
"That's enough about us, who's your hooded friend over here? Is he part of your group?" I asked.

The hooded man looked at me for a moment before removing his hood revealing that it was Bahn. He gave me a smile before putting his hood back on.

"Bahn may or may not have fallen into some debt that I'm helping him out with. Thankfully his debts not too big so we should be able to pay it off after a couple more quests." Daz said.

I let out a small laugh before taking a bite of my sandwich. When I finished my food I noticed that Alice and Serene seemed confused.

"Did I not tell you about the tourney I went to four months ago? It was there that I met Daz, Ashe, and Bahn. These are the people who fought Crimson alongside me." I said.

Daz looked at the clock on the wall and gave us an apologetic look. He stood up with Bahn and they both walked out the building leaving. We all watched them leave with confusion before shrugging it off and continuing with our meal.

After we were finished with the café we had continued walking around the town with Ashe following us. As we walked through the town we ended up stopping at a bridge to enjoy the view.

"Despite how crowded the streets are this place isn't that bad. It definitely looks better than our village." I said, sitting on the side of the bridge.

The water beneath me was crystal clear allowing me to see the fish swim through it. I leaned back a little so I could take a little breath and almost lost my balance.

As a was about to make a sigh of relief I felt someone push me forwards. Before I fell into the water I turned around to see who pushed me and saw Alice giving me a big smile.

I crashed into the water with a big splash. I popped my head out from the water and spat out some water. I began looking around for me to get out of the water and saw a ladder. I quickly swam towards it and used it to bring myself back up.

"Great, now all my clothes are wet." I groaned.

I made my way back to the bridge and let out a small shiver. The water was a lot colder than I expected. Alice let out a small laugh before walking past me.

"I'm going back home so I can change, I'll catch up with you guys later." I said, waving them goodbye before running off.

As I ran through the town I ended up passing a dark alleyway with an odd dripping noise coming from it. I stopped running and began going back so I could investigate what I was hearing.

As I walked through the alleyway I heard voices talking close by. I quickly hid behind some boxes I found and began listening in.

"Tell us what you did to Crimson and I might give you a quick and painless death."