The villagers converse very surprised at ESU's ability.

Suddenly, a murmur is heard, it is something little audible, but, gloomy enough to scare the birds.

Villagers can see those accompanying OGLAE back to the race.

They lower the bridge so that they climb with the pulley, there is rumble in the forest.

A noise of leaves moving through the wind makes it clear that villagers must prepare for the worst.

ESU AND NAIFU, you can see the terror on the faces of the villagers, who say they are coming!

Several say, the blood attracted them!

Given the status of NAIFU, there is no doubt that it was.

There is a lot of running around the bridges, they all help to raise the counterweights to prevent the evil ones from climbing the bridges.

Everyone runs to hide inside the huts, in absolute silence...

OGLAE pulls ESU, and with a sign asks NAIFU to follow him, cautiously, he makes them enter the nearby cabin.

OGLAE asks the two girls not to go out for any reason, listen to what they hear, they should not go out.

They would only be in danger and there may not be anyone to help them.

Done, take the arch that is on the wall and leave the hut.

As she closes the door, the two can see that, all the men have come out of their huts armed with bows.

Through the window, they can see that, they prepare to attack the enemy coming from below, in the forest.

All, tensing your arrow ready to attack.

There is a lot of tension, while they wait to see the enemy, some of them start sweating.

There's a lot of wind movement.

You can hear the wind moaning in a gloomy voice.

Under the village, in the forest, a dark haze begins to form emanating from the forest, they are evil and archers bearers of death, all in skeletal form, they are souls of the dead who are hungry for blood.

No one has survived his arrows.

Both OGLAE, and the others, pray that, the evil ones pass without realizing that, the village is in the treetops.

What they want most is to avoid confrontation, for the safety of their village, their families.

The atmosphere feels heavy.

The fear they cause is perceived even in the skin.

The mist emanating from the forest, you can see, your gazing is slow.

Into the mist, the evil army that CHONT-SU left them on the island along with the curse advances.

It's been many years since they've seen them again.

Everyone is alert.

Inside a hut, there is a girl hugged by her mother, that girl, who was playing ball when they saw OGLAE and the villagers accompanying him return.

The girl is very nervous, she struggles to avoid making any noise, her hands tremble and this causes her to release the ball.

The mother and the girl try to reach her, however, she rolled through the door that was not closed and it falls down one side of the bridge near the door.

The haze is just passing through the trees that support the village.

The ball falls into the mist, this draws the attention of those evil beings.

The haze has stopped.

A lament is heard, little by little it becomes deafening.

Everyone is alert, those who guarded the bridges, only saw that something fell into the mist, did not know what it was or how it fell from the village.

The entities that inhabit the mist, slowly turn upwards and discover that the village is above.

The tension they exert on the area is suddenly increased.

The nervousness in all the villagers is brutal.

The archer villagers attack the evil ones with their bows, all of them, before throwing their arrows, soak the tip of them in a shiny water that each of the villagers carry in a jar.

The shiny compound damages the entities, who also throw a rain of arrows towards the village and towards the sky, so that when they fall, they reach one of the villagers.

Some of the women run to protect their husbands by carrying shields to prevent the arrows from above from reaching them.

The children alone, scared in their huts.

After a while, there has been no casualty on the part of the villagers, they are skilled in marksmanship, in a way, with the use of that water, they have the advantage.

The mist, little to disperse.

One of the arrows enters through a window of a hut, the woman inside, frightened, runs out, OGLAE, who, was nearby, realizes.

The woman goes to cross the bridge, OGLAE runs towards the woman, manages to reach her.

The rain of arrows does not stop, one of them, reaches the arm of OGLAE that, has covered the woman with her body.