Aoi's Experience

"Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up!"

The light slaps against my face caused my eyes to shoot open. At first, I was blinded by how bright it was but my eyes soon adjusted. Above me stood Vylan who was still tapping my face.

I swatted his hand away and lifted myself up, "where are we? Where's the rest of our crew?"

"The rest of our little crew is here. Can't say the same for that kid John's group."

"Well that's just perfect. Send the others to find those kids before something bad happens to them." I said, placing my hand against my face with a disgruntled expression.

"I've already sent out Reiner and Louis." Vylan responded.

I nodded my head, "thank you. So where are we exactly? Did we manage to somehow make it to the forgotten island?"

Vylan nodded, "I believe so. We're surrounded by the thick fog that caused us to crash when we were on the ship."

I dusted the sand off my clothes and looked back at the sea, "Staying in this area is going to be the safest for us. We don't know what we're dealing with so once Reiner and Louis are back let's set up a small base."

"About that…"

Vylan's comment caused me to tilt my head in confusion.


"Daena went out and actually found a small village filled with people. Nice ones too who helped fill us in on a lot of stuff. Important stuff."

"How important?"

"That at night monsters roam and attack any human who isn't within the safety of the village. Also that there's actually multiple islands and not just one. There's a southern and northern island and we happened to shipwreck on the mainland."

"Wow… that is important information."

"Indeed. I wish we found you earlier but you were pretty well hidden."

I smirked, "well I'm here now. Let's head over to that village before nightfall"

Vylan let out a laugh, "aye aye captain!"