Chapter 36

I woke up the next morning i change into my robes and fix my hair i put my books into my bag and went out of my room. I saw professor snape giving out the schedule.

"Here is your schedule lyn" says professor snape. He gave me a paper and tap his wand on it.

I looked at it "great History of Magic, double Potions, Divination and double Defence Against the Dark Arts" I whispered to my self.

"You all better be in greathall in 10 min" says professor snape then he left the common room.

"Lyn lets go lets leave the others I professor snape is scary" says chloe i laughed and nodded. We walks to the greathall and sat at the slytherin table and starts eating 5 minutes have passed draco and his minions shows up.

"Why didn't you two wait for us" draco says and sits infront of us.

"This girl right here got scared of problems snape so we both went early here" i said and takes a bite of my muffin.

"Should be sorted in hufflepuff then" says draco and smirks.

"I hate you" says chloe.

After eating breakfast we went to our first class which is History of Magic it was by common consent the most boring subject ever devised by wizardkind. Professor Binns, the ghost teacher, had a wheezy, droning voice that was almost guaranteed to cause severe drowsiness within ten minutes, five in warm weather. He never varied the form of their lessons, but lectured them without pausing while they took notes, or rather, gazed sleepily into space. everything went well then potions we walk down to the dungeons and take a sit besides chloe.

'Settle down,' said Snape coldly, shutting the door behind him.

There was no real need for the call to order; the moment the class had heard the door close, quiet had fallen and all fidgeting stopped. Snape's mere presence was usually enough to ensure a class's silence.

'Before we begin today's lesson,' said Snape, sweeping over to his desk and staring around at them all, 'I think it appropriate to remind you that next June you will be sitting an important examination, during which you will prove how much you have learned about the composition and use of magical potions. Moronic though some of this class undoubtedly are, I expect you to scrape an "Acceptable" in your OWL, or suffer my ... displeasure.'

His gaze lingered this time on Neville, who gulped.

'After this year, of course, many of you will cease studying with me,' Snape went on. 'I take only the very best into my NEWT Potions class, which means that some of us will certainly be saying goodbye.'

His eyes rested on Harry and his lip curled. Harry glared back, feeling a grim pleasure at the idea that he would be able to give up Potions after fifth year.

'But we have another year to go before that happy moment of farewell,' said Snape softly, 'so, whether or not you are intending to attempt NEWT, I advise all of you to concentrate your efforts upon maintaining the high pass level I have come to expect from my OWL students.

'Today we will be mixing a potion that often comes up at Ordinary Wizarding Level: the Draught of Peace, a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation. Be warned: if you are too heavy-handed with the ingredients you will put the drinker into a heavy and sometimes irreversible sleep, so you will need to pay close attention to what you are doing.' On Harry's left, Hermione sat up a little straighter, her expression one of utmost attention. The ingredients and method--' Snape flicked his wand '--are on the blackboard--(they appeared there) '--you will find everything you need--' he flicked his wand again '--in the store cupboard--' (the door of the said cupboard sprang open) '--you have an hour and a half ... start.'

Chloe ans i started doing the potion i looked at draco's table he is looking carefully at the instructions he is really smart huh? I saw professor snape walking around looking at the potion and stops at harry's table and looks at the potion and speaks 'A light silver vapour should now be rising from your potion,' called Snape, with ten minutes left to go.

Another minute have left professor snape walk around again to chloe and i's table and smiled then to harry's table again. "Oh no he's gonna roast him again" i whispered to my self. 

Chloe looked at me i smiled. "Should we help him?" Chloe asked. 

I nodded, "but how!" I asked. Professor snape looked at me as well as the slytherin students. "Sorry" I mouthed. 

"Here lets pretend we're mad at each other?" Chloe whispered.

"What?! No" i said.

"Come on Kaitlyn" she said looking at professor snape on his way to Harry's table. 

"No" i said continue reading the potion book. 

"Push me then the potion will fall and burn me so professor snape can take me to the hospital wing" she said. 

"I will get in trouble you lunatic" i said. 

"No you wont plus its my plan" she said. 

"Ugh i hate you" i said. 

"Love you as well" she laughed.

At Harry's cauldron, however, Snape stopped, and looked down at it with a horrible smirk on his face.

'Potter, what is this supposed to be?'

The Slytherins at the front of the class all looked up eagerly; they loved hearing Snape taunt Harry.

'The Draught of Peace,' said Harry tensely.

'Tell me, Potter,' said Snape softly, 'can you read?'

Draco Malfoy laughed. I looked at draco and rolled my eyes on him.

