The real date

Me-I'm sorry, i just couldn't let my Spark be in pain

Spark-PLEASE, just write the page when i get to give Diamond a kiss

Me-That'll be in the next page or in two or three pages (I don't know if i'm being ambitious or not)

Diamond- WHAT?!?!? O_o

Spark-Nothing ^_^

Me-WELL, onto the story

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                   Diamond's POV

Well after i woke up, i immediately recalled what had happened the night before. "I love you" Spark had said. Wow, i still couldn't believe it. There was a knock on the door, i opened the door and saw Thundy "So! you ready for our date to climb Sacred Mountain?" he asked "Almost, i still need to brush my fur" i said, which i did. We left, and went to the mountain an hour away, little did i know Spark was following us. "So, did you always live in the Sacred forest" he asked me "yup"......silence......... As we were walking i thought about what Spark said "Think about his move set, you've seen three of his moves, but he didn't  seem to want to use his other, you'd think that since you dating, he would show you his move set. Just be careful. I love you, and i don't want you getting harmed".. Again the "I love you"  As i thought about it, my mind drifted back to when he asked me out, i had said no, but he said something and i changed my mind. Now that i think about it, i think what he said was....................................  ATTRACT!!! "Hey, could i see you attack moves?" i asked him "sure, why not" he said. He showed me thunderbolt, electric terrain, and flamethrower. "what about the fourth one?" i asked "i don't use my fourth move" he said, confirming my suspicion "PLEASE, can i see it?" i (quote, unquote) begged "fine, only because you're my love" he said. He readied up.... and used attract. "HOW COULD YOU" i yelled "WHY, why did you do it?" i asked "I loved you, and i thought you'd be better off with me than the no good  piece of trash Spark" he said "So you're just jealous that i like Spark more than you" i said "yup, now to dispose of you" he said charging up flamethrower, i was to scared to move. As he used Flamethrower a shouted "THUNDERBOLT" could be heard, and that thunderbolt canceled the Flamethrower out. And Spark jumped out of the bush next to us. "SPARK! oh thank Arceus" i said crying and scared out of my mind.  "Don't worry i'm here now" He said, oh my knight in yellow armor i thought.

                                                                                   Spark's POV

I snuck out last night at 5 am, and ran around clearing my head. "wow, i can't believe i told Diamond i love her" i said to myself. I ran to Sacred Mountain, Zap saw me and said hi. "So, did you nab Diamond like i suggested?" he asked "I told her I loved her yesterday" i said "good for you" he replied "buuuuuuut... she's dating the new student" i said "ummmmm what?" he asked "yeah the new guy, Thunder, used attract on her, outside of battle" i said getting angry "Hey Zap, could i ask you a favor", "sure Spark, what could i do for you?" he asked "use thunderbolt on me" i said "umm why?" he asked "because getting attacked seems to clear my head". So he did, and i felt refreshed "sorry i haven't slept since they started dating" i said, yawning. "welp i gotta go, i gotta make sure he doesn't harm her" "BYE" Zap yelled, and zipped off.

When i found them they were walking to the sacred forest, probably to introduce "Thundy" to Diamond's parents. Grrrrr, oh how i loath that guy. I swear i would do the closest thing to killing him as Diamond will let me. But that would scare Diamond away from me. Buy i followed them, running stealthily. I tripped on a log though, and sprained my ankle. and i had to wait until they were out of hearing distance, and used THUNDERBOLT on myself to heal up. And by the time i caught up to them, he was charging up Flamethrower on her. NO, i charged up thunderbolt, and used it when he used. Lightning moves faster than fire, and the thunderbolt cancelled out his flame. And i jumped out from where i was hiding, "SPARK! oh thank Arceus" Diamond said crying, and very scared. i looked at her, and got very angry at this little piece of shit Thunder, for attacking my love. "Don't worry, i'm here now" i said.

THE FIGHT- I started off with charge. he used Flamethrower, he knew not to waste a turn using electric terrain. and since i only got one charge off, it did about 76.3% of my health in damage. "urggg" to much damage for comfort. i would've used shadow ball, but now i had no mercy for this son of a bitch. "thunderbolt" i yelled. and one shot him. 

"oof" he said, "*scoffs* teach you to attack my love" i said "you touch her again....... ARG, oh ho ho you are so lucky Diamond is here, and she hate's it when i fight people.", "go ask Brycen what happened when he called my dad a weak coward. what i did to him won't compare to what i'd do to you" i threatened "ugh, fine i'll leave you two be" he said hastily. and he ran off. I just sat there and hugged her for a while. then i said "here let's get you home, here rest on my back" "ok" she replied weakly. And just like that i was sprinting her back to her place. Right before she fell asleep she said "Hey Spark, I love yo--zzzzz" then she fell asleep. "was she just just about to say, I love you too?" i asked myself. I dropped her off at her place. And i went home, made dinner for Flare, Silver and me. Then i said "hey, Thunder attacked Diamond on their "DATE" i jumped in and protected her." "wow, good job Spark. so are you two dating now?" Flare asked smirking "No, but i'm going to stay at her place, so i can protect her" i said "Oh? did you get permission?" Flare asked "nah, but i don't care, i want to protect her weather she hates me or not" i replied "plus with my amazing sense of hearing, i can sleep, but still protect her." i said. so i ran back and kept guard all night, not sleeping, shocking myself a bit if i needed an energy boost.

                                                                                      Thunder's POV

HAHAHA yesssss! my plan worked. You see, i knew that Spark and Diamond loved each other, but they were to scared to tell each other their feelings. So, ugh, i set myself up to be on Spark's bad side, on the "date" i knew he was gonna follow us, so i set up a little thing. I charged up flamethrower on Diamond (was never gonna hurt her, if he haden't popped up i would've aimed away last second, plz don't hate me readers. i mean well) and he popped out and used thunderbolt. then we fought, i lost (obviously, Spark is way stronger than me, idk how), i ran. But i saw them hugging and i saw Diamond crying (oh man she hates me now), and he ran off with her on his back, awwwwww. then i went back to my house, and went to bed.

Alright, i know i said that Thunder would be a bad guy, but i love Manectric tooooooo much. I love Jolteon more.

AAAAAAnyway, have a great day. I love you all dear readers, even tho at the time of writing this i only have like one or two, the "views" are from accidentally clicking edit part

Date of Chapter added: 4/26/20