
"So tell me more about this girl you saw." Steven said, sitting down by the campfire across from me.

"I've already told you everything I know. I wanted to ask her some questions but she ran away from me for some reason." I let out an annoyed sigh and shrugged my shoulders.

The two of us grew silent, letting the sound of the fireplace fill the silence. Despite being surrounded by a jungle, it was eerily silent. Normally, someone would at least hear the sound of bugs but there was nothing. The silence was slightly off putting.

"How are you holding up so far?" I asked, looking over at Steven.

Steven remained silent. I gave him a confused look for a moment but then realized his eyes were focused on something behind me. I was about to turn around to see what he was looking at but he signaled me to stop.

"That girl you were talking about wouldn't happen to have pink hair, right?" Steven asked.

"She does, why? Wait… she's right behind me, isn't she?" I groaned.

Steven nodded his head, "so what should we do?"

"I've got some questions I'd like answers too." I answered, jumping to my feet.

Steven and I looked over at the girl and saw her peeking out from behind a tree. The girl realized that we saw her and turned so she could run away. Steven and I exchanged glances for a moment before running off after the girl.

"Why do you keep running away from me?!" I shouted towards the girl.

The girl seemed to flinch for a moment and turned her head towards us. She had a surprised look on her face and slowed down for a moment as she looked at the two of us. With her slowing down, Steven and I could finally catch up to the mysterious girl. Right as we were about to reach the girl, a razor sharp claw came inches away from hitting my face. Steven and I quickly drew our weapons and looked towards where the sharp claw came from.

"What the hell is that thing?" Steven asked.

A tall dark figure walked into our view. It had two arms which both had sharp blades at the end, similar to that of a scythe. It had hair all over its body with a puffy tail located on the creature's back. It had a large snout that revealed sharp teeth that could tear off flesh easily if given the chance. Its appearance reminded me a little of Fang with how the creature looked like a wolf.

"No clue but it's definitely not friendly!" I said, readying my sword.


The monster let out a loud roar before rushing the two of us. It raised its right arm up so it could use a downward slash on me but I managed to evade the attack. As for Steven, he thrusted his spear towards the monster's chest which forced it to jump back.

"Let's go, Genki!" I shouted, running towards the monster.

I fired one of Genki's beams to launch me over to the monster, kicking it right in the face. The monster slid back from the momentum of my kick and recovered just in time to see that Steven had positioned himself behind it. The monster let out a nasty snarl as it bashed its claws into the ground, sending it in the air to dodge Steven.

"This monster's pretty smart compared to the ones we usually fight!" I shouted, firing another beam so I could fly towards the monster.

As I got closer to the monster, I prepared a small explosion spell on the back of my right foot. As soon as I was above the monster's stomach, I raised my right leg and activated the explosion, pulling off an axe kick which sent the monster flying into the ground.

"I thought those explosions damaged you when you used them?" Steven asked, running over to me as I landed on the ground.

"Nah not anymore. I learned how to control where the explosion goes a while back." I answered.

Our conversation was cut short when we noticed that hundreds of glowing eyes had appeared within the jungle. The snarls created by each monster filled our ears. All we could do was take a defensive position for when the monsters finally decided to attack.

"How many of these things do you think you can take on in a fight?" Steven asked, putting his back against mine.

"I'd rather not figure that out." I said, bracing myself.

As Steven and I readied ourselves for what was to come, a voice called out to us from my left. We both turned our heads towards the voice and saw the girl with pink hair ushering us to follow her. Surprisingly enough, there weren't any monsters over where she was.

"Get over here before it's too late!" The girl shouted.

Steven and I exchanged glances for a moment. The correct choice was clear and we both knew it. Steven and I both nodded before running towards the girl at full speed. As we ran, the monsters finally jumped out from the jungle's darkness and began chasing after the three of us.

"Just keep following me! I know a spot where they won't reach us!" The girl shouted.

"If you say so!" I responded, trying my hardest to keep up with her.