CHONT-SU, with a serious and loving voice.

He tells KEKI, there will be very difficult things to get around, his vision, managed to get her out alive, but, life is changing, he asks her to be careful.

Too much power, of her, plus that of her daughter, is too much for such a fragile body apparently.

KEKI somewhat annoyed, says he has heard a lot of this.

CHONT-SU, apologizes, has not said it to offend her, she says it because, inside her, being the last daughter of YUEL, forged with the soul of an heiress and the original angel.

He possesses a strength that even he could not be able to control.

She fears that her young daughter will have problems in the future.

For this, he asks for a favor.

He wants to go light with his family, next to his wife.

But, you also want to help her take care of her daughter, it won't be easy to do it alone.

While, the wait outside this field a wonderful man who will love them as not even chont-su himself can do.

They will need your support.

CHONT-SU, asks KEKI, seals it in a part of his heart.

After your daughter is older, she is able to control the inherited power, then she will ask her to make him rest.

KEKI knows that this is too much for the couple, they have waited too long to be together... they will have to wait a little longer.

KEKI lets the light into the sky, which explodes dividing into the firmament.

CHONT-SU, takes KEKI's face, merges into a kiss with her, her light disappearing as she dissolves inside her.

This causes a commotion of feelings, which cause him to cry.

KEKI cries deeply, slowly falling to her knees, tired, wounded.

Inside her, a blue light starts covering her body, it's the power of her baby, she's applying healing on her mother's body.

Immediately, a deep pain fills her all over her body, the power of her baby, causes her a lot of damage while healing her body.

KEKI screams in pain.

This causes the dark field that KEKI had made to break.

Ask your baby to stop, she can't stand the pain her help causes.

TOIRE looks at her who shrinks in pain, approaches KEKI, takes her hand and with the other hugs her, the appearance of an angel tears, dropping her feathers, losing her wings, weakened.

The dimension begins to collapse.

The baby's power ceases.

Letting KEKI breathe, who embraces TOIRE with all his might, weeps.

The dimension begins to creak and crumble.

TOIRE, with KEKI in his arms, immediately thinks of LUNA.

They must go to her to help her.

TOIRE puts KEKI's arm on one of his shoulders, asks him to help him, they must move fast.

KEKI questions it.

TOIRE, somewhat concerned about KEKI's reaction, tells her that LUNA is in this dimension, she was brought in by YUEL to prevent him from going to rescue her.

KEKI cares too, while he doesn't know LUNA, he knows that if he's important to TOIRE, then he should help him.

She tries to hasten the pace, helped by him.

TOIRE asks if she thinks she has the power to get them out of there.

KEKI replies, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if we can or can't, it's all been so confusing.

They continue to advance along the path of light that is beginning to crack.

Because of how tired and hurt they are, they can't run.

In the dimension there are explosions of energy that transform into black holes and tremors.

Inside the flower where TOIRE found her, LUNA is very scared, without daring to try to flee if even, where?

There is no place to flee.

LUNA distraught, thinks that everyone will die, in all dimensions.

She soba her belly, trying to calm her baby, who, kicks scared.

LUNA, observes that something is approaching towards his direction, by the path of light.

Being a little closer, he can distinguish that it is two people, as they move forward, he realizes that they are KEKI and TOIRE.

LUNA sees with joy that, she has come out alive, and thanks from the bottom of her heart that TOIRE has returned alive.

LUNA tells her son that his father is safe, she soba his belly, the baby begins to calm down.

Another explosion is heard.

Everyone is scared, now, in some parts of the light path, the cracks have cut parts of the road, a fissure travels towards the place where the 3 are.

The flower where LUNA lay dries up in an instant and the petals begin to fall.

LUNA knows this is bad.

TOIRE AND KEKI almost make it to LUNA.

KEKI realizes that this is a woman in an advanced state of pregnancy.

This is a very strange thing, what would a woman in such a state do in this dimension?

Moreover, what does TOIRE have to do with?

Somehow, doubt enters it.

Is that son from TOIRE?

How did you meet her?

These are things that are not important at the time.

They must reach it and try to open a portal.

As soon as TOIRE and KEKI reach LUNA, TOIRE, without letting go of KEKI, takes LUNA's hand, then, tells OCEANIA to get them out of there.

Immediately, TOIRE's soul returns to his body with a vertigo as a sequel.

The bodies of KEKI and LUNA appear through a portal that opened OCEANIA to the HIGH HELL.

They see her other companions, ESU runs to hug KEKI, watches her worried given the hurtful state she is in.

He also observes that TOIRE, is barely regaining consciousness, friends too worried, and the dimension has almost completely collapsed.

OCEANIA has used a lot of its energy, it doesn't have enough strength to get them all out of there.

The roads have collapsed and the lava floor has been spreading, if KEKI does not have enough energy, everyone will die.

KEKI asks ESU for help, she performs healing on KEKI, while she raises her hand, concentrating on forming a portal, but, her body is too hurt to achieve it.

OCEANIA touches KEKI's womb, she will make her daughter's energy do it for them.

KEKI freaks out, the last time her daughter used her power, it was terribly painful.

OCEANIA understands, she will be the bridge then.

Touch KEKI's belly.

He expels his energy under his feet, under them, opens a portal and they are absorbed by it.

Instantly, on the beach of the cavern of OCEANIA, they have reached LA ESPERANZA.

All grateful to have come out alive.

FALCOR hugs NEMU, who was very nervous.

INKU hugs OKE with a lot of feeling, she doesn't say anything either, she hugs him with the same force, plunging her face into INKU's chest.