my luggage and the clothes i needed for the school year as well as the books and robes and put it into the luggage after that i lays on my bed and minutes have passed i fall asleep.