Six months apart (7)

After dinner, another familiar moment comes to be.

Ah, thankfully, I've finished the most pressing tasks for today. I won't be able to return to work until tomorrow morning. And I'll have the morning only to work, for Alexander and I have plans.

«It's time to open the presents!» Alexander comments. «I've brought you a few things from my journey.»

Oh, is that so? I guess he'll shower Lavinia with useless toys she won't have any interest in after a couple of days. Ah, but it's not like we lack space here.

Alexander walks to the door and opens it for the lackeys that bring a few boxes inside.

One of them is big and open on top to let air flow in. Inside, a huge puppy is sitting and watching its surroundings, wary yet not nervous.

Its red fur, thick and long, seems soft enough to be played with. The ears are so short that they disappear under it, making its head look round like a ball.