TOIRE re-look out, slope.

It's dark, they've taken turns sleeping since they got to the mountains.

OKE's turn begins, she will watch, everything seems in apparent calm, the sound of birds and in the distance, sounds of coyotes, nothing that should attract any problems.

Already late at night, hear that something is coming, it is a wagon without a doubt.

It didn't take long for, from among the trees to come a cart without a hood, apparently, only 2 men come aboard, they are not very close, one of them lights a torch, so they can be seen from a distance, they stop their wagon near the cavernous walls of the mountain, next to the lake from which the curtain of water falls , about 20 meters below and about 10 meters sideways, from where the OKE group is.

She doesn't lose detail.

One of the men gets out of the wagon and the back, roughly lowers a young woman dressed humbly pulling her leg and falls full by banging her head because she is tied to her feet and hands, she looks very beaten and is shaking, OKE wakes them all up immediately, the agitated group, approaches the shore to see what OKE shows them , they see how men laugh and mock the woman without sight, they are drunk... one of them pulls the girl by the hair and drags her to one of the caves.

The other one follows him.

The poor girl has almost no strength to complain or scream.

OKE and the others are angry and they're going to come and rescue her, they take their guns.

They begin to sneak out of the cavern.

Inside the cave the man continues to pull the girl who cries in silence, the man throws her to the ground hitting her on the head, she is frightened and begs in a voice extinguished out of pity, to let her go that, do not harm her, her body is scraped, bleeding and her lips tremble, her eyes, squinted.

The 2 men make fun of her, one of them places the torch recharged on some stones and goes to the wagon, claiming that he will get comfortable looking, walk away, caring away, when he will take out some blankets and bottles of the wagon, 3 shadows surround him, are TOIRE, OKE and INKU, the flip with the intention of attacking with a stick that he brought in the cart , within his drunkenness, he has the reflex of defending himself, although he feels fear, threatens them, sees that, far from being frightened, they approach.

The man backing down forbids them from approaching that if they do, their friend will kill the woman.

TOIRE tells him that he agrees, he sits down, INKU looks at him and imitates him after all it's going to be a good show.

Man does not understand the attitude of those until he looks at the little shadow that comes to light, laughs with laughter when OKE is in front of him out of the shadow, he sees her that, she is thin, beautiful and fragile, seemingly fragile.

He thinks they're just as perverted as he is, who are one of those who like to see and approaches OKE with that depraved intention of hitting her.

Meanwhile, in the cave, the man bewitched with alcohol, lifts the girl's dress, grossed her and is lowering her trousers, he is swelled, he has the young woman with her legs on her sides, she, trembling, has closed her knees a little, very nervous, feels suffocated, the stench of that man, the smell of alcohol, blood and sweat , the young woman, is almost unconscious, he is ecstatic and she is terrified of being able to do anything.

In that a hand takes a whip from the ground, it is KEKI, she with the whip surrounds the man's neck and pulls it with such force that it surprises him.

The man outside is being severely beaten by OKE who is extremely angry, outraged and knocks him unconscious.

From the cave (a little high) comes the man giving screams of pain and more when he falls to the ground, surely something broke.

They are astonished, the man complains as an animal giving real screams, bleeding from the underbelly and shouting curses of grudge against KEKI for having overstealed it.

This KEKI action is totally unexpected, none of them believed that she would be capable of such a violent act.

Everybody's running into the cave, they need to know what happened in there.