Guild Hall

"I should be heading back to our guild hall. Hey, why don't you come along with me?" The man asked.

I didn't have anything planned for today so I didn't have any issues with checking out his guild. Well actually I did have one issue, I didn't even know this guy's name.

"Maybe you should introduce yourself first before inviting people over?" I questioned him.

He seemed a little confused for a moment. He gave me a strange look before changing it as if he just made some big revelation.

"Oh right, I completely forgot about that. My name is Satoru Fujimaru." He said, offering his hand for me to shake.

"John, though I'm sure you already knew that." I said, grabbing his hand and shaking it.

"Alright let's head on over to my guild hall."Satoru said, walking towards where Matsuo and the others went off.

To say the building was large would be an understatement. On the inside it looked even bigger, not to mention livelier. Matsuo and Kyou were both laying face down on the ground with a large bump on the top of their head. The girl I had saw before was standing over them with clenched fists that had smoke coming from them. The entire room was also completely trashed.

"Sorry about the mess Satoru, these two immediately started going at each other the moment they woke up." She said with an apologetic look.

"It's fine, Hitomi. I'll clean this mess up in an instant." Satoru said, raising his arm.

The destroyed furniture slowly began to fix themselves. It was as if time was being reversed on them. When all was set and done, Satoru lowered his arm and let out a deep breath.

"That was awesome! What kind of spell is that?" I asked with an excited expression on my face.

"That would be my unique spell that I've named Return from Destruction. It can fix objects as well as people, though fixing people can get a little complex." Satoru said, giving a strange look.

The room was still pretty lively as Satoru and I had our conversation. Hell, it was lively despite the fact that the room was destroyed. The amount of people here was incredible, easily triple the amount of members I had in my guild.

"So, John, what brings you to the second floor in the first place? Most people travel to floors so they can sell things but you don't look much like a merchant." Satoru asked.

"Hm? Oh right, I'm looking for someone. They wear a kimono, have brown hair, and have purple eyes." I explained.

Satoru gave me a puzzled look, "why are you looking for Naoki Mai?"