'Yes, I can,' said Harry, his fingers clenched tightly around his wand.

'Read the third line of the..." 

"Push me lyn" says chloe still looking at professor snape.

"Uh n-no" i said. "I can't"

"Now!" She whispered.

I pushed her through the potions fell off and burn her arm.

"Ouch!" She screamed.

Everyone looked at us as well as professor snape he looked so worried and looked at me with anger. I gulped i look at draco and he's looking concerned at chloe and he gave me a death glare. I looked at harry now calm that professor snape isn't roasting him now, i took a deep breath i feel a burning eyes looking at me and i saw luna, why is she always looking at me?!

"Miss cooper come with me, everyone pack your things class dismissed" says professor snape.

I packed my things and waited for everyone to left the room, great now draco is ignoring me. As soon as everyone is out i walk out of the room.

"Riddle" says a soft calm voice.

I look behind me and its luna, harry, Hermonie, and ron.

"Oh hi luna right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Thank you for doing that Kaitlyn" says Harry. 

I looked at him in confusion, "excuse me what?" I asked.

"I know you did it because you dont want professor snape to say bad things to harry" says luna.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"She can read minds" says Hermonie.

I nodded and looked at ron.

"L-luna d-d-did you just called her r-r-riddle?" Ron asked.

Hermonie looked shock and stepped back.

"Yes she's the daughter of tom riddle" says luna.

"Harry why aren't you doing anything grab her tell Dumbledore about it" says ron.

"I already know as well as Dumbledore, and she's not anything like her father" says harry.

"Thank you i better get going we have Divination we dont want that annoying teacher to give us detention" i said and they all laughed.

After Potions, Divination is my least favourite class, which was due mainly to Professor Trelawney's habit of predicting his premature death every few lessons. A thin woman, heavily draped in shawls and glittering with strings of beads, she always reminded Harry of some kind of insect, with her glasses hugely magnifying her eyes. She was busy putting copies of battered leather-bound books on each of the spindly little tables with which her room was littered when i entered the room, but the light cast by the lamps covered by scarves and the low-burning, sickly-scented fire was so dim she appeared not to notice me as i took a seat in the shadows. The rest of the class arrived over the next five minutes. Ron emerged from the trapdoor, looked around carefully, spotted Harry and made directly for him, or as directly as he could while having to wend his way between tables, chairs and overstuffed pouffes.

'Hermione and me have stopped arguing,' he said, sitting down beside Harry.

'Good,' grunted Harry.

'Good-day,' said Professor Trelawney in her usual misty, dreamy voice, Im already annoyed and slightly ashamed. 'And welcome back to Divination. I have, of course, been following your fortunes most carefully over the holidays, and am delighted to see that you have all returned to Hogwarts safely--as, of course, I knew you would.

'You will find on the tables before you copies of The Dream Oracle, by Inigo Imago. Dream interpretation is a most important means of divining the future and one that may very probably be tested in your OWL. Not, of course, that I believe examination passes or failures are of the remotest importance when it comes to the sacred art of divination. If you have the Seeing Eye, certificates and grades matter very little. However, the Headmaster likes you to sit the examination, so ...'

Her voice trailed away delicately, leaving them all in no doubt that Professor Trelawney considered her subject above such sordid matters as examinations.

'Turn, please, to the introduction and read what Imago has to say on the matter of dream interpretation. Then, divide into pairs. Use The Dream Oracle to interpret each other's most recent dreams. Carry on.'

The one good thing to be said for this lesson was that it was not a double period. I went out of the class to go to defense against the dark arts room when im walking down the hallway someone grabbed my wrist.

"Let me go" i said angrily.

"Why did you do that to chloe?!" He asked.

"Oh uh-" i got cut off.

"Never mind, I don't want to listen to your pathetic excuse" says draco.

Wtf??? "Excuse me?!" I said.

He ignored me and went to his chair. I walk to chloe.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt im sorry we shouldn't have come up to that plan" i said.

"Hey hey im fine plus its worth it im really bored at that class i wanna get out early" she said and laugh.

"But still your hurt give me your arm" i said and she did what i said and cast a charm without the wand its a healing spell my grandma teach me how to do it when she's still alive. She learned it at the Beauxbatons academy she passed it to my mother now i have it.

"You can-" she said and looked at me in shock.

"Shhh yes i can" i laughed.

She jumped from her sit and shows her arm.

"Pansy did you see my arm ITS HEALED!!!" She said.

Everyone looked at her as if she's crazy, "thank you lyn" says chloe.

Draco looked at me, i look away when the floating paper bird went on fire we saw professor umbridge and chloe sits.