Luxury Cruise

"Woah… this ship is huge!" Emma shouted, looking all around the ship with wide eyes.

On the front end of the ship was a pool where passengers had already started swimming in. Next to the pool were multiple stalls where people were buying souvenirs and other kinds of trinkets. The activity made me feel like I was in some kind of village.

On the inside of the ship, there was a large dining hall that seated an abundance of people. Further back, I could see a smaller area that seated people dressed in clothing that I could never dream of affording. If I had to take a guess, I'd say that's where the most important people eat.

Emma and Fang both suddenly ran off into the crowd to explore the ship while Steven left for his room right when he learned where it was so he could sleep. As for Akari, I actually have no idea where she went. Alice was the only one to not run off but it seemed to be because she just didn't care much for the ship.

"How long will it take for us to reach our destination?" I asked, looking over at Alice.

"It should only be a two day trip to Volcano Island. You've got time, might as well enjoy what the cruise here has to offer." Alice suggested.

"Eh, I was never a huge fan of events like these."

"I guess you and I are on the same boat then."

Wait a second…

"Did you just make a pun?" I asked, giving Alice a strange look.

Instead of answering my question, Alice just walked away and waved me goodbye before disappearing into the crowd.

"She's got a point though. I might as well find something to occupy myself with." I sighed before walking towards the large crowd of people.