Corruption: Part 1

Magical energy consumed my blade causing it to glow. Ren put his two arms in front of him and created a small barrier separating us. Despite the barrier he made, I continued through with my attack. Our two weapons clashed with each other for what felt like an eternity.

A sudden noise came from Ren's barrier. The barrier somehow cracked causing Ren to be caught off guard. I took my chance and used whatever power I had left to finish him off. The barrier shattered leaving only magic particles that disappeared. Genki made contact with the front of Ren breaking a large part of his armor.

After the attack was finished we both landed on the ground. Kerrin and Jyn both appeared before us. Jyn was next to me while Kerrin was next to Ren.

"Can you just give us the diamond already? Is some family heirloom this important?" I asked.

"Just a family heirloom? You really do have no idea what this thing is capable of." Kerrin said, pulling the diamond out of his pocket.

The diamond suddenly gave off a blinding light. I used my arms to block out the light and waited for it to end. The light suddenly vanished revealing Kerrin with a new weapon. It's handle had wrapping around it while the guard had an orb in its center giving off a bright light. The blade didn't have any curves on it.

"Feast your eyes on the first Genmochi made in centuries!" Kerrin said.

I looked at Jyn to see if he knew what was going on and saw that his face was full of shock. I looked back at Kerrin and saw that he still had a big grin on his face. Ren didn't seem as happy though.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! Do you have any idea how much power it takes to create a Genmochi? Our boss told us that only he had the power to make one!" Ren yelled.

Kerrin ignored Ren and began to laugh, "well I guess he wasn't the only one who could create a new Genmochi!"

Kerrin suddenly stopped laughing. He fell to his knees and put both his hands on his head. He then let out a loud scream of pain as he was on the ground. He raised his head letting out another scream this time being even louder. He removed one of his hands on his head and moved it away from his body. Darkness consumed his arm and gave it a look of distortion.

"W-what the hell is happening to him?!" I yelled, taking a step back from him.

"He's being corrupted by the power of the blade. We learned that this can happen when making a new Genmochi, that's why the boss was supposed to be the one who did it!" Ren said, running over to us.

Kerrin's other arm soon became distorted as well. His legs became distorted as well leaving only his torso and head normal. He attempted to stand revealing that he was now way larger than before. His torso soon was engulfed in darkness now leaving only his head. Something began growing underneath his arms. As it kept growing it began resembling the shape of a wing. A tail began to grow from behind him and slammed against the ground.

"How are we supposed to beat this thing?" I asked.

"I... don't know."