Some business together (2)

Princess Lyland's idea isn't bad at all.

The first phase will be finding interested noblewomen. Then, the second step will be selling the paintings at the highest price.

Her highness organised a tea party to advertise the paintings. Her friends were astonished by the one in her lodgings, so much that they started making questions about the painter.

They wanted to know him, to have him paint for them too...

Ah, it would have been so profitable. Too bad that my Duke is too busy for this. He already has his hands full with painting for me... I mean, administering his fief, taking care of his wife, and saving the Empire.

«Is he handsome?» one of the girls asks, all of a sudden.

«Is it relevant?» I mutter. Isn't what matters the way he draws and paints? What does this one want from him, now?

«Oh, someone that paints like this can't be ugly,» another one replies. What kind of logic is this? How are the two things related?