To be a Leader

I dashed through the forest as fast as possible, slashing through whatever got in my way, be it trees or monsters. Since the sun was still just barely out, there was enough light for me to see where I was going. Even if the sun wasn't out, I still would've kept going at the same pace.

"Reiner! Where are you?" I shouted, using my trident as a springboard to launch myself above the trees.

In the distance I could make out magic being flung all over as if being used for attacks. Taking note of the color of the spells representing the element, I could guess that it was Reiner's magic element. It still could have been someone else though since it wasn't like Reiner was the only person who was capable of using that element.

Regardless of who this person was, as my role as the guild leader of this region, I was tasked with saving and helping those in need. As soon as I landed on the ground, I pulled my trident out from the ground and dashed towards where the magic was being cast from.

As I jumped over a bush, I could finally get a clearer view on what was going on. At last, I had finally found Reiner but he was in the middle of fighting these creatures which looked to be a mixture between a wolf and a human. Each one had these long claws which looked like they could easily slice off a limb.

"Reiner! What are these things?" I shouted, impaling three of these monsters with a single thrust.

"Captain? I'm not too sure. The locals warned me about going out at night and now here I am. I guess these were what they warned me about!" Reiner responded, thrusting his staff into the monster behind him.

I grabbed onto the monster that Reiner had struck and slammed its head into a tree, finishing it off quickly so I could turn my attention towards the remaining monsters. No matter how many of these monsters we took down, the number of glowing eyes around us never seemed to decrease.

"How long have you been at this?" I asked jumping over a monster's attack just to stomp its head into the ground.

"Almost an hour maybe?"

I gave Reiner a shocked expression, "an hour? Jump as high as you can so I can cast a spell."

Reiner gave me a surprised look, "it's not often I get to see you use this spell!" Reiner smirked as he used one of the monster's as a way to jump even higher.

All the monster's in the area turned their focus on me, charging at me with the desire to strike me down. As they got closer, I raised my hand up and snapped my finger, the sound of the snap ringing throughout the area.


A giant wave of water rose from the ground all around me and crashed into the oncoming monster forces, dealing with them in near seconds. As the wave subsided, the eyes that were once around me had finally gone away. Reiner soon landed next to me and patted me on the back.

"Thanks for the assist, Captain!"

"Of course."

As we were about to walk away, I felt a sharp presence behind me. A presence strong enough for me to quickly push Reiner out of the way right as a dagger flew by right where his head was mere moments ago.

"The hell was that?" Reiner said, nearly falling over."

"I'm not sure. Whatever it is, it nearly caught me off guard." I clenched the grip of my trident and glared at where the dagger had come from.

Through the darkness of the forest, two red eyes stared out at us. The eyes approached us slowly, each second creating a feeling of unease. The only bit of the monster visible were the eyes so I had no way to know when it was going to attack.

"Reiner, I need your sight right now."

Reiner nodded and his eyes glowed for a brief moment, "nothing. He's just…!" Reiner suddenly ducked down right as another dagger flew out from the forest.

The eyes suddenly darted towards us and a large wolf like being shot out from the darkness. All around the wolf's torso were daggers strapped to pouches.

"I don't usually miss my throws. You two are strong."

"Who are you?" Reiner asked.

The wolf grinned at his question, "wouldn't you like to know?"

Reiner gave the wolf a confused expression, "yeah? That's why I asked."