Not What I Was Expecting

"Soooo… Care for a drink?" The necromancer asked, breaking the twenty second long silence.

I stopped to think for a moment. On one hand I am pretty thirsty but on the other, who offers a drink to a person who just broke into their base? There has to be a catch, I'm sure of it.

"Sorry but I'll have to pass on that offer." I said, jumping back and putting my hand on Genki's hilt.

The necromancer had a dejected look on his face as he let out a disappointed sigh. He removed his glasses for a brief moment so he could rub his eyes.

The job description made this guy out to be some evil overlord in the making but he didn't seem evil at all. He just looked really tired.

"The job description said that there was a necromancer causing problems around these parts. Know anything about that?" I asked.

"Problems? My skeletons only stay within the castle and attack only when attacked first. Why do people always make necromancers out to be the bad guys?" The necromancer had a depressed look on his face.

"I mean, you are kind of messing with the dead and using them for your own gain. Not to mention your skeletons tried to throw me and my partner in your dungeon." I said.

"What? You think I wanted this type of magic? Besides, families who use necromancy magic only resurrect those they are related to. Ever wonder why so many necromancers have their own family graveyard?"

I stopped to think about that for a moment. This was the first time I've ever run into a necromancer before but I have heard that they usually live near private graveyards.

Now that I think about it, I wonder what Fang's up to? It's probably more exciting than whatever you call this.

"Wait, we have a dungeon?