A Small Fight

The storm ended all of a sudden came to an end. The clouds and the rain dispersed and it was sunny once more. I took a peak outside the cave and saw a man standing there with a curved blade in his hand. Around that blade electricity ran wild.

"Hopefully that storm stopped any adventurers from coming to the village. I just hope Daz understands why I did this." The man said before jumping out of eyesight.

"He was trying to stop adventurers? That would mean he's one of the bandits that we need to stop, right?" Asked Bubbles.

I turned to face him and nodded. 'The man said something about a guy named Daz, could he be the leader?' I thought to myself. I let out a sigh and went to exit the cave.

The moment I set foot outside a blade flew right in front of my face. I turned towards where the blade had came from and saw the man we had saw before. I quickly removed my sword from its sheathe and readied it.

"You guys aren't very good at hiding. First of all I could see you guys poking your heads out to look at me, and second of all your footprints led towards that cave." The man said with a smirk.

The man slowly reached out his hand towards the blade he threw. I turned and watched as the blade began to shake before launching out of the ground and entering the man's grasp.

"You can call me Remirez, I'll be the guy who'll take all of you down." The man said, pointing to himself.

With a sudden burst of speed Remirez ran at me and attempted to slash me. I blocked his strike with my blade. We stood at a standstill for a bit until jumping back.

Steven jumped in the fight and attempted to attack Remirez from behind, but Remirez moves to the side causing Steven to miss and stagger. Remirez turned around and swept Steven off of his feet causing him to fall over.

"I don't think we can win this. We're completely outmatched and I don't think running will work." I said, wiping the sweat on my forehead.

"You give me to much credit." Said Remirez. He let out a small laugh and ran towards me again. He kicked the blade out of my hand with a attempted to slash me again.

Before his blade could hit me, Bubbles threw his spear moving to sword away just enough for me to dodge. I ran towards where my sword had landed and turned towards Remirez.

"I've been here too long, don't want to keep the boss waiting. Hope to see you guys again soon!" Said Remirez. Remirez then began to jump off into the distance waving goodbye at us.

We all stood there and watched as he left, completely dumbfounded at what had just happened. I look towards my sword and saw that it was even more broken then before. I let out a small sigh and put it back in its sheathe.