Chapter 3: The Super Planet

I was beginning to lose hope, we had been searching for 5 long years finding planets without any forms of life because the environment was So dangerous that any life would expire immediately upon contact. the highlights were planet RedWraith which was entirely a desert but the sand was completely red which was scorching hot like in the movies which usually exaggerate the heat but this planet was not exaggerating due to it being so close to the Blue star. I took samples of course of all the strange lifeless planets we discovered and let out a slow sigh thinking we would never find something remotely like what I expected to discover, or so we thought. our monitors began bleeping like a fire alarm during an electrical fire indicating that it was picking up a large terrestrial body not to far away from us, "that was weird, I had checked before and we haven't discovered anything in front of our route for the last 17 seconds and yet here is something" joseph said as he and all of us crowded around the view of where the signal was blurring about and all of us gasped when we saw this HUGE shape bigger than any other planet we have seen so far. as the satellite got closer we were able to make out more features such as clouds, moons, and...were those oceans? continents? all of these shot through our minds as the light from the star continued to shine brighter. I was beginning to squeal because I just had this feeling this place was the world we were looking for the whole time and didn't realize it ever, "guys let's land there" I said more excited than I was when we first saw a planet in Methuselah. it took 7 hours to fully get towards the planet and we had to be careful because there were moons everywhere like a game of slow motion dodgeball, after we saw coast was clear we began descent towards the world in anticipation to land peacefully but the satellite began to shake and sputter like a microwave with a spoon in it and began to initiate escape pod order which we needed to follow since this was mandatory but still we had no idea what was happening, we had dodged the moons and rocks so what exactly was the deal? last thing I remember was getting shot out of the satellite alongside the rest of my crew like bullets from a gun except I was going in the same direction as the satellite and I feared I would either crash into it or get crushed the moment both objects hit the planet. I braced myself for impact and my ears began ringing like a big bell in a hurricane, I couldn't hear what was going on but I could feel the ground shaking and scraping which was indicating either I or the satellite was skittering to a halt on the surface. I fainted from exhaustion and fright because it all happened in a span of 10 minutes and what's worse is that we may have lost our resources like sustenance and spare space suits just in case ours rip which 8 completely forgot about when my eyes forcibly shut like garage doors. I woke up from my slumber and my escape pod literally spat me out like a watermelon seed and I made a crater in the dirt...wait a minute? dirt? I thought as I got up quickly and look at the ground. for a split second I thought I was home but I then realized even more important that my spacesuit was torn as if a werewolf attacked me and i began to panic since i wasn't prepared for this type of emergency and began to hyperventilate but then i thought to myself. "if my suit was ripped then that means I should already be dead" I thought as I took another breath and slowly rose my hands to my helmet and unclipped it like a football helmet after a game. I took it off and took a deep breath like I had finished swimming and began laughing because I wasn't suffocating, this planet had breathable 02 that I and hopefully my crewmates could breathe, I took off the spacesuit because it made me feel more alive and I went to find where the Ruby fell and discovered where it was, in a 15 meter wide crater 70 meters from me and my escape pod. "oh no its damaged!" I said as I slid down the crater to the halved crater and to the damaged satellite, nobody was inside and everything was dirty and messed up with the exceptions of the materials i gained, our food, 1 space suit, and our communications which i tried to work but it was badly damaged and no connection was available. I sighed as I exited the destroyed satellite which costed 77 billion dollars to make for us on our voyage across the universe to this galaxy. I had to figure out a plan to find my crew and somehow fix this satellite so we can possibly go home or better yet get a communication back to base about our situation at hand. I sat down on the ground and began to study the soil, hmm it was similar in texture and smell to earth soil and dirt but strangely when I scooped my hand in the ground it was as warm as the average heater but when I scooped out a pile of soil it was cold and damp like I expected it to be which I brushed off as just a strange side effect. I got up and decided to figure out where I was so I began to walk around the area and finally after 24 minutes I found something I wished I saw from the start, trees and bushes like rose bushes red and white, I completely forgot about our situation and ran to the roses and began just studying intently which was what I used to do when I was a child but now it was much more important because this proved my theories that this world held some sort of life. they also were very warm much like the soil but when the leaves were picked they became cold but even this was interesting, so I took out my microscope by running back to the ship like in the marathon and coming straight back with it. I tightened it a few times and discovered the veins of the leaf looking alot more curled and oddly they were glowing? like dimly and then they just stopped completely, though when testing it on the others on branches the glow effect stayed like with the soil which i took notice of just in case. there was some new stuff like the trees having blue leaves and there were even some weird blue fruit in the shape of apples which I sniffed at first then took a teeny tiny nibble like I was trained to do when finding new fruits. it didn't make my gums rash up so I took a full fledged bite any my tongue was assaulted with such incredible tastes like that of gushers mixed with apple juice so my new goal was obvious and that was to pick some of these fruits and add them to the amount of food we still had in the ship since I was vegan. I couldn't wait to tell my crew members but I still had the most difficult task at hand and that was to find them....somehow.