
"We have counted all the ribbons that each team has brought in. Blue team not only had the most but had the highest score. For all of you on red team feel free to stay and watch." Daz said.

To my surprise nobody actually left. They all seemed interested in how this whole even would turn out. As I stood in front of the stage Daz was standing on I heard my name being whispered. I looked around to see who was calling me and heard it coming from my katana.

"I can feel one of my kind close by. I can't pinpoint where they are but the power it's giving off is immense." My katana said.

I looked around to see if I could find whoever it was but didn't see anyone worth noting. For the time being it was best if I stayed on guard.

"Before we start the tournament we'll be taking the rest of the day to rest and enjoy the event. We'll pick up where we left off at one in the afternoon." Daz said before walking off the stage and out of eyesight.

"Hey John, let's go meet back up with Ellie and Bubbles. After that maybe we could train a little before the tournament?" Steven suggested.

before I could answer I heard Ellie's voice in the distance. I turned to face where I heard her and saw Bubbles right behind her. Steven waved at her as she ran towards us.

"I can't believe you guys made it to the tournament! You guys are really amazing you know that right?" Bubbles said energetically.

"We appreciate the comment but we really only won because we lucked out. If we didn't have Ashe's team or Jaeger's team on our side we would have lost for sure." I said.

As I talked with my party I noticed Ashe and Julia talking with people who I believed to be the rest of their guild. I felt like talking to Ashe for a bit and told my party that I was going to talk to someone real quick.

As I made my way to Ashe's group I was blocked my Daz who had a smile on his face. He let out a small laugh and grabbed onto my wrist. I looked at Daz with confusion and saw that his smile was gone, replaced with a serious expression.

"We need to talk privately. Now." Daz said, guiding me to wherever he was taking me. After a while of me following Daz we ended up at an old rundown house at the edge of the town.

Daz pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. When Daz opened the door I saw what you'd expect to see from a rundown house. The furniture was destroyed and scattered around the room, the windows were boarded up, and there was water dripping from the ceiling.

"I don't want to enter that house. It looks like a house where young adventurers get tricked into going inside and end up getting murdered." I said, taking a couple of steps away from Daz.

Daz let out a small smile, "relax, it's not one of those houses. I brought you here for a special reason that I can't let anybody hear no matter what." Daz walked into the house and made his way to a bookshelf. I entered the house soon after and walked up to Daz.

Daz began moving the bookshelf to the side revealing a secret room. Unlike the rest of the house, this room seemed to be kept in good shape. I took a couple steps back which Daz seemed to have noticed.

"Relax John, I'm not going to murder you."