Home at Last

"What the hell do you mean they left?" I asked, looking at the almost empty living room.

"I mean that they left. Bubbles and April both said that they'll stay in contact with us but that they wanted to go on their own adventure. Kinda should've expected that since you were gone for a couple a months." Steven responded.

Yeah, I should've figured something like that would've happened. If what Steven said was true, then at least they didn't entirely leave the guild.

"Look on the bright side, that leaves open some spots for new members." Fang said, trying to cheer me up.

"Did that dog just talk?" Akari asked, looking down at Fang.

"Yes it did. Anyway, I'm going to my room to take a nap." I quickly walked past Steven and made my way towards the stairs until I heard the voice of someone all too familiar.

"Please no." I muttered under my breath.

"I'm sure you all just want to take a long break and I get that so I've come up with a nice vacation for all of you." Morgan said.

Everyone turned their heads towards Morgan and waited for him to explain what he was talking about. A big grin crossed his face as he showed up a piece of paper with a big boat on it.

"A… boat?" Alice asked, tilting her head.

"Not just any boat, this is the one and only Blue Voyager! I've gotten you all tickets for the cruise located all the way on floor twenty." Morgan said, that happy look still plastered on his face.

Floor twenty? That's quite a leap going from floor one two twenty. I was okay with the cruise ship but walking all the way there did not seem like a fun activity.

"I can see that worried look on your faces. Don't worry, on floor ten there's a train that can carry you all there." Morgan said, acting as if he hadn't said anything out of the ordinary.

"A train?" I asked.

What the hell was a train? Everyone else in the room seemed to know what it was so was I just the odd one out? Actually that probably was the case, I never did get to know much about the world.

"I'll guide you guys up until floor ten. One you get to the train, all you've gotta do is sit back, relax, and enjoy the view." Morgan said.

"That's great and all but when do we need to start going?" I asked.

"Right about now, I'd say."