Silver and Diamond's backstories

                                                                                        Silver's POV

As me and Flare were walking around, I challenged him to a race, aaaaaaand fell off a cliff. OH DON'T WORRY THOUGH, i'm fine, just got a little scrap on my paw. Flare went to Diamond's house to get Spark. "SILVER" Spark shouted "DOWN HERE" i yelled back. i heard him sprinting "NO SPARK WAIT" i yelled, too late. "Shit, ugh" he said "i fucked up my leg pretty badly, I think it's broken. FLARE WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU WARN ME?" he yelled "I WAS PLANNING ON TELLING YOU WHEN WE GOT NEAR HERE, BUT YOU RAN OFF" Flare said "yeah, i guess you're right" Spark said "go get Diamond, she'll want to know". Flare ran off to get Diamond, and other help. "So, i realized i know very little about you" Spark said "even though we were living together for like 2 years". "oh? i suppose i could tell you my story while we wait" i said "seeing as we could be here for a while". 


Year 1 i hatched in my dad's arms, mom was in the kitchen making dinner, an i discovered i had two older sibling year. 2 i made a friend, i didn't get her name because she left before i asked. year 3 i discovered two eevee's playing, they were Spark and Flare, but i was too scared to say hi. year 4 i saw you two again still scared to say hi. year 5 my brother hatched. Year 6 i finally sad hi to you guys. year 7 i developed a crush on one of the eevee's, Flare. year 8 i started to fall majorly for Flare, i blushed whenever he talked to me. year 9 i decide to go on a Jounrney, and got myself hurt and an eevee helped me get home, i never got his name. year 10 i became friends with Spark, and evolved into a Sylveon. year 11 i became really good friends with Flare. Year 12 i went to Spark's B-day party where he evolved, and i met Hunter. Year 13 I think Flare started to fall for me. year 14 was the year Spark's father died, he became secluded, and angry, towards almost everyone except me Flare and Hunter, he was mad at himself, Voltage's death took a serious toll on him. year 15 was the year Spark attacked a student, but the student deserved it for calling his dad a weakling, as punishment Spark/Lightning was sent to the Unova region. Year 16 was the year Flare asked me out, i said yes. Year 17 was the year Lightning came back, but he said he changed his name, for personal reasons. year 18 was the year Diamond, Thunder and Storm etc. happened.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So now you know a lot more about my past" i said "wow, i can't believe i knew so little about you" Spark said "oh don't worry, Flare learned this stuff about a month ago" i said "oh? you only told him a month ago" Spark said "yup" i replied "oh, well. imma just get some sleep, because i'm in a lot of pain, goodnight" he said and passed out "welp there goes my company" i said " i'm just surprised he didn't pass out sooner.".

                                                                                      Diamond's POV

Flare came over when we were eating lunch, he grabbed Spark and ran out. "ummm, Sure youu can take Spark" i said sarcastically "hmmm, i wonder what happened". About 20 minutes later Flare came back grabbed me and dashed out. "NO, tell me what happened" i said halting "oh, not much, Silver fell down a cliff edge, I grabbed Spark ran he ran ahead before i could warn him, he broke his leg." Flare said "WHAT" i yelled "ugh, that's my boyfriend alright, he's a dum dum, but he's my dum dum" i said smiling. "so, i as we walk there, can i hear you life story" Flare asked "i suppose i could tell you" i said 


I hatched alone in a house, i ran outside and found my parents gathering berries. year 2 i was playing tag with my older brother when i met his girlfriend. Year 3 i saw a Glaceon and decided i wanted to be one. year 4 i was trying to pick pecha berries off a tree, i fell off but someone caught me, i looked who saved me it was an Eevee "hi i'm Spark" he said "oh, um bye" i said, i was very shy as a kid. year 5 i made some friends in the Sacred Forest. year 5 i started to become less shy, and i introduced myself to Spark. year 6 i was picking more berries and i learned that Pecha berries are my favorite. Year 7 i was walking around, and i accidentally got into a wild battle, i won and evolved into a Glaceon which made me very happy. year 8 i got transferred to Sinnoh region, and i learned ice beam, blizzard, and hail. year 9 i was transferred back to Sacred forest.  Year 10 i learned Spark had evolved into a Jolteon, and i was walking and stumbled into a Leafeon, he introduced himself as "Hunter". Year 11 i was walking around and picking berries when i was attacked by a Beedrill. Year 12 i learned that Spark's dad was killed. year 13 i found out that Spark attacked a student at his school and he was sent to the Unova region. year 15 i became better friends with my older brother. year 16 i  was transferred to Grotto Forest and the highschool there, and i became friends with Spark, and then all this other stuff happened.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"oh, cool" Flare said "it was nice learning more about you, but we should hurry there, before it gets late and the ghost types come out, a particular Gengar has a grudge on Spark". "oh your right, he told me about it" i said "but he didn't say why". "oh? it's because Spark beat him in a fight a few years back" Flare replied. "oh" i said "let's hurry there then". We ran there, and  i discovered Spark passed out, and Silver sitting looking at the sky. "HELLO DOWN THERE" i yelled "HELLO" Silver yelled, startling Spark "OH, HEY DIAMOND" Spark yelled "HELLO, WE'LL BE RIGHT DOWN" i yelled. we found a safe way down "ooh, yeah, your leg is pretty busted" i said "yeah, i know" Spark replied shrugging "i was being recklase" he said "i see you have your goggles on" i said "i sure do, i've decided to face my past" Spark said "starting with my name, call me Lightning or Spark, whichever you perfer" Spark said "oh, good for you" i said "hello? how are we going to get back up?" Flare asked "ah don't worry, i'll carry him" i said, they broke out in laughter "how?" Silver asked "lift him up i dare you" i said "holy shit, how are you so light?" she asked "i dunno" Spark said. 

We started walking back up when a group of Gastly and a Gengar ambushed us. "oh brother" Spark said "oh hello there Lightning, you happy to see me?" the Gengar asked "oh knock it of Spooks, the only reason you grew a backbone was because my leg is broke" Spark said "hmmm, very true, but you have to battle me if you want to go" Spooks said "ugh, fine" Spark said getting up "Spark no, you're too injured" i said "don't worry about me" he said "you guys go" he said. We started to walk away, but Spark fell down to Spooks Shadow ball "SHIT" he yelled "my broken leg crippled my speed" he said. i ran to him "how dare you attack a crippled man" i yelled "you think i care" Spooks said. So i blizzarded the bitch, i picked up Spark and ran back to Flare and Silver. "i've never seen you battle" Flare said "I usually don't battle" i said "unless i have to". "oh" Silver said "well it's a good thing you stepped in". 

I hope you enjoyed, remember if you have any ideas feel free to tell me. So long as they're appropriate. tell me them in my discord server.

Date of chapter added- 5/5/20