Cave Adventure

"I think I found one of the caves we're looking for!" I shouted, looking over my shoulder at Alice and Felix who were standing far away from me.

Felix turned his head and looked at the cave that I was next to. He seemed to have a relieved look as he ran by me and into the cave. Alice on the other hand simply walked over to me and looked at the cave.

The cave had shining crystals on the inside that lit up the area, making it easy to see on the inside so we wouldn't end up getting lost or using a spell to create a light source. Each crystal was a different color as well and looked as if they would catch a good price if we were to sell them.

"Nice going. Here's to hoping this cave actually has something." Alice said, nodding her head as she walked into the cave.

"Yeah." I responded, walking into the cave soon after.

The three of us moved deeper into the cave, keeping a careful eye on our surroundings so we wouldn't miss anything. Just like the entrance to the cave, there were bright crystals all around but these ones were a little bit bigger from the ones before.

"Since you're a merchant don't you think you should grab a couple of these gems?" I asked, looking over at a blue crystal as I walked by it.

"Nah. I'm only here to learn about the location of the hidden islands." Felix shook his head.

"You're putting a lot of trust into a rumor about some caves holding the location to some secret islands. How can you be so sure those islands actually exist?" Alice asked.

"They exist. I'm sure of it." Felix said coldly, speeding up so he could walk further into the cave.

Alice turned her head towards the side and gave me a confused look, "did I say something wrong?"

I shook my head, "I don't think so."

The two of us shrugged our shoulders and quickened our step so we could catch back up with Felix who had suddenly stopped moving. When we caught up to Felix, we saw what had caused him to stop moving. He stood right before a ledge that revealed a large open area. At the bottom of the ledge was a row of torches that led towards a wall that had writings on it. As for what the writings showed, we were too far away to tell.

"That's gotta be it!" Felix said, jumping off the ledge as if the fall wouldn't break his legs.

Alice prepared a spell to break his fall but stopped herself when she saw that Felix was using his magic to fly down to the ground. She let out a relieved sigh before casting a spell to break at least our fall.

"Here goes nothing." I said, jumping down with Alice.

The spell used was the one she had used to protect me when we had first met. It had been a long time since I'd last seen her use this spell so it felt weird feeling its effects. It caused us to sink into the magic ring for a moment before causing us to bounce upward a bit.

"Thanks for that." I looked over at Alice.

"No problem." Alice nodded her head before walking over towards the writings on the wall.

Felix had already made his way over to the writings and was looking closely at every detail, paying both Alice and I no mind when we finally reached him. He was completely immersed in what he was reading. I looked over at the wall and realized that the writings were foreign to me. I had absolutely no clue what the thing said.

"What is this?" Alice asked, a shocked look covering her face.

"Ancient writing used by the first groups of people who lived on this floor." Felix quickly answered, using his finger to point at each symbol on the wall.

"You can read that?" I asked, looking over Felix's shoulder as the wall's symbols.

"Of course I can, I'm a native speaker of it."