The lines of light were sealed by joining with those that were already, upon completion, the inscription has been formed: "God so loved the world that he sent one of his angels to UNDERWORLD".

He is surprised, understands that the legend is true, no doubt this is a very special book and firmly believes that, this book plays a vital role in finding the Princess of a thousand years.

Without a doubt, this is what those who pursue the girl want to find. He turns to see the girl and is surprised, she is conscious, looks at him in all seriousness, is trying to join, the young man leaves the book aside and rushes to help her join.

The young woman is still somewhat out of place, blushing with the fever, she notices that she is wearing a shirt on her clothes and feeling his hands, when he is holding her, she is surprised not to be alone.

The young woman reacts slightly, and when she trys to turn away, she feels pain.

Her breathing is accelerated by poison.

The young man has helped her sit, she, peeking inside her clothes by the collar of the shirt.

Seeing that it's bandaged and his clothes closed, he understands that boy had to see his naked body.

She's embarrassed.

He asks you how you feel, does your head hurt?

Do you feel warm?

Is she dizzy?

Every word of the young man rumbles in her head and is little audible to her.

If, because of the fever, your head and ears hurt, it is so much pain that little listens to you.

She looks up and meets his face.

Maybe too close, look like him, ask him things and just try to read his lips.

The young man understands that she has not paid attention to him.

Somehow it intimidates her a little bit that she looks at her lips.

So try to talk slowly.

He confesses that he's glad he woke up, he also apologizes for having to take her there, he clarifies that he wouldn't dare do something wrong to her.

He also apologizes for stripping her naked, but she had to take care of her wound.

She lowers her gaze and closes her eyes for an instant, has acute pain in her ears.

He realizes it's really bad.

No doubt if it brings infection, it's gone to your ears, that'll somehow give you a little time not to attack the wound.

The young man pulls out a tiny bottle, opens it carefully.

Take the girl's hand and pour a little into her hand that she holds so that she doesn't open her palm.

It also makes her drink, while she reads her lips.

She sees him in the eye with inquisitez, notices him sincerely and apparently is a good person, she keeps quiet a little, looks at the liquid she has in her hand.

He's waiting.

The young lady asks about the book.

The young man can't believe it.

She finds herself delirious and the only thing in her mind is that book!

She seriously questions him about the book.

The resigned young man asks him to order his priorities... she really should be considered a miracle and that's not out of danger yet.

On the other hand, this medicine must be taken, they are very good and scarce, from villages far from this region so getting them is not easy.

The young lady mentions the book again.

The young man gets upset with her.

It's not because she's stubborn or insistent, it's because she's foolish that she doesn't care about her own life.

The annoying one tells him that if that's all he cares about!

He puts his hand on the girl's leg, gets up, goes through the book and brings him closer to the girl.

Look at the girl's gaze, it fills with gratitude, he touches the girl's hand, then she no longer puts up resistance and takes the medicine.

He breathes deep and softens her face, she looks blushing with fever, he thinks she looks very cute.

The young man expresses that, it is strange that his medicine did not close that girl's wounds, the young woman explains that, it is possible that that sword that wounded her has basilisk poison.

It is one of the few poisons that make it impossible to close a wound.

Had it not been for his medicine, he would have rotted since that poison rots the flesh.

The young man can't help but make a gesture of horror.

As in his mind he resounds: Had it not been for his medicine, he would have rotted since that poison rots the flesh.

The young woman talked to him when she lost consciousness.

The young man, notices that, over time the girl's face is no longer blushing, the fever has also dropped him though, it has not been taken away from him.

Your breathing has also changed, you already feel a more normal rhythm.

When she wakes up, she looks better, the pain in her ears has stopped.

His body is still battered, but it seems to be in danger.

The young man says he called himself TOIRE (sig. Bathroom) and explains to her broadly (while collecting all that he can) what has happened since he found her, this fact, she found it tender that he took care of her, without even knowing her or knows who she is, he was brave and, that he had made her pass for his wife , it's certainly something I would never have expected from anyone.

She softens her gaze, thanks her for everything TOIRE did for her, as she tries to get up, informs her that she must go, TOIRE corrects her, you must both go.

She agrees, none of them want to stay longer, manage to stand up, and try to pick up their book.

Her legs fail her by bending, she thinks she's really useless, and she can't even stand.

How the hell do you think you can save the princess?

TOIRE approaches her, who has his eyes on the ground and his fists clenched.

TOIRE says in a soft voice, she must trust him and go home so that he can heal, that then she will be able to do whatever she wants, not before, they have been lucky that these guys were in a hurry, so they did not waste their time killing them, but, if they see them again, they sure will.

She's in those conditions, she's really not going to get far from the cave.

She knows she's right.

Her pride as a sorceress is on the floor, she takes a moment and looks at him, she knows that with such a wound she will only give them on a silver platter that treasure for which they all died in the temple, besides, she needs to temporarily disappear while she heals, she decides to trust her that, they do not seek her exactly.

TOIRE replies that she knows it, somehow inferred it because she asked about the book even asleep, (this little surprise the blush) that's what they want.

She looks a little surprised, she feels vulnerable to him.

It's been so long since she felt so helpless.

It's a strange feeling. ... TOIRE, goes to her with her backpack loaded, and hugs her to lift her up, she worries, tells her to let go and tries to let go, hurting herself on the spot.

With great seriousness TOIRE tells him to let him work, if he has already taken care of her up to that point, it is useless for him to reject his help, it is so much his conviction that she gives in.

If you're so embarrassed, then you'll carry it on your back.

He puts his backpack in front and helps her get on.

She grabs him, somewhat embarrassed, they come out of the cave and it's already sunset.

It is one of the worst moments to leave the cave, however, it is necessary, they have already stayed long in the cave.

It's been lucky to be safe.

They know that before night they must find shelter, but it's better to leave than to stay.

Along the way, TOIRE asks you seriously, why is the book so important that even her life is less important?

She doesn't say anything, she just looks at him with a snout.