Holiday Special 2/2

"We didn't need to learn what your favorite color crayon to eat was. Because of you we ended up wasting an hour on some backstory that made so sense." Steven said.

"Well excuse me. I believe that every single detail of someone's past is important." The man said pouting.

I gave him an annoyed look and put my hand near the hilt of my blade. The man seemed to notice what I did and gave off an evil aura. The aura that surrounded him began to condense and became a sword. The man admired his weapon for a bit until turning to face me.

"I don't feel like telling you my name, but for now you can all me Santa. Now prepare to lose your holiday!" Santa said swinging his weapon at me.

I pulled out my blade and blocked Santa's attack. As our blades collided Steven jumped into the mix and attempted to attack Santa. Santa pushed me back and blocked Steven's attack. I ran back towards Santa and attempted to strike him again. Santa's blade suddenly became two and blocked my attack while at the same time blocking Steven's.

"Quite the sword you got there. Don't see many weapons made out of magic nowadays, heard they drain your magic real fast." I said, throwing out another strike.

"This blade uses a different energy source, and that source happens to be my hatred for the Feast of Winter." Santa said.

As me and Steven fought with Santa I noticed Alice attempting to cast a spell. I didn't know what she was casting but I felt it best to hold Santa off until she was finished.

"Don't forget that I'm here!" Yelled April, charging at Santa with her rapier. Santa knocked me and Steven away and parried all of her attacks.

"Thanks for holding him off guys! Now it's time to show everyone my magic power! Go, Hail Storm!" Alice yelled.

A blue ring surrounded Alice and began shooting ice shards in Santa's direction. Instead of dodging, Santa destroyed every ice shard that came close to him.

"Why does my everything hurt? Wait, why is my body freezing? Oh no, one of the shards must have hit me." Said Santa. Santa began looking all over his body to see where the arrow hit until he finally found it. But by that time he had already completely turned to ice.

"I swear, this happens every year. I have no idea how he breaks out of my ice magic. Oh well, let's spend the rest of the day celebrating the Feast of Winter." Alice said with a smile.

'Did she say this happens every year?' I thought. I let out a small sigh and ignored what Alice said. Right now I just felt hungry.

Thankfully Santa didn't cause any damage to the village. So for the rest of the day me and my guild sat together and enjoyed the holiday.

"Wait a second, where's Fang, Bubbles, and Emma?"