ESU still cries, asks WAPURO where should he go now?

His home was destroyed, his family was murdered, his whole town... now it no longer exists.

WAPURO sadly tells him that where doors close, new ones open.

ESU, wising her tears, hugs the woman.

WAPURO asks you to take care of the blood running through your veins.

As long as she exists, the village can be restored.

KEKI has stayed on the sidelines of the two of them.

So much vulnerability in ESU, for some reason, it bothers her a little, she knows she's hurt by everything that happened to her, but, they have to keep going.

So, he tells ESU he should stay with WAPURO, they can't stop now.

Like her, many more are being affected by the evil that quetches the world.

They must go on.

Others find it a little rough on their part, but, you understand, it's true, they have little time before they find them.

You'll have to keep going.

WAPURO asks them to go with them.

Everyone looks at them.

They're not entirely convinced.

They look at each other.

WAPURO assures them that it may be old, but also useful.

KEKI apologizes, that's not why they hesitated.

It is because of how helpless they may be in the face of everything that comes upon them.

Right now they're headed for the KIRO KINGDOM.

WAPURO knows, they look at her confused.

WAPURO tells them that when KEKI entered the circle of light, he let him know a few things.

Catches their attention.

INKU wants it explained.

The old guardian says she may know that they will go to NANEKI to defeat AISU.

They look at her suspiciously.

She says a circle of light is very useful, to know who to trust.

OKE, seriously, asks why would they go with them to NANEKI?

WAPURO replies: it is to atone for his legacy of his blood.

Somehow, by destroying evil, they will be able to give back to all who perished.

KEKI is not convinced.

He tells them that the best thing for them is to stay in the woods, which can certainly be a safe place for a long time.

WAPURO sees KEKI doubt its capabilities.

The old lady concentrates on touching the stone where the circle was.

She looks as through the stone, she connects to the earth and the roots of the trees.

All the surrounding trees move, opening in the center of it a hole in the top of the trees, letting in the light and the precious air.

They are astonished by the old lady's capacity for power.

Which assures ESU that, one day she will be able to do the same.

WAPURO is on its way, tells them it will guide you to the exit.

TOIRE standing by the stone.

He yells at the woman that there's no way she can carry that stone everywhere.

INKU also wonders the same thing, but shuts up so they don't make fun of him.

The woman replies that she doesn't need it.

Power comes from it, not from stone.

TOIRE blushs at being ignorant.

OKE, he blushs too, for, he believed that power was in the stone.

KEKI and OKE go after the woman.

They're both rushing to reach them.

After a short time, the treetops let them see that they almost left the forest.

Light can be seen in the last trees, behind them, you can see from afar a village smoking.

ESU, feels powerless, there is also sorrow in others, for them, it is a known scene.

They all had a home that was similarly destroyed.

ESU runs a little towards the village, sees how the houses are in ruins, everything burned around her, she stops her way, in tears, feels that she lacks strength in her legs, rests her hands on them so as not to fall.

The others approach at a prudent distance.

WAPURO is slowly approaching.

She tells ESU that, there's nothing there for them, their home, they're themselves.

After a brief pause, based on courage, ESU thinks that somehow, she must improve, stop being weak, if she has traveled with a sorceress, and three warriors, she... she won't let this tragedy happen again, she must take care of WAPURO, her only relative now.

She closes her fists, wipes away her tears, looks at her village. Young people do not lose detail, KEKI is very clear about it, ESU has something that has caught their attention, her aura has changed, she has finally decided to grow.

KEKI begins to walk to surround the village, the others see it.

ESU begins to follow her, WAPURO looks at ESU.

He realizes he understands.

Your own restriction of taking care of life, too.

Everyone follows the path to walk.