Shattering the Barrier

"Protect John and this other kid for a sec, will ya?" Ichiro said, putting John and the boy on the ground.

Before Akari could even respond to his request, Ichiro activated his aura and ran towards the man at lightning fast speeds, completely shattering the barrier between him and the man.

Ichiro's right fist collided with the man's face and pushed him backwards up against a wall. Ichiro ran right back up to the man and readied his right hand again for another punch. The stranger put up his guard to block but Ichiro quickly moved to the side and punched the man again.

As the man slid backwards through the room, a small smile crossed his face. Ichiro reappeared beside the man and attempted another punch but was blocked.

"You're pretty strong for your age. Unfortunately for you, your attacks are predictable." The man slammed his fist into Ichiro's face and then round house kicked him in the stomach.

Ichiro attempted to regain his balance and push himself up but that man appeared above him and used an axe kick to hit him into the ground, leaving a large crater.

"Ichiro!" Alice shouted, firing a barrage of ice shards at the man.

The man raised his arm, creating a small barrier which protected both him and Ichiro from being hit. The man swiped his hand to the side, which pushed Ichiro out of the way.

"H-He's too strong for us." Akio said, taking a step back out of fear.

"So you've finally figured that out, have you? No matter how many of you there are, you can't defeat me. Only one of you has been able to break my barrier so far but I'm fully aware of that old man's power being enough to destroy it as well." The man said, pointing towards where the old man used to be.

He lowered his finger for a moment and gave a confused look towards the small dent in the wall. He began looking around the room for where the man went but when he turned around he was met with a strong right hook to the face, completely breaking his nose.

The man went flying towards Ichiro who had finally gotten up and was preparing a strong attack. Large bolts of lightning zapped around Ichiro's fist as he charged up his attack.

"That's nothing! I'll just reinforce my barrier!" Ichiro's fist immediately proved the man's statement wrong by shattering it and striking his right across the face, sending him flying into the night sky.

"Did we win?" Ichiro asked, breathing heavily.

The man's body landed right next to Ichiro showing that he was unconscious. Ichiro let out a large sigh of relief before falling down onto his knees.

"I'll take that as a yes."