Lone Girl

A small breeze flowed through the air. I looked around to see where I was and saw and saw plains as far as the eye could see. When I turned around I saw a girl all alone on the top of a hill sitting next to a tree.

As I walked closer to the girl I could see her turning around and looking at me with curiosity. Without saying a word she turning away and began staring off into the distance.

I walked up next to her and sat down. In front of us was the ocean. Waves swayed side the side as we watched them move. Something about them was soothing to me.

I began to lay down and look at the sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight, only birds and the sun were in the sky. As I watched them the girl put her head over mine and looked at me. I quickly moved away and turned my head to look at her.

I was back in the shop, Alice was sitting next to me and seemed to be bored out of her mind. Serene was talking to Morgan about the dress he grabbed.

Serene grabbed the silver dress from Morgan and walked over to us. Morgan gave all of us a proud smile before walking over to us and giving us a big smile.

"Go try on your new clothes. We need to know if you like them before we buy them. Now go to the changing rooms." Morgan told us.

I let out a small yawn before picking up my tuxedo and walking towards the rooms. When I entered the room I saw a mirror and just looked at myself for a moment before changing.

I put on a white shirt and buttoned it before putting on the tuxedo. I looked at myself in the mirror to see how I looked and gave a sigh of relief when I saw that I looked fine.

I walked out the room and looked around the room. Morgan seemed impressed with how I looked while Chuck was standing back and minding his own business.

Soon after I walked out, Alice left her room wearing her dress. I stared at her for a second before turning away. Alice seemed to notice and let out a small laugh.

I walked away from her and went back to the bench. As I stood there and waited for Serene to finish Morgan walked over to me. He gave me a pat on the back and walked away.

Serene finally left the room after ten minutes of us waiting. The silver dress was a perfect match for her. Alice walked over to her and began complimenting her appearance.

"When you guys decide if you like your outfits or not I'll bring you to where you can stay the night. We still have a week before the party." Morgan said